What I have found is that the potion(the apple) does not fall from the tree…
If a person creates a potion or diet to cure Cancer, that potion or diet reflects WHAT THAT PARTICULAR PERSON NEEDS THEMSELVES…
Explanation by example:
Get-it Girl:The Get-It Girl product line is Wonderful…Wonderful…The owner of the company had an idea & created a product line including boost you up for that darn appointment powders(my words), women’s regulatory system balancing powders(my words again), cool fish oil capsules with smartly chosen fish, Maca powder with an awesome bamboo whisk to whisk your Maca powder into the hot water(owner thought of everything here), & just more-all packaged so incredibly that you will want to frame the pamphlets they are just so darn beautiful & happy looking…(owner’s daughter is a Graphic Artist expert-my words)…
But…The owner’s own personal(which is why I won’t go into detail) path included some surgery…A powder that helps you get through surgery, or helps you recover after surgery is VERY different than a powder for someone who doesn’t want to have surgery…
Why? Because if you don’t want to have any surgery, you have a lump that needs to be dissolved…ANY boosting type of nutrient possibly could adhere to your lump…If you have ALREADY had surgery, then you NEED a BOOST because you are so bloody vulnerable physically…You need all sorts of nutrients that the Get-It Girl program contains…
I took the Get-it Girl powders which you make into smoothies & I LOVED them…They made me strong enough to fight all the bad people I encountered in the medical Technician & Doctor & Physician profession…They made me strong enough just to GET to these dumb boring boring awful appointments…
However I got scared…
1)I had already loaded up on Magnesium prior to starting the Get-it girl program…My fault not theirs…(or my credit not sure)…
Get-it girl is long on magnesium…Which is great…But if you have already loaded on magnesium & you take more, which I was getting from several daily Get-It Girl smoothies, then you can overdo the magnesium…
Symptoms of overdoing magnesium are jaw pain, neck pain, ankle pain, arthritic pain, joint pain, cartilage pain…
Ok so I was starting to have neck pain & I knew why because I had had an email chat with Get-It Girls’s creator, (a truly wonderful soul), & I got the lowdown on what the powder was based on…
So I knew I was overloading on magnesium…
2)As I became more educated about detoxing to dissolve the lump, I realized that there were so many ingredients in the powder, it would be hard for me to know which ones were nutrifying & which ones were detoxifying…
For example on many multi-vitamin products there is tons of Vitamin A…On our Grove Body Part Chart, Vitamin A falls into the Lead category, which nutrifies, at a Valence of Plus Twelve, +12…
So Vitamin A like what you get in carrot juice is a nutrifying thing…Water is also nutrifying by a valence of PLUS 6…
So if I was accidentally nutrifying my lump, it could grow & become more complicated to dissolve…(The more complex the food you put in that feeds the lump the more complex & difficult the lump becomes to dissolve…So a simple diet can be easier to attack because you know the route of attack better-clearer pathway…)
The Get-it Girl program really makes a woman feel strong & invincible, like a warrior…However…I think it might be better suited POST-surgery…To rebuild your body after the traumatic stress of a scalpel attack by strangers…
It could be something you take before having surgery too-to build up that strength beforehand so you handle surgery better…
I DID take the get-It girl powders before my first mammogram, Ultrasound, Core needle Biopsy, & Oncologist Appointment…I DID take the Get-It Girl powder program IMMEDIATELY after discovering a lump in my breast, & getting a General Practitioner at a Walk-In clinic to poke at it…
But, I stopped taking the Get-It Girl program when I BEGAN my DIY Chemo program…See Book 8 of the Grove Health Science series of Books for that, or Book 6 also was the beginning of that idea…(books 3-8 were written After discovering the Cyst/Lump/DCIS/whatever you want to call these things)…
I stopped the Get-It Girl’s smoothies because when I began my DIY chemo program I wanted to JUST be detoxing…ONLY MINUS elements…MINUS VALENCES detox…I was worried that I might accidentally be nutrifying the lump with Get-It Girl…Wasn’t sure…
But more importantly, because I knew the owner & creator of Get-It Girl HAD had surgery, & I DID NOT WANT SURGERY, that I had to be a little careful…
Buddhist thought: Once you have crossed the lake, leave the canoe at the shore…
Move on to the next stage of your program is what I mean…
I fed my strength first to FIGHT the people who might hurt me(& did)…
Then I began my detox…But you cannot detox if you are under attack by medical professionals…
So plan your timing…Detox when you are being left alone…
Feed your body when you have to fight for your rights…
It is an important distinction…
Also: be careful with powders that have 140 different things inside…How do you know what they ALL do?
Choose; What stage you are in, FEED or DETOX…
Are you going to alternate between feeding your body & detoxing? How often? By months, days or hours?
