Come to my site…Read DIY Cancer Repair Manual( free), also RepoWoman( on free books page)…You can learn how to do your own imaging too, or upload a close up picture here & I will do it for you…After I do your picture, I can tell you better what is your biochemistry & how much( if any) cancer there is & give you some specific tips for you…Start the raw plant based diet( free book link is in the pop up when you go to the site), & start walking very far every day…Those two things change your outcome by 50%! ( just diet & exercise)…To stop spread & reverse cancer, the first thing I recommend is taking a healthy gulp of Licorice root extract daily…Most important thing…You can also add in Licorice root capsules, tea, & drink the herb after simmering in water for a while…This solution was based on a theory I developed in my 3rd book( yes they are all on the site free), & it worked…