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Writer's pictureSari Grove


(Please NOTE…The APP is NOW available at instead of just…In the video & in the competition entry I was PAYING $9 dollars a month for the App to be in the Infinite Monkeys Monkey market, but due to slow attention, I decided to revert back to the FREE version of the App which means it appears online at the address but NOT in the MONKEY MARKET at the original address…I may change it back, but I don’t really want to be paying for stuff if people don’t want it…or there are too many Apps in the world already & I am just cluttering…)

Oh…wait…FROM YOUR IPHONE, I mean, from my iPhone(or whatever mobile device you have), the address DOES work!!! Yay!

It’s just to view the App from a desktop that you have to add the “h” before the part to see it now…(me stopped paying $9 dollars a month to Infinite Monkeys to have the App in the Monkey Market)…

The forms on the App were created in Wufoo…

Support GroveBodyPartChart App by voting at ChallengePost ends Feb.28,2104 (it’s over relax…go back to doing nothing)…


ChallengePost hosts challenges…Competitions really…If you win you get stuff…& money…& stuff…

So the challenge I entered was this…Actually I forget the exact title, it was long…

It was something like this…

Clinical Trial Patient Engagement App…

No wait, that is exactly what it was called…

The idea was you were supposed to make an App, like for an iPhone or something, that helped people who were in Clinical trials to stay in the Clinical trial…

Now, if you know me you would say:”Sari, you are a subversive, you would NEVER encourage people to stay in Clinical trials…You’d be the guy with the protest sign telling them to get the heck out! Run for your lives…You’d be telling them about testing on animals & humans & prisoners of war & such & such & so…”

Ok, that is true…

But I wanted to participate…Why? because it was sort of up my alley subjectwise…

Ok honestly, mainly because I didn’t know how to build an App & this was a good excuse for me to spend alot of time learning how…

I love love love learning new things…But sometimes you have to justify the time spent by saying something like:”I could win alot of money on this or something”…

(private secret:YOU NEVER NEVER win these things…Not these types of competitions…They are all rigged for insiders…People who build apps for a living…

People who run pharmaceutical trials…The competition is just a promotion type tool to get people involved or to steal your ideas or promote a product or drug or company or something even Challenge Post itself…As long as you KNOW that you will be fine…

I just enter because I like the activity of doing something difficult…Just for myself…Plus I can meet people outside my field…Or in my field…)

Anyways, I built this…

If you click on the link it takes you to a page that is the APP & you can play with it right from your screen…

You will notice I have never built an App before…

As it happens, my iMac Snow leopard desktop computer is apparently too obsolete to be able to download the APP building tools that are available for developers right now, or even then…

The real tools where you can make a monkey fart if you click a button on its tail or something…

So what I am calling an App is really just a simplistic thing that doesn’t really involve coding or anything too difficult in that way…

What I spent my time doing was on Layout, & Content, & Icons, & Flow, & all the inside stuff that I am pretty good at…

That actually was much more time consuming & attention sucking than I had thought…

It gave me a FEEL for building an APP from a superficial perspective…

If I could get my hands on an App builder program where I could code, at this point, having understood the basics of what Apps need & like, I could probably get into that now…


Oh I even had to produce a competition video to go with my App…I made like 40 different versions-obsessive intense is my name, overdoing things is my game!

In the end, I realized that my App was really just a tiny website, & that a real App was the monkey farting kind where you click its tail & that you coded yourself…

I was just an imposter…& everyone knew it…

Oh well…In the art school I like to call Life I did learn something…

*I was able to download an earlier version of a real App coding program, in order to try out its first lesson on coding an App…

When I tried to follow the very first beginner lesson on coding an App, I discovered this-that IF ONE COMMA IS IN THE WRONG PLACE YOU ARE SCREWED…

The whole entire program won’t run…One comma…

I realized that App coding people were spending their days searching for that lost comma…

“Oh, lost comma, where are you, where are you”…

You write a whole program for an App to make that monkey fart when you click its tail, & if you lose a comma the whole entire program won’t run the App won’t work you get ERROR message you are a failure in life both personally financially but also you are fat & ugly & will never amount to anything because you forgot a comma you dumb idiot…

So I learned that I was NOT the type of person to want to be chasing commas for the rest of her life…

I was not going to upgrade my computer, download the new developer coding program to make an App…

