I am gathering information about the GcMaf scam here & will update this post as I get more info…
Messages about:”GcMaf is a useless dangerous expensive scam…The children with autism got much worse…The people with cancer died…The doctor suicided when he knew they were on to him…The stories on Facebook are paranoid rumours…The Washington Post had Woodward & Bernstein who caught Nixon…(regarding people slamming the Washington Post story outing the scam)”
There is not one clinical trial concerning GcMaf…
All the literature comes from people who sell it…
“Feeling better” after taking this product does not mean cancer is gone, or tumours have shrunk…
What I know is that a group of Swiss cancer patients died after taking GcMaf…
The company was shut down due to unhygienic practices…
One lady I know, her tumours doubled in size in 6 months…
Another spent 7 thousand dollars only to have an immediate histamine reaction-which is classical of something that is made of cow breast milk extract…
Most sane people know not to use dairy when they have cancer, yet this company has brainwashed people into believing this will help…
Sure if you drink cow breast milk you will “feel better”, “have more energy”, but what is it doing to cancer & tumours??? I think thousands of people got scammed for large sums of money & knew it-& that is when these “doctors” started dying…
If there was murder involved, it would be the families of those people who spent all their money then died…I think GcMaf is a massive scam…
Yogurt, dairy, cow breast milk-nobody with cancer should be touching these things…
It is a known…
More(the cream):The cream has the GcMaf colostrum extract in it too…caused the same histamine reaction (hives) in someone I know…(as the injections did in someone else)…Histamine reactions indicate also that the extract in Gcmaf is not only high in Calcium & Phosphorus(classical for colostrum), but cholesterol…GcMaf is like drinking milk, eating cheese, & having eggs for breakfast…Sure you will feel great…But wow, watch those tumours grow! (as you watch your bank account shrink)…
More: “I have not thought about it at all…The notion that people with cancer want to inject themselves with cow breast milk extract is insane enough…That they want to spend 7K each, more insane…That there are no trials at all or anything scientific besides the people selling it making stuff up is worse…That GcMaf was actually designed to be sold to children with autism, & when these children got very very much worse, that they decided to remarket their product to cancer patients…They were shut down due to the fact that they were doing illegal things in their factory-like one of the workers was using his own blood to make product…or they were using things labelled not for use on humans…That kind of thing…They were not shut down because they were curing autism or cancer…When one of the “doctors” was found out, how much money they had taken from people, how much of a scam this was, how long he was going to jail for, he apparently suicided…Then the whole conspiracy thing began…The linkage between ll these doctors dying is pure facebook mythology…There is absolutely no necessity to say that these deaths are even related…if they are, it is not because they were curing cancer that is for sure…It was clear early on when cancer patients started dying very quickly after taking the product…It is a load of bunk…That people with cancer want to take milk or cottage cheese or cow breast milk or whatever dairy product, is pure idiocy…The people I have seen eating cottage cheese daily are ulcerating or have metastasis…No clinical trials on cottage cheese either, despite it being a very old theory…”
http://www.snopes.com/2015/07/21/five-holistic-doctors-dead/An article going through the facts about the so called deaths of holistic doctors, separating truth from rumour, & explaining that this, is, of myth, &, hype…