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1 Corinthians 13:2 …”If I have not love…”

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

Bible > 1 Corinthians > Chapter 13 > Verse 2

◄ 1 Corinthians 13:2 ► New International Version If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

I was a new member of a group called NotaDoc on Facebook…

They had a neat anti-cancer protocol that someone had mentioned in a comment in another group…

Someone asked about what they had been doing to help a child with a benign brain tumour..

In the course of the conversation, I mentioned, after someone else asked, that Tamara St. John in her book Defeat Cancer Now, had used apricot kernels( an Oxygen food), as part of many things she had done to successfully eradicate breast cancer tumours…

That she felt the apricot kernels were a significant part of her success…

That evening the administrator for the NotaDoc group started answering comments in a flurry…

I read his pronouncements with interest, since most people don’t use the word “never” as in he said:”never take the Vitamin called C”…

I thought this was curious…

But some of his other bits of advice were correct…

Melatonin is not a detox element…

Poly MVA might not be right either…

Probiotics were maybe a no…

I quickly forgot the odd comment about Vitamin C…

But then there it was…He referred to my comment about apricot kernels as being humorous …

He mentioned the song “Feelings”, that he liked it too, but he wouldn’t stake his life on feelings…

He made fun of Tamara St. John using her feelings to feel whether something like eating 20 apricot kernels, every morning, ground in a coffee grinder, & mixed into unsweetened applesauce for taste, had a significant effect on removing her breast cancer tumours…

My comment was humorous?

No…I understood…He was saying my comment was idiotic, that Tamara St. John was idiotic, & that he was the only smart person in this particular room…

I penned a reply…

Looked at my reply…

Didn’t post it…

Thought about it…

Thought about the Bible passage where Jesus explains that no matter how smart you are, even if you can speak in the language of men & of angels, you are so smart,


if you don’t have love,

you are like a clanging gong,

or banging cymbals…

Just a noisy & annoying thing…

I decided this NotaDoc person was that…

Feelings, the thing they sometimes call placebo affect, accounts for more cures on this planet than so called scientific cure…

Feelings are very powerful medicine…

To mock me, then to mock the powerful Oxygenating Apricot Kernels, then to mock a breast cancer survivor who had bothered to share her success in a book, then to mock the concept of using feelings to decide whether something is good for you or not…

this was not love…

…as smart as the new ideas I was seeing were, I couldn’t bear to allow this type of person to have access to my brain…

It is dangerous to yoke oneself with the wrong type of person…( yoke! I am getting Biblical here!)

I quietly unjoined the group…

the program they were using involved:

selenium, chromium, silica, & a tea called Can-gest tea which contained Boldo leaf( another Oxygen) & a few other interesting herbs…

It was the chromium that interested me…

Chromium is a powerful Copper…It was an interesting choice to me…

I also hadn’t seen anyone choose Silica…I wondered about silica…

Boldo Leaf was a new Oxygen plant to me…

The Can-Gest tea had a few other herbs that would be useful in an anti cancer treatment…

It was smart…

except for there was no Iodine…

When I brought up the lack of Iodine, he said there was no need…

But he had hurt my feelings…

& when someone hurts your feelings you can be sure you aren’t the only one who has had their feelings hurt…

Feelings are very important…

no matter how much science you throw at someone, hurting their feelings can undo all that good…

& if the science is bad, feelings can patch up a world of bad…

I walk away wistfully as I always do, when I leave a smart person who is mean…

I guess that is why this person is “Not a Doc”…

Perhaps the group name should be “Not very nice”…

or ” Not with Feeling”…

or ” not with heart”…


I wonder if he thinks he has won the argument about feelings since I didn’t bother to defend my honour…

Oh well…

Sous le Pont Mirabeau, coule La Seine et nos amours…Le Temps passe…

from the French poem le Pont Mirabeau by Guillaume Apollinaire…

it is about how the river flows under the bridge like the passing of time, the bridge unmoveable, the river always flowing like time & our loves…

as Carlyn Moulton of Oeno Gallery in Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada would say:” Moving on”…

Sad Note:A lady named Marian Nuzzi Scott died in June of this year…I knew her briefly, from a few Facebook groups we were both in…

Ovarian cancer is tough…I recall reading some older patient notes written to Dr. Christopher about how it was referred to as a spider cancer…Spiders are tough little creatures…

The Cancer seemed to be spreading to other parts of her body, & at one point in time, Marian wrote to me…

The answer I gave was the one & only answer I had at that time…The thing I had discovered that worked to stop & reverse spread, the thing I had worked so feverishly to discover, to find something affordable & easily absorbable & easy to find in a store…