I was not going to hunt commas for a lifetime…

I am not a coder…

(Possibly if I was chasing the ELLIPSIS my all time favorite punctuation tool, can you tell?, maybe)…

But time may prove me wrong…

(If you see me stealthily trying to buy a bigger computer in order to learn coding please stop me I know not what I do…)

Here is the very long competition entry blah blah blah I had to write…It’s also at the link at the top of this post which you didn’t click on so I am putting it here too…

Oh here is the video…

(actually there is another version of the video that uses Ryan Huston’s song “Do what you love” which Joseph & I liked better, but I couldn’t get in touch with Ryan Huston to make sure it was legal & ok to use his song for the video, even though he had provided through Animoto & it was on the net almost everywhere for free I just couldn’t be sure…

The Chantelle Barry song “Fly Away” I PAID for a license for, from Animoto Pro account, so I was absolutely certain it was legal to use…(Actually one of the organizers at Challenge Post was ASTONISHED I got a Chantelle Barry song, even though I honestly had never heard of her, I just picked the song because my App has all these swan icons & the song was FLy Away…)

The official name is “GroveBodyPartChart” if you search on Google Play or the Infinite Monkey store(just listed them for this competition)…

The official address is (type into your mobile device’s address bar to get GroveBodyPartChart)…

Sorry, I could have used the word Grove for the name, but it would have been impossible to find it in a search…So the longer name searches faster & better…

*How specifically this App, Grove Body Part Chart, increases engagement & value for patients enrolled in clinical trials… well, the first thing, right off the bat, that increases engagement in anything is understanding…

Understanding what is being talked about, understanding what a Clinical Trial is trying to do, understanding what a disease is, its causes, & understanding possible remedies or antidotes, empowers the clinical trial participant immediately, making them feel like they are part of a team trying to solve a problem, rather than an unwilling or unwitting guinea pig…

So how do you give understanding?

Well, traditionally you have to educate…One of the most tried & true methods of educating is the book…People know books…They are familiar with the format…Books are not scary…Books are a proven way to learn…

The nice thing about books is that the learning can be done at one’s own pace, whenever one has time… Another aspect of the book format is that there is perceived value…Give someone a book & they know it has a worth in the open market…A game might not have an established price tag yet? People see games in App stores & they see a price like 99 cents or $1.99 …

But a 250 page book with illustrations has some sort of accepted value…When you give someone a book they know that it might cost anywhere from 10 dollars to 40 dollars…Perceived value, in an APP, increases the likelihood that the receiver feels that they have received something of value…Something special, that they can keep…

Something that nobody else has, outside of the trial… So we are giving the clinical trial participant a delightful gift…They are getting two real books that they can read while sitting in a waiting room or on the bus or in a coffee shop… They are getting real knowledge…

The video talk is a nice way to learn the basics, if one does not feel in the mood to read… The Chart, The Grove Body Part Chart, is a new & fresh way of looking at the body parts, & how each part has 2 elements inside that must live in balance for health…

When you watch the Video talk, very quickly you get to see a very simple way of understanding some big mysterious diseases… Cancer, AIDS, the Common Cold, Diabetes…Very simply you learn where they fall on the chart, excess of which element, in what organ, & what element could rectify that imbalance… This information is original & has not been seen before…It is the result of work by Sari Grove, & will be brand new fresh to a clinical trial participant… Those receiving the Grove Body Part Chart App will be excited to learn these new ideas in medicine & will be more likely to feel that they can speak intelligently about their participation in whatever clinical trial they are in…

Medicine has become so obscure, pharmacology obtuse…It seems that the only way people are making money in the healing fields is by making answers more complicated…This is exhausting for the clinical trial participant…Everything is different…Nobody can even spell the names of their medications…

So this APP, my 2 books & the video talk, gives it all away for free…The books themselves sell for just under 100 dollars on Amazon if you bought both with shipping etc….So it is a great freebie gift to any Clinical Trial participant…

But even better, you are giving armor to the participant…Armour to ask a better question, armor to ask why this & not that, armor to be belligerent if need be…The fighters, in the patient demographic are the ones who survive…The ones with more information, with more education, the ones who get what is happening & who can say no as well as yes, are the ones who live… We are just giving them some ammunition to fight that disease with…Education!

