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Writer's pictureSari Grove

Bringing malignant back to benign…

Sari Grove A benign lump begins as calcium & iron- they call it Calcium Oxalate...A malignant lump begins as Calcium Iron & Phosphorus(they call them Calcium Phosphate)...So the key difference between a benign lump & a malignant lump is Phosphorus...Phosphorus does not give it size, it is what makes it spread...To lower Phosphorus, you need Copper...Coppers include; green tea, wheatgrass, chromium, licorice root, ginkgo biloba, plant caffeines, regular caffeines like coffee & tea, copper supplements...These Copper things can prevent spread, reverse spread, & cause cancer cells to revert back to normal cells...It doesn't remove lumps, but does make them benign...

In answer to questions about how I got in this boat? I took Depo Provera injections when I got married because my husband wanted me to & I wanted to be married to my husband, so I agreed… That is how I ended up with problems… The most powerful thing I did for a whole year was take licorice root to stop & reverse spread, to make malignant benign…You can live with benign forever…Licorice root tincture, tea, capsules, or the cheapest was buy the loose herb & just swallow bits of it raw with liquid…The next most important thing was Iodine…I used two things-the herb Madagascar periwinkle( you can also simmer all the herbs on the stove & drink the liquid with some stevia for taste)…I also took Iodoral 12.5 mg a day…Iodine does shrink lumps by eating away at the Calcium…The next two crucial things were: raw vegetable diet( handfuls of almonds & raisins for snacks), & walking daily for 2 hours on a trail in the city… The walking was the therapy for me…It is almost impossible to be depressed while walking very far on a trail…I also find that a good source of upbeat music while walking helps my mood & helps me to finish the walk( it is hard to walk far & for so long, it is a full time job)… Yes, I am clear now… For you, dear Reader, I’d suggest, though you haven’t asked me, but I’d suggest you join me(spiritually not literally), in the walking far…I walk around 12 kilometres now(6-7 miles), which a year & a half ago seemed like forever & took me 3 hours & I was exhausted…Now I do it & am not conked out right away after…People comment on how fit I look…I lost 50 lbs since Easter 2014…( the raw vegetable diet was possibly the main reason, the licorice root gave me energy, & the Iodine cured my adrenal gland imbalance, but the walking is for your brain…) Please join our group DIY Cancer Repair Manual on Facebook, & or feel free to write to me, Sari Grove at …I can also help with editing & evaluating your first DIY lump pictures if you need help once in a while…Or just chatting about some of the ideas in my books or blogs that need explaining…

Lump arrived around Easter 2014…No surgery or other treatment…My goal was to change the chemistry from malignant to benign…Size was not the bigger issue…Once I learned that it was Phosphorus that causes spread, I looked for an absorbable Copper that I could get easily, that was affordable…I used licorice root tincture as that Copper, & was able to turn this thing benign…Sorry this is long story short, I did other things too of course, but the thing that bought me the time to avoid the surgery was the licorice root which I took in many forms for over a year…

( in response to a question)…Try my ‘how to see a lump’ instructions…That was how I monitored size, chemistry, & any other changes over time or as I tried new things…It was very soothing for me to be able to see it… But no, in answer to your question- I got a pneumothorax during my first & only biopsy last year…If the lump is close to the chest wall & you are small breasted , sometimes they pierce the pleura by accident…For 2 months I was drinking liquid & it was going into my lungs…I hugged a semi-stranger, probably an angel, one evening & the hole finally healed…Didn’t know at the time what had happened…This year had a vigorous breast massage to try & erode the lump & she opened up that hole…This time I found the word ” pneumothorax”…Anyways…I don’t think I could ever have a biopsy again…So I am stuck with my own DIY pictures that show me the lump is just Calcium now…I have God in my ear who kept telling me not to have surgery, & who recently told me I was cancer free…I live here in Toronto Canada which is just so primitive in terms of what kind of diagnostic tests I could get…There is the Kelley Metabolic centre in Arizona who will do a Cancer profile for $446.00 …My first & only mammogram tore tissue in both breasts which left me with nodes 3 months later…So I am at odds as to what diagnostic testing I could do to make sure I am right…I am however, healthy as a horse…50 lbs lighter, walk 12 km almost daily, my skin glows & people ask if I am an athlete…Had I had surgery I would have been the overweight unhappy person with a giant debt or worse where my left breast was…It was the right choice for me…I tracked much of my research in my books ( free on my site ) & in my blog…

Sari Grove Oh oops here is the link to how to see your own lump instructions How to see a lump in your breast(or anywhere else)…by Sari Grove

Please be very careful what you say or read on the internet…You can find conflicting articles all over the web…Copper is very important to Fighting Cancer & has been a component of chemo for decades…It is crucial in antagonizing Phosphorus which is the defining feature of malignancy…Please be very careful about saying something like that…This is life or death stuff…You can also read that flaxseed is a phytoestrogen…That is also false…It says also licorice root is estrogenic…False…There is much information saying birth control drugs get rid of breast lumps…False…You really have to understand things before buying into them…I apologize for perhaps being harsh, but I researched Copper extensively, & have been telling people about my success with it & now you just throw in a comment that possibly could waste the whole thing just like that…Coppers cause phenotypic reversion-that means cancer cells can revert back to normal cells…It is a beautiful beautiful thing & I have seen it work…I was able to avoid lumpectomy because of Copper…It’s a big deal…It doesn’t shrink tumours like iodine does, it changes their chemistry…

(But blah blah blah said copper something or other is wrong for cancer?) Sari Grove Do as you please…I don’t feel like arguing…Or having a contest to see who has more credentials…Or whatever…All I will say is this:Phosphorus is what you get in yogurt…Copper is what you get in green tea…If you want to tell people with any sort of Cancer they should stop drinking green tea & eat more yogurt, then fine…But I think you will be killing them…Copper & Phosphorus are opposites by the way…

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