I have written before about blue scorpion venom, but I think I am getting closer to understanding its actions…
The link is to an article about a man with Ankylosing Spondylitis, who was stung by a scorpion, & all symptoms disappeared!
I knew that most scorpion venom had Potassium as a main component, which lowers blood pressure…
I have a NIDI method which looks for Aurum which is a blood pressure marker…
On a hunch, I did a Nidi edit of a man with ankylosing spondylitis…If I was right, then the lavender colour of high Aurum levels would show up in the imaging…
Yes, high Aurum in ankylosing spondylitis…
Ok, so yes…The NIDI (non invasive diagnostic imaging)result did show high Aurum in ankylosing spondylitis…
Which means that when the man was bitten by the scorpion, the venom lowered his blood pressure enough to remove all symptoms of his illness…
Which means that I am going to say for the moment, that scorpion venom acts by lowering Aurum, cobalamin, B12, blood pressure…Which is why it should work for some types of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, streptoccoccal infections, Pick’s disease(a type of dementia), & any other hypertensive type problems…
Will it work for you? There is a free copy of the manuscript for my book Nidi:nidi in the menu on this blog…Do the ONE step Aurum check to check yours…If it is high, then this might be a thought…(Vidatox is a low end version of blue scorpion venom that might be safer)…
If your Aurum levels are low then this is not something for you-& might be dangerous…(if you lower blood pressure too much, your heart stops!!!)
More recently: https://www.pri.org/stories/2018-12-14/scorpion-venom-cuban-farmer-swears-it This farmer uses scorpion venom to relieve his rheumatic arthritis…Rheumatic arthritis is also a triggered by high Aurum,cobalamin levels, so our theory is proving true once again…
I think the active ingredient in scorpion venom is the Potassium feature…Similar to graviola and Hawthorne berry, and potassium salts…
New: (my comment in the DIY Cancer Repair Manual Group on Facebook…we get posts with links to Vidatox quite often, this was my response)…
“Based on the biochemical analysis of blue scorpion venom, from this study
“Biochemical and molecular characterization of the venom from the Cuban scorpion Rhopalurus junceus”,
though your site Richard Estephan, refers to 5 peptides, in actuality, the two most dominant features of this venom are Na & K, Sodium & Potassium…
Which means that the prime application, in regards to cancer, is the Potassium effect, which lowers cobalamin, blood pressure-and indeed if you read through the subtext of the testimonials, it seems that lowering of blood pressure is the prime effect that we see from this substance…
This is of course very useful for certain types of cancers, and for rheumatic arthritis, Pick’s dementia disease, streptococcal infection, & other conditions that feature hypertension as a marker…
It is also a caution to those who do NOT have higher blood pressure as a feature of their cancer, as lowering blood pressure in those who may be hypotensive is dangerous…
Can you comment on this, or are you going to continue posting vapid marketing with a basically empty site that has no true biochemical meaning inside?
If you cannot comment intelligently about the chemistry of this product, I will have to censor your posts-my members do not respond well to sales pitches without adequate information to back up the posts…Thanks for your time…” Biochemical_and_molecular_characterization_of_the_venom_from_the