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CBD Oil does NOT make you high, but does have medical properties for attacking a breast cancer lump!

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

CBD oil does NOT make you high…

It is also called Cannabidiol…

I learned this after joining this website from the owner of the company, who called me minutes after signing up to see who I was, why I was ordering, & what I needed…

Before I go further, I just want to say that this was the most professional, polite, informative conversation & that this person & his company is just UNBELIEVABLE…

& THANK YOU! (if you happen to read this blog post)…

I ordered just under 3 grams of CBD oil, & I promised to track my progress with it here on my site, so we could all have a record of how this works…

I said I’d use my DIY Mammogram technique(go to the link to learn how for yourself), to track size & chemistry changes in the lump after using CBD oil…

& I will…

Payment by the way was very easily done using the e-transfer function of my online bank account service…

Price was terrific…

I even got help with my website…1)How to fix my menu problems so that it could look neater 2)that I need a subscribe button from Mailchimp on my front page 3)I need to consider monetizing my coaching as related to what I am doing right now

This company is a Class Act…

Regarding how to take the CBD oil, I discussed melting some peanut butter (& Maybe a little honey) in the microwave, then stirring in a half a grain size of rice of the CBD oil…(the CBD oil needs a fat to help it absorb into your body)…

& so the Journey begins…

I will keep you posted as things happen…

p.s. I am going to wait until the CBD oil arrives before I take my first pre-CBD oil picture…(Why? because when you have your period, your lump always swells up to huge, so if I take a picture now it will look really huge & maybe scare you…In a few days when it shrinks back down again…Don’t want to freak anybody out!)

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