Sure this could have been a game…But the word App is just today’s gimmick…People need real answers…Why did this happen to me? How can I fix it myself? Many people fall through the gaps because they don’t like doctors or hospitals…Those fall through the gaps people often end up in Clinical Trials….

They are already renegade types…They will like this App, the real information they are getting… Nothing engages better than true authentic information…Nothing increases value for patients enrolled in clinical trials like giving some real value to them… Your competition comes right at the cusp, right at the beginning where I am starting to share my theories with the world…It is solid & true & original & encourages people to use the ideas as stepping stones rather than carved in stone…

Listen to the VideoTak on the App first to see how engaged you are…I promise it will be as juicy as the delicious meal you are going to have after…

I hope I have explained myself sufficiently for this competition…I did not set out to write my books for this competition, but the serendipity of the timing points to the possibility that this may be both a ray of sunshine for new clinical trial participants, as well as for me to get my ideas out there into the real world where they can actually heal folk!!! Sari Grove

This app includes mobile versions of my 2 books, Grove Body Part Chart:A Medical Arts Innovation, &, Do it Yourself Medicine:A Repair Manual…You also get a video talk about the new ideas in the books, which are designed to make medicine simpler & more approachable for a Do it Yourselfer type of person…I can’t think of anything more useful to a patient in a clinical trial than a good book…Especially one that demystifies the whole process!


Read Grove Body Part Chart:A Medical Arts Innovation, & Do it Yourself Medicine:A Repair Manual FREE! Two Canadian artists have re-defined the Medical Arts by creating a chart that tells you what your imbalance is, what its antidote is, & where to find that element in the real world…The body is broken down into 11 organs & each organ is shown to have 2 elements that must live in balance for health…Finally understand your own health! Simple yet powerful information! The first book explains the basics, & goes through many common ailments, their specific imbalance, & things in the real world that contain the element you need to rebalance your body…The second book gets into some more complicated problems, using the Grove Body Part Chart as well… Once you get the idea, you will be using these ideas to analyze things you have been told by doctors & remedies you have been given…For example, Cancer is a Calcium excess in the Adrenal Gland & its opposite element is Iodine…

The VideoTalk explains the core of the CHART…Once you “get” the idea you will be curing diseases all over the place!

There is a link to Paperback versions of the books, if you are going to be somewhere where internet access is limited…

But why buy the books when you can read them for free online? (Save some trees too!)…

Reading a book is one of the best & easiest things to do while waiting in a waiting room for your appointment…Why not read a book that makes medicine a no-brainer? With all the complexity of medicine & pharmacology today, it is no wonder people get discouraged…Self-efficacy is an excellent prognosticator for health…Giving this app to clinical trial patients not only engages their mind & cures boredom, but it gives a real way to look at the body & how balance is key to health…Real world examples are given as hints to where you can correct your own imbalances…But the main idea is to give back power to the patient…Do it Yourself Medicine is the future & the future is NOW! Sari Grove(author)

Device compatibility: I have the oldest iPhone on the planet & I am able to access both books to read them from the Scribd site through my App…

Scribd also has a mobile app which is free to download from the App store, if someone wants to access the books in my App from there…But I am pretty sure the books can be read on almost any device, old & new… Sari p.s.I made the Book icons a little punchier for effect-than they were in the screencast example…(books hosted by which has excellent mobile pdf reading abilities)…


So, I have changed the Icons a bit again…

I have also added 2 online QUIZZES, which you can do online & get your results…The questions & answers are all in the Books, so if you do the Quizzes first, you will want to read the books after…

If you do the Quizzes after reading the books, it will reinforce what you have learned…

if you just do the Quizzes & don’t read the books at all, by seeing all the correct answers, when you press Submit, you will learn anyways what all the Correct answers are…(hosted by

I also added an Icon that says “RIGHTBRAIN”…This takes you to a 10 minute short 3d animated film that goes with the books, but is really imagination based, with fun sounds & images…(Hosted by Vimeo now since they created mobile versions of my videos for me-the youtube version exists but has audio sync issues that I cannot control without re-editing the film)…

It’s a nice mental diversion…Uses the “OTHER” side of the brain, the one that likes colourful pictures & abstracts…(IN the very middle of the film there is a short explanation of the medical theory, but it is really brief & not boring at all)…

More:Added a EMAIL button…(In case someone wants to write to me…You never know)…It pops up to a contact form produced by are excellent & intuitive not boring & boring)…

I have submitted the App to Google Play App store, iTunes store, & the Infinite Monkey Monkey market, but that might take 2 weeks(think 6 weeks) to all get there if approved…

If you go on a desktop to you can also hit HTML5 & view everything live from your desktop including full page reading of the books…So if people want to go home later & continue reading in big they can…Or watch the movies in big, etc. …

Last minute edits: I traded all the generic icons for ones I made myself! Wow Looks way better!

