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Joseph Grove, Sari's impossible husband...(looking angelic here, but don't be fooled)...

Sari Grove, supporting the November-men-growing-facial-hair movement...
Trivia: Sari was invited to join International Top Models at the age of 14...
One summer, in between university, Sari worked for Grolier selling encyclopedias door to door in rural country sub-divisions of Ontario...
As an adult, Sari finally got to play harps, from Remenyi House of Music in Toronto...

Sari Grove. V.A.S.E. (a Vase is a 'visual artist self-employed').
A short story about how I am now doing sculpture again instead of painting:
- It began when I stopped painting...This has happened to me before...My eyes start to "telescope", which is a painter's syndrome...It means that each eye starts acting independently...You look left & only one eye goes that way...Some people used to think that telescoping was a gift, that it helped you to see your subject better...Either way my Dad was a neuro-ophthalmologist & eye health was & is an important way for me to honour him... So I decided to take a long sabbatical... Then, of course, this Virgo workaholic got bored... So I started feeding Trumpeter Swans...They were the only waterbird that I was allowed to feed with impunity...I joined the Trumpeter Swan Society because I found out that members fed these black-billed-indigenous-to-North-America winter-loving swans who make trumpet sounds, from November to April)our winter), & this was totally legal...I feed Red Ribbon wild bird seed from Canadian Tire & honestly, if I don't feed the smaller waterbirds first, the Trumpeter swans often won't eat...Very polite giants... Anyhow...I noticed the swans weren't nesting...They didn't have nests...They were sitting on the ice...I thought that must be cold...So I decided to make them a nice nest that they could sit upon in the winter months so their bums wouldn't get cold...From my years & years of downhill skiing, which began at the tender age of 2 & a half, I felt tremendous sympathy for those who had a cold bum...As a child, sitting on those metal ski lift chairs, often in a windy icy cold climb, sometimes alone, sometimes with a kindly skiier, sometimes with my brother, a cold bum was the only common denominator...Most of the time when I skiied I actually had no sense of bum at all- it's like it wasn't there, it was so numb... So I started weaving artificial Trumpeter swan nests...Took me 8 prototypes, & probably a year off & on, including help from kindly animal lovers who supported me in a grant request (from Pepsi)...Asking for money publicly online is a great way to get support & also people's opinions on your design...Once my prototype was public, I started scrutinizing it more closely than before...This led to a major design change... At some point, maybe halfway along the way, I asked for permission from TRCA to put a nest out on their land...TRCA is Toronto region Conservation Authority...They said yes but no goose could sit upon the nest...I was required to harass a goose off should that situation occur...Now I am old school & happen to know that it is federally illegal to harass a Canada Goose...So I said no...I said I would build a giant sculpture of a Trumpeter swan & that would indicate to all waterfowl that this was Trumpeter swan territory & that geese would have to go elsewhere to nest... So then what happened is I didn't know how to build a giant outdoor worthy public sculpture that could survive Canada's winter & being near to a marina...So that is how I embarked upon another year long journey to learn how to work in Ferrocement... Ferrocement is basically ferro- or metal, with cement, actually concrete on top...It is actually a pretty-very-totally complicated thing to learn...I loved it...So that is how I came around to working in sculpture again...(It seems to go in cycles...I burn out my painting eyes & then I end up sculpting...The last cycle I was carving alabaster stone with a hammer & chisel...As a potato dumpling child I spent an extensive period of time learning clay & patinas & firing in a kiln at our local highly equipped 'Y"...My mother came from a very serious couple of artist people, Grandpa's work is the founding collection at the Hockey Hall of Fame-see The Turofsky Collection at, - & Grandma was a pianist...I inherited her long fingers...I think my brother got her toes...(His walk is that of a musician)...So my whole life I have been funded & encouraged & supported by my family... My husband, Joseph Grove is also an artist...I say "VASE"...VASE stands for Visual Artist Self Employed...neat eh? (I invented that acronym, but you are free to use it...) Our intact lady bengal cats are also very artistic...Bengals are both very good with their hands/paws & are naturally very helpful...So they make perfect artist assistants...They especially help in areas I might forget, like smell...If something doesn't smell right they pooh pooh it...Like the nest...To be honest, the nest design I am on now, number eight, is made of very very lasting material...But the cats aren't crazy about it...They prefer the earlier version made of cheap Sisal rope...It smells better than the polypropylene stuff...The Sisal biodegrades...The poly doesn't...I chose the poly...But I think I am wrong & the cats are right...The cats will sit on the Sisal one...The Poly nest they didn't go for... In the end, the Sisal rope nest is like a million dollars cheaper to make...Harder work for me, but the material is way cheaper...So Joseph will be happier if I make another...It's like 45 dollars compared to 300 dollars...Or 60 to 600, depending on how well I fill in gaps...I need about 750 feet of rope...For one nest...Like a 4 foot diameter that I weave by hand on my hula hoop...I may try using 3/4 inch Sisal rope next time if I can find it...But the cats are right...Biodegradeable is a better choice...Number eight nest ended up as a base for the giant "Swanee" sculpture which sits upon a giant rock near a pond on a 45 acre property which lies on a Trumpeter swan flight path...The public permission process was too much for me, I went private... Funny thing...As soon as the Trumpeter swan sculpture got installed, guess who showed up? The geese...Geese geese & more geese...With goslings...Omigosh goslings are so cute! So much for the territorial thing idea...Wonder when the swans will show up? At any rate, the people love love love the sculpture!!! (& I got about 12 thousand dollars, not including the cost of the nest & installation & all)... Now I am experimenting with making my own cultured marble...You will see some of the early works in the album... Sari Grove July 4th, 2012...
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