So...It began when my mum gave me & Joseph 3 giant white Amaryllis bulbs in a big green glass vase...Huge...I started drawing the bulbs as they bloomed, & then sent the sketches to my mum by email, by way of saying thanks...
Then, I needed bigger paper...Went to Grand & Toy & got a giant cardboard folder, & a giant pad of paper & a neat black pen (that came with a carabiner attached to a stretchy thing)...
Went home & did a giant pen sketch of the new blooms...
Took a photo of that sketch with my little sony dsc-t100 8 megapixel teeny camera from Henrys...
Uploaded that to Mac Snow Leopard from Sigma...
Then opened that sketch file in the free Mac Paintbrush application...
Went over all my lines again in black to make them bolder...(just with my mouse in hand)...
Then took that bolder sketch & stuck it in the online program called Psykopaint.com...
With the plain clear brush on the Van Gogh setting went over all lines again, to smush up the look a bit...
Threw in some scattered white scumbles...
Downloaded that file...
Uploaded that to Posterjack.ca ...Sent my mum a poster of this sketch...Went straight to her house as a thank you for the flowers...
The little sketch below uses the same method as the bigger sketch to the left...This one is just one of the blooms close-up...I threw some colour in the background using the Psykopaint program because the original was drawn on lined paper (with ballpoint...)