I also changed the header to text more in focus on a real cloud backdrop…(nope it loaded too slow, back to just text)

Instead of the name of the APP GroveBODYPARTCHART as the header, I put Information that provides the KEY to the content…I figure it is more important to tell the message than to advertise the app…Authentic wins hands down for me…(nope changed the header to the APP address which is neat & useful)

I made the movie here less than a minute finally…Attention spans are short…(nope re-edited the movie to the length of the cool song I found 3:05)

The audio track was recorded separately from the visual to speed that all up…(nope, dropped my voice which was boring & nasally-caught a cold from the husband while doing this work)

I added a WELCOME message to the APP after recording the video…

here it is:(nope I edited it & made it more obnoxious considering people are probably tired of fluff)…


This is GroveBodyPartChart


Since this is a DIY Medicine Application, it is possible that you are having a health problem or you know someone who is…

I am very sorry to hear that…

I am here to help…

Here you will find a 23 minute VideoTalk that explains my very very basic medical chart…

Once you “get” that, you are on your way…

Book 1 is called Grove Body Part Chart:A Medical Arts Innovation…

It explains the whole chart better, & then tells you what excess or imbalance is what in which disease & where to find its opposite element, its antidote or remedy in the real world…

In the 2nd Book, called Do it Yourself Medicine:A repair Manual, I talk about some more complicated imbalances which cause diseases…

The books are full of great art done by me! because art is a great way to relax your brain from all that logical thinking(read boring thinking)…

There is a movie called RightBrain which is 10 minutes in 3d animation also done by me, which really gets your brain out of that too much thinking mode…

Which might happen from reading…

The Quizzes are fun to see if you really got the books into your head…

Plus it’s a fast way to get answers,’cause if you click Submit it tells you which are the correct answers…

You can Contact me by pressing the Contact button & I totally will answer you as fast as I can…(Be prepared, I am Canadian, so fast is like the speed of snow melting here…)

The Paperbacks button takes you to the Amazon page for my books, if you want to have a real book in your hands…

Don’t feel pressured to buy…

I love trees…

My married last name is Grove & I still love Mr. Grove very much(& have been Mrs. Grove for over 17 years now!)…

You may be scared…

That’s normal…

Fear is good…

It protects you from doing stupid things…

You may be around alot of doctors & nurses & technicians & they are all strangers & they all apparently want to see you naked & stick needles into you…

This is why fear is good…

You may just want to flee…

That may be a good idea…

Please don’t let me be the one to tell you to ignore your fears…

They are real…

The best I can do is give you answers about medicine & health that nobody else has told you before because I hadn’t thought them up yet…

With these answers you will have superpowers…

The superpower of being smarter than everyone else around you…

Now that you are going to be smarter, you will be able to make decisions about your own health, FOR YOURSELF…

It’s your body, why should somebody else be the expert on it?

If you think something about something, & someone tells you you are wrong about that, because they went to this school or that school, then that makes you feel weak…

Weak is not good for your immune system or health…

I want you to know that even without reading my books or watching my videos or anything at all, that you are the EXPERT of your own body…

I don’t care how crazy people say your ideas are…

It’s your body & your ideas & everybody else is just wrong…

Ask alot of questions, get a second opinion, get a 3rd opinion, in fact keep getting opinions until you get one you like…

Your health is the number one thing in your life…

This is not a time to get the on sale quickie price…Beware of words like “prophylactic surgery”…

Removing parts of your body is pretty final, especially if there isn’t anything wrong yet…

Genetics is a funny thing…

Your Mum could have a love of peanut butter but you can be born just altogether hating peanuts…

So just cause a parent had one thing doesn’t mean you will get it too…

Even if studies say so…

Because a genetic marker can be there & just do NOTHING at all…

Sure you might have a predisposition…

But if you figure out what that predisposition is exactly, you can STEER your boat away from that ICEBERG! I am here to help…