It was also the thing that I began using myself, as soon as I figured out how it worked & that it did indeed work…

It sounds simple, but that thing was Licorice Root…My discovery began while using Licorice Root tincture made by St. Francis…I bought it for the first time at The Health Shoppe which sits South of St. Clair, East side of Yonge, about two blocks down from the main intersection there…

Jane was the employee at that store who showed me what real Licorice root looks like-a stick or twig look, told me I could chew it raw for the medicine, & then introduced me to the tincture which cost about $18.99 I think…

Book 3 of the Grove health Science series is where I figured out biochemistry of malignancies & the presence of Phosphorus, how Copper eats Phosphorus, & that licorice root was an excellent source of Copper that absorbs well…They call it Glycyrrhizin if you want to investigate clinical trials about licorice…

Unfortunately there is a great deal of MISINFORMATION on the internet…

When Marian asked me what she could do & I told her Licorice Root, she answered back right away: “No…Licorice root is estrogenic…”

I told Marian:”That is NOT true…” In fact Coppers(think green tea)fight cancer in a beautiful way, by eating Phosphorus(think yogurt or mold or candida or salmonella)…

Licorice Root was just a good source of Copper…

I could have added more to the list: Gingko Biloba(Copper), Green tea(Copper), Coffee(Copper), tea(Copper), Copper supplements, Chromium is a very strong element that acts like Copper just much stronger, Wheatgrass(Copper)…

But she was gone…Convinced of the false information about licorice root that is rampant on the web, Marian disappeared from my reach…

Had I been more experienced, trained maybe, I might have known just what to say to convince her…But I was furious…Furious that I had offered a helping hand when someone might have needed it most, & my hand was rejected…

Anyone who wonders about estrogenic things should know that the word estrogen will indicate presence of Phosphorus…Things with Copper in them can halt the spreading nature of Phosphorus…Phosphorus is what makes a tumor malignant…The Salmonella Typhi(Typhus) bacterium gives off a Phosphorus signature when you image it/them…

You can actually see these bacterium in the DIY pictures I teach people how to do themselves…See the sticky post at the first page of my website for the how to see your own lumps, under the skin, in colour, with chemistry notes & size & more…I explain how using an online free program called Fotoflexer but also the Mac iPhoto program can edit photos too…Both have their own unique value…

I was not able to help Marian & I was sad for that…I did try again later…But some dumb wrong study online had convinced her & that was that…

Later, I saw a comment where Marian reiterated that she felt that Cannabis oil was estrogenic too…

I think what was happening was things were spreading despite the good that various medicines were doing…Ovarian cancer, Spider Cancer, is tough…

Think how strong spiders are…We marvel at their ingenuity…Dr. Christopher used to recommend vaginal boluses for a long period of time for spider cancer…A Bolus is something you fill with medicine & insert vaginally like a tampon…

After 6 months of using a vaginal bolus, one of his lady patients with spider cancer had success…Something came out in the toilet one morning…Apparently it was doing the backstroke in the water!(I am embellishing)…

I am sorry this beautiful lady died…I am sure she went to heaven & is resting a bit after her valiant struggle…

God Will Save Me

A terrible storm came into a town and local officials sent out an emergency warning that the riverbanks would soon overflow and flood the nearby homes. They ordered everyone in the town to evacuate immediately.

“A faithful Christian man heard the warning and decided to stay, saying to himself, “I will trust God and if I am in danger, then God will send a divine miracle to save me.”

The neighbors came by his house and said to him, “We’re leaving and there is room for you in our car, please come with us!” But the man declined. “I have faith that God will save me.”

As the man stood on his porch watching the water rise up the steps, a man in a canoe paddled by and called to him, “Hurry and come into my canoe, the waters are rising quickly!” But the man again said, “No thanks, God will save me.”

The floodwaters rose higher pouring water into his living room and the man had to retreat to the second floor. A police motorboat came by and saw him at the window. “We will come up and rescue you!” they shouted. But the man refused, waving them off saying, “Use your time to save someone else! I have faith that God will save me!”

The flood waters rose higher and higher and the man had to climb up to his rooftop.

A helicopter spotted him and dropped a rope ladder. A rescue officer came down the ladder and pleaded with the man, “Grab my hand and I will pull you up!” But the man STILL refused, folding his arms tightly to his body. “No thank you! God will save me!”

Shortly after, the house broke up and the floodwaters swept the man away and he drowned.

When in Heaven, the man stood before God and asked, “I put all of my faith in You. Why didn’t You come and save me?”

And God said, “Son, I sent you a warning. I sent you a car. I sent you a canoe. I sent you a motorboat. I sent you a helicopter. What more were you looking for?”

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