After much deliberation, I finally applied Black Salve(made by Zenith Herbals)today…I then covered it with a gauze bandage & taped that on…I will post again in 24 hours…
Day 1
Zenith Herbals Black Salve Day 1
Day 1…Beginner mistake…I put gauze & tape over the salve, & realized that the gauze probably absorbed all the salve, preventing a reaction from happening…Oops…So I reapplied the salve later today, & this time criss crossed some waterproof bandages over, that were far less absorbent than gauze…But nice to know I wasn’t in abject pain or anything from my very first try…This was what I was worried about…The lack of pain on this first try makes me feel more hopeful about this whole process…
Day 2
So…I cut out a piece from a plastic baggie & taped that over the salve…Even the bandaid seemed to dry it out too much…The plastic worked better…
day 3 I am feeling like the Zenith Herbal salve is not very strong…So today I ordered this Amazon black Salve for deep tissue tumors from Herb healers… Here’s a story of a woman using Black Salve to remove a breast tumor…
Day 4
I feel like the reaction is not deep enough…Today I pricked the skin with a needle to get the salve to react better…
Monday February 22, 2016:
Notes on the Monday February 22nd pictures above: Today the Amazon deep tissue salve arrived from Ecuador…(Herb Healers sold it to me online)(formerly Cansema salve by the way)…I decided that maybe the deep tissue salve would be able to go deeper & faster than the Zenith Herbals Salve…I may be wrong…
I was told to get Tegaderm to cover the salve but the drugstore nearby didn’t have it…I will go on a Tegaderm hunt when I can, but for the time being I am still using a circle of plastic taped down with sensitive skin tape…It works fine…(but I was told that plastic is full of all wrong chemicals, of which I do not doubt)…
The Amazon deep tissue salve comes out much thicker than the Zenith black salve…I also am feeling sensation right away, so I may be right about this stuff being stronger…Let’s hope…I do not have the patience to salve for months at a time…
The coloured picture shows a Lunapic edit of the area before salving this time…I have been eating & drinking like “normal” person with very little restraint…There are some mauvey purple areas which are warning & danger signs…I took 4 dropperfuls of licorice root extract today to clean that up…I have been very sloppy in my diet…Personal problems in my marriage have made me careless about food…Now I have some Phosphorus trails showing in what should be a totally inert neutral benign lump…The Licorice root extract should clear that up pretty quick & I will stop eating whatever I feel to make sure I am clear to benign once again…
I am not saying the lump is not benign right now-just that the Phosphorus foods I am eating are throwing out a false positive…False or not, it is scary…Thank God I know how to deal with that fast!
It does maybe make me want the lump out after all though…Living with a benign lump may be throwing the dice if you are eating too casually…I hope this black salve works better!
after amazon deep tissue salve alpha and omega labs one application 10 hours
Deep tissue salve Amazon alpha & omega labs
Running out of picture space…will continue this post as PART 2 ongoing saga of black salving a breast lump by Sari Grove…