Help you steer your boat away from an Iceberg…

Personally I think people are taking way too many drugs & not feeding swans enough…

Personally I think that alot of new diseases are caused by all this drug taking…

I like to feed swans in winter, between November & April, because it makes me happy inside & it helps to save their lives…

I think if more people did stuff for nature, for animals & trees & fresh oxygen air, that more people would be healthy & happy…

My goal is to get people to take the power back from the so called experts including myself(which is a bit of a bind isn’t it philosophically) & Do it Yourself their Medicine alot more…

Ok I’m not saying to go rogue…

I’m just saying that there are some things we can do & understand about health that might be able to be done without so much outside help…

Sari Grove, Tuesday February 4th, 2014 p.s.if you are a woman then maybe a woman doctor might be more comfortable for you…If you are 85 years old, you might prefer an 85 year old doctor…If you speak Spanish you might want a doctor who is fluent in Spanish…This is important…Don’t be afraid to say:”This is what I am comfortable with & this is not”…Don’t be afraid to run away…There are some scary things about medicine…If you want to run away & live in Tijuana, or Paris or Peru, then that might be a really really fun & good & healthy idea…Escape is always a fun way out…bring my books or this App…Just in case you missed something! 🙂

(The above message is now different…You will have to get the APP to read what it says now…HAHAHA)

The song in the Competition video is called DO WHAT YOU LOVE and it is by singer songwriter RYAN HUSTON…(This video is in the APP as well, when you click SUBMIT on QUIZ number 1, you get the video…with the song to inspire you & instructions on the APP itself)…

Afterworks: Though on a desktop screen the icons looked great, we discovered (we is Joseph Grove my husband & I), that, the icons were too small & the writing underneath them was too small, on a mobile…So the newer screenshot picture shows Icons with writing ON the icon itself…I am not re-recording the video just to show the newer icons, though it is significant for readability…(nope, we did re-record a video, like 7 times)

This may change again if they are still unreadable…(it did)

Sorry…If I cannot get it better before the deadline, I will still keep editing…(I’m not really sorry, just a Canadian habit)

After all, the App is useful, whether or not it wins or loses, it will still live…(said by a loser)

Let’s keep making it better anyways…(because I am a perfectionist who is driving husband crazy with this working all the time)

Please write to me if you have any expert suggestions…(not really, just send me compliments or money…I don’t actually like suggestions…)


BUILD HISTORY: Last night I thought I was done, but discovered that the ICONS were totally unreadable… feb.7, 2014 10:02 am…I rebuilt all the ICONS on the front page & now you can read them… changed background to a whitish ice scene for readability contrast… video re-recorded with new look… sigh, done for now… sari(this message should be repeated over 80 times, because that is how many builds I did before losing count)…

Screen has been updated once again post-entry video… february 11th, 7:20 am, 2014…

Instead of a 23 minute video talk, I inserted a 23 minute MP3 talk, with just an image of my GroveBodyPartChart…

My seeing challenged friend has no need to load a heavy load video that she cannot see…

The MP3 embed is a lighter load to a Mobile device, has a play button, & can be listened to without needing to look…

The image of the chart should be sufficient to explain the audio file…

I think this is an improvement, though can be reversed if not…

Please keep telling me of problems or updates as needed…

If there is anything that violates terms of your needs in the APP, please inform me asap, & I can remove the offending parts…

I do not wish to disqualify myself based on a misunderstanding or a technicality…

Sari Grove

p.s. The song (Fly Away by Chantelle Berry) is licensed for commercial use & I have fully paid up to Animoto as an account member, for the use of the songs available in their repertoire…In terms of the fact that Doris day did the song, Lenny Kravitz did the song & various others, you’d have to question the singer songwriter herself about her own particular licenses as derivatives…However I have been with Animoto for many years & I can vouch for the fact that their music is good…I consider the Chantelle Barry version to be an improvement, & as such, some good music to listen to…A bad derivative is not something I’d have chosen…

Created by

SariG Toronto, Ontario, Canada

GroveCanada Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Other information

Date entered: January 29, 2014

Submitter Type: Team

App Status: New

Primary Platform: Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Web/Mobile Web, Windows PC, and Mac

Here’s the Quiz 2 Page you get when you click the middle bird…

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