Yes…I have found that the portable cold laser device works to dissolve Lead+12 Pb bone, so that malformed rehealed bone fractures can be dissolved then reset & fibreglass splinted ( old word ” casted”)…
Thanks to the hand clinic at Toronto Western hospital…( Physiotherapy)
Thanks to Satori Wellness…( chiropractic, functional neurology, acupuncture, naturopathy)…
Thanks to Xiaolan Health Centre…
Thanks to Mount Sinai hospital emerg for radiology XRay confirmation of chip…( also for switching me to a female XRay technician!)
Thanks to psychiatry at Womens College Hospital for the referral suggestions…
Thanks to Toronto General hospital plastic surgery for getting me into the Hand clinic!
Thanks to LolOlga on for selling me the cold laser device at such a fair price!!!( Scarborough)
Instead of rebreaking a bone then setting with screws & pins, one can now dissolve bone down, then splint…Nutrition & exercise need to be maintained for healing…Tendons need to be free to regrow too- watch for too tight splinting!