After 2 days of Aches-Away Copper Transdermal Patch
iPhone 5S camera picture HDR on…
Two Feathers Black Salve does not contain Zinc Chloride
Sony DSC T100 camera with auto Flash on & Macro lens on…
Have been taking Two Feathers black salve internally, 1/8 teaspoon after breakfast & dinner…Did require some gentle Iron pills because my Iron levels dipped too low & I felt dizzy from the Manganese in the Bloodroot…
I added some organic vegetable Glycerin to the Two Feathers black salve because it was kinda dry in the jar…I mixed it with a see thru long plastic sword stir stick that probably came from a gifted flower bouquet…Applied the salve with my fingers…
Am sitting under a Ruby Lux infrared 500 watt light bulb topless typing on the computer…Letting the salve soak in…I can feel tingling…
Will add to this post as more things start to happen…Not sure how I am going to cover the salve, since I applied it so thickly…
When I cover it, the salve squishes down & out of whatever cover I use…Maybe I should dig up that giant bra I mistakenly bought from Victoria’s Secret…The fake cups might keep the salve from squishing all over the place…A plastic lined bra might be useful here…
Two Feathers black salve
Two Feathers black salve (green is Tea tree oil used to clean wounds)
Spoiler alert gross;Note:In the bathtub, a blood coloured spermatazoa attached to a clear to yellow cord with an eggy jelly fish looking thing, was floating around…I captured it & inspected it…Looked like a fertilized egg & sperm with blood…As I pushed it around it looked a little more like a liver fluke…with a moth ball attached or something…(Note:No picture cause it went down the drain before I returned with my camera…Sometimes you should let the baby out with the bathwater!!)
The Mutability of the Species…Is a theory I once had…That things change depending on their environment…The same creature can take on many appearances depending on where it is in the body…Like people, but a microcosm of that…(Michael Crichton’s book about mini creatures one can only see under a microscope, personifies them, well, more like animalizes them, to reveal features…That the bugs in our environment are really from us? Is it a Liver fluke with egg as food source, or is it a human egg & sperm which is radically underdeveloped?
In any case, the Two Feathers black salve taken internally at 1/8 teaspoon a day for 7 days…The Two Feathers Black salve applied topically to a benign breast lump…For at least a 24 hour period…An Aches-Away Copper transdermal patch worn for 2 days…Apple Cider vinegar in some Natural spring water (Life brand)…a Raw plant based diet based on Helen Hecker’s book ‘My raw food diet secrets & cure’…& my husband’s love, as well as the love & attention from many good friends all over this tiny green planet…DID manage to eject this disgusting creature from my uterus!!!
PLUS-The Two Feathers black salve, DID PULL up the LUMP to the surface of the skin…Did not hurt! No pain pills required!!!
I have to go to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Toronto tomorrow at 3 pm (April 13th)in order to have a psychiatrist appointment to handle the trauma of the Division 13 policeman punching me in the eye this January 2016…Two cords behind my eye got detached which have to grow back…Also I have had a slight concussion-dizziness, walking into the right wall of my bedroom in the morning…That is better thank you UBER EATS!
What did I do to get the policeman to punch me? I reversed my car when I saw them waiting to trap me for doing nothing wrong…You know how policepeople can randomly pull over whoever they just FEEL like pulling over, to “spot” check them for whatever because they feel like harassing them or just seeing how pretty they are up close? I decided that I didn’t feel like being visually molested that morning…
Random spot checking is like random acts of terror…You don’t know when they are going to do it, or where they are going to be…But if I see a random guy with a badge & a weapon & a vehicle trying to pull me over for no good reason, I reverse my car & get the heck out of there…
Which is what all women should do…Come join me in stopping the random harassment of women by male policemen…You know what I mean-how the good looking women in the nice car always get pulled over…Then they give you a ticket so they can see you in court again, or get your personal details, or maybe just milk you for money, because your car looks nicer than theirs…
I got punched in the eye because I had the gall to be legal…To be a woman…To NOT obey a crazy man…because terrorism by policemen has got to stop…because Jian Ghomeshi(real person, recent court case) beats women up then pretends to love them then chokes them then apologizes…& the courts in Canada are an old boys club…So they let him get off, because that’s how they get off too…Pun intended…
Sorry I am off topic…Black salve worked, yay! More later, as more happens!