Pnc27 what is it? (new alternative anticancer drug being promoted)… Update:recently, literature on how PNC27 works has changed…here are my notes on the new phrasing: sat. April 2, 2016 update: Going to have to update my post…this link explains PNC27 differently…It says it can bypass the faulty P53 gene & deals with the overexpression of HDM2…What that means in English is they are saying it can lower Lead poisoning basically which is causing alot of environmental cancers, mainly melanoma type…P53 is like a Zinc gene-when you block it you don’t get its Lead reducing quality…HDM2 overexpression is like too much Lead(the bad kind)…So they are saying this is good for that sort of thing, of which melanomas are a big part…Though I have seen Lead as a common denominator in all the women I have seen who have very aggressive types of cancers…(one woman mold, one lead paint, one radiator fluid, one roundup weed killer)… (Note: post is where I started looking at the P53 gene… Ok, so on closer look…PNC 27 is made of fruit fly & moth…The fruit fly is biochemically similar to anthocyanin…The moth is similar to saponins…Anthocyanins are like Oxygens, like what you find in things that clean the liver-Milk thistle, dandelion, apricot kernels, goji berries, berries, sundried tomatoes, fresh air…Saponins are like Titaniums-found in Vanilla Beans, Comfrey, Frankincense, chamomile, thyme…Saponins clean out the Lungs & lymph nodes & lower cholesterol…So PNC 27 might be especially effective for people with Liver problems & high cholesterol…
the order of things:if you eat a zinc(Like Vitamin D3 or a Fruit) & a beta carotene(some carrot juice) at the same time(Lead), the Zinc hits you first…Take a look at the Grove Body Part Chart below…Zinc comes first…Then Lead…The next item in the flow of the body parts is Manganese…Then iron…Then Titanium, then Aluminum, & so on…Zig Zagging its way down the body…In a spiral actually(a DNA strand)…
The Order of Things
side effects:You can know which family a thing belongs to by its side effects…If you take way too much…for example…
tremors, bipolar habits, Vitamin d3( Zinc family)…
Copper: panic attacks, anxiety
Calcium: Tumors & lumps
Iodine:bulging eyes, too skinny