Every once in a while I’d get that Thrushy Candida slimy feeling on my tongue…
I didn’t know what was causing it…
I’ve been living with my mother while she was getting through shingles pain…
One day we went to an Italian deli for a quick lunch…
I let my Mum choose, while I went to the bathroom…
My mum chose cheese canneloni, & boconcini cheese salad with tomatoes…
It was a cheesy lunch…
Soon after, I got the weird feeling in my mouth…
For the first time, I was able to identify the guilty instigator…
Cheese is in the Phosphorus family, like yogurt, & liquid yogurts like Kefir, & probiotics…
Its opposite in the Spleen is Copper…
So to deal with thrush candida, you need Coppers…
These include, Licorice root, Coffee, Tea, Boron supplements(really strong copper), Gingko Biloba…
Also, reduce your Phosphorus intake…
Later that week I had the same reaction from Tzatziki, which is a yogurt base with chives & other spices…
But now I knew why…