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Cancer is just a catch all word for parasites…Figure out which one, & you clear the path

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

“Different parasites (which then get diagnosed as cancer), like to feed on different things…

That doesn’t mean they won’t cross feed, but they will have favorites by species…

Leukemia, & malaria, for instance, really enjoy eating Iron…

These will be blood feeding parasites…The Thymus gland will be the body part to watch, & the Motor Cortex in the brain (front top of the head)…

Iron is lowered by Manganese, which includes bloodroot, black walnut hull, nuts & seeds including pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds…

Note: About the Trojan horse theories-I have NOT found them to be successful when imaging people doing Trojan horse remedies-examples are: maple syrup with baking soda, pine gum turpentine with sugar, or iron with sweet wormwood, & worse, cottage cheese or quark with flaxseed oil…

What I am saying is stick with the old school of just doing what is right…Baking soda yes, pine gum turpentine yes, flaxseed oil yes, wormwood yes…The other elements which are supposed to be bait, just end up feeding cancer, & making things worse…

People do not realize about the Budwig diet for instance, that the vast majority of people with cancer in Germany back then, DID undergo treatment…

Chemotherapy would include Copper, a strong antibacterial, so AFTER that treatment, putting BACK some phosphorus(the cottage cheese or German Quark) was necessary…They were putting back estrogen…

There is confusion these days between things that kill cancer, & things that one does AFTER cancer treatment…

Mushrooms are also designed for AFTER treatment-or even DURING chemotherapy…Mushrooms by themselves are not a cancer killer…(I am speaking of the very expensive extracts, mushrooms from the garden are fine)…”

“Copper has been used in chemotherapy in Germany for a very long time… They mention it in this book, back in 1913…But it goes back farther… Copper depletes Estrogen like crazy…(phosphorus on the Grove Body Part Chart)… So…After you got strong Copper chemo treatment in Germany, your estrogen levels would be very very low… So, AFTER all that, you might choose to eat cottage cheese or German quark as part of your diet, to REPLACE lost estrogen… This is the Budwig type diet…Please understand that replacing estrogen is VERY dangerous if you have cancer… The Budwig diet is a replacement type diet, complementary…Like mushroom extracts, which are also complementary to chemo, the notion has become twisted, & now people are claiming that mushroom extracts kill cancer, which is not true…Mushroom extracts boost Testosterone, Nitrogen on the chart, which is especially useful AFTER or during Immunotherapy treatments, which are Carbon based usually(think oils or baking soda)… What I am saying is this: Do NOT do cottage cheese if you have cancer…It boosts estrogen, phosphorus, & will make cancer spread… If you have had Copper chemo or Copper based drugs like Perjeta, & your estrogen levels are low, then maybe…Maybe…Ok…ps. Please do not comment with an explanation of how the Budwig diet works…I know…pps. I am fervent about this because I have seen some truly horrible results from imaging people who have been doing Budwig…It goes to their legs…Spreads…Not good…” Sari Grove

More:I emphasized Germany because Johanna Budwig developed her diet in Germany…Context of invention is really important…Or Context of the inventor…She was developing a diet for her people, in her country…Also, Quark in Germany, by law had to have that runny liquid inside it…That runny liquid is Magnesium…Also back then, cows were not fed hormones…So German quark was a runny tasteless bland thing much lower in Calcium & Phosphorus, & higher in Magnesium…So it was far safer…

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