Hi…I’m Sari Grove…(Sari sounds like Mary)…My husband is the “WE” if I refer to we…
Our field is out of the box thinking as it applies to medicine…Sort of artists plunk in the middle of a field of square boxes that need roundness…WE love to tinker with new ways to apply theories-actually building applications that will help people…The hard work is the cognitive research-the why…The fun work is making the why into a how…We welcome people who will help with the how part which often involves outsourcing experts in materials or sculptural or design…We also consult people with the why they have something, & how to fix that…Our 9 books & innovations in health are very useful to the Do it Yourselfers but also to physicians & such…I tend to give away my ideas for free mostly because I can…
Daily ANTICANCER DRINK Green smoothie recipe: http://grovecanada.ca/anticancer-drink/
If you have a lump or tumour or odd mole or you did have cancer & had it removed but want to see if that area is clear & safe or just want to see if you are at risk, I have developed 2 free ways to see what is happening under your skin…
One looks at biochemistry, the other malignancy…
(The link at the end of the (“how to see a lump & more post above”) explains what your results are in depth…)
Message Sari Grove on Facebook if you need help…(you can upload a picture to Facebook messages & I can edit for you to get you started)…
Our 9th book DIY Cancer Repair Manual(our books are all FREE on this website by the way, over 25,000 people have read our books so far!) explains the processes & has an Alternative anticancer protocol that I used myself(to reverse a malignant breast lump back to benign)!
http://grovecanada.ca/about-grovecanada-ca/ ABOUT post
toxins…4 most likely places forgotten anticancer…PDF
Miami Art Basel cell…