Update Monday Dec. 28, 2015:
All I am going to say is:CBD oil works by lowering cholesterol which mesenchymal cells feed on…Several types of aggressive cancers are fuelled by cholesterol, which lives in the Lung & Lymph node areas…
It is illogical to put Butane or any other weird solvent into your body(so get something high quality with ingredients that sound natural)…For people who have naturally low cholesterol, the side effects of CBD might outweigh the slight benefits…I do not believe that CBD oil ever makes cancers grow, just that they are ineffective in people who have low cholesterol already, so their cancer will just continue to grow because it is being fed by something else…Side effects for those people are:Constipation, Lethargy & thus lack of exercise & fresh air, memory loss, fatigue, & intense hunger pangs for foods you should not be eating…
That said CBD oils have helped many to overcome their Cancers…For those who are daunted by the legality of & or getting stoned or the high price of CBD oil, Frankincense capsules or chewing the gum(& spitting it out later) has similar effect & also crosses the blood brain barrier…
Vanilla Beans have similar effect too-they can be chewed & swallowed…
Typos:Cure not cute…
More typos: “homeopathic”…