PLAN, like a business plan…Plan…
After DIY or even regular chemo, you may need to switch to a FEED or Nutrify plan…
I really like the Get-It Girl program for that…
But for a strict DETOX DIY Chemo type of thing, you need to be careful…I honestly don’t know what all the ingredients in Get-It girl smoothies do…Too many to know or understand…So I did not use it when I was doing the DIY Chemo herbs…
Total Wellness Cleanse:From the Hippocrates Institute-I bought their digital detox diet books online yesterday…What I immediately get is the story of the person who wrote this detox diet book…
Which is very important…Once again, I am going to be able to prepare myself for bias…Not bias in a bad way, but which direction this protocol goes or is sourced from or is designed to cure…
What I learn is that the author had childhood alopecia, which means you lose your hair quickly or entirely…Like when the Iodine in chemotherapy causes your hair to fall out, similarly, an Iodine excess or conversely a lack of Calcium, will also cause that condition…
So what we have here is someone who is naturally or culturally completely the opposite of most Cancer patients, helping them…& that makes sense…Someone who has Iodine excess CAN work with people who have Calcium excess…If Cancer is rooted in the tumor format, which is mainly Calcium, whether malignant or benign, then someone with a predisposition to have Iodine excess is perfect to work at The Hippocrates Institute…
However…Will the diet plan be designed for “others” the Cancer patient? Or will the diet plan subtextually reflect the needs of the person with Iodine excess alopecia, who NEEDS MORE Calcium to allow his hair to grow back…Hard to say, it looks like the Institute has a bit of a symbiotic relationship going with its clients…
After all, Calcium & Iodine are friends…They live together as opposites in the Adrenal Gland…
I notice Keri is on the menu & considerable time has been given to explain how Kefir is made…What I find odd about this initially is that Kefir relies on Calcium…Calcium is a no-no for people with Cancer who are already suffering from too much Calcium…So, on second thought, I realize that the kefir is there because the author of this Total Wellness Cleanse needs the extra Calcium himself…
But the rest of the diet plan seems solid…Just the Kefir sticks out like an anomaly…Is this important? Well, I got kicked out of a group I was in because I protested the use of Kefir…Not only is Kefir a Calcium product, BUT it also has a good dose of Phosphorus inside…
Had you read my earlier post, which mentions that Phosphorus aligns with Estrogen, & Progesterone lines up with Calcium, then you would know that Kefir is both estrogenic & progesteronic(if that’s a word)…
Of course the other thing is the liquidity of things…That things people take in on an anti-cancer diet must be liquid…This is quite common…Vegetables & fruit are juiced & everything must be blended into a smoothie if it can be…
The problem is with Hydrogen…Hydrogen is a Plus valence element that nourishes the Liver…Oxygen is its Detox opposite…If Oxygen is the detox one in the pair, then Hydrogen is something you do Not want to necessarily increase if you have Cancer…
…& yet I see people encouraging copious drinking of water…Not all, some instinctively know that this might be unusual…The thing is, that water or any Hydrogen based liquid(that includes ALCOHOL) does FLUSH out impurities through your body by just the Physical pressure of the stream…It gathers & helps move the flow along…
So flushing with liquids, any liquids might be smart…
But…Oxygen is the element the Liver needs to detox…Oxygen O…Minus valence on our chart…
Apricot Kernels, Butcher’s Broom, Iris Root Powder, Goji berries, Dandelion greens, Milk Thistle, Fresh Mountain or Forested ravine air-these are all OXYGEN things that DETOXify the Liver…(Hint:The common cold is a Hydrogen excess in the liver…Treat that with Oxygen things, & that will solve your wet Liver problems)
So, I like the Total Wellness Cleanse program from the Hippocrates Institute, but I don’t like Kefir in any anti-cancer program…
Well, IF you take too much Licorice root(a Cu -Copper) which is ANTI-estrogenic, THEN you need Kefir to repair…Probiotics like Kefir fix stomach acidity, ulcer problems, problems with the valve in your stomach not closing properly…if you take too many Coppers to detox from estrogen, you can take too much by accident…The other symptom of Copper overdose is a deeply emotional fear, panic, anxiety type feeling…The Phosphorus in Kefir can ameliorate that…
But NO, Kefir does NOT help you to detox from cancer…Estrogens are Phosphorus & liquid yogurt contains plenty…So that alone was a dealbreaker for me…It’s a pretty important problem…The fact that women are drinking Kefir & thinking they are curing Cancer…
“A little leavening leavens up the lump…” (New Testament) (Ie: a perfectly good detox diet marred by one ingredient that could foul up the whole thing)…
Budwig Diet:Have mentioned this one before, but do have a few things to say still…
The creator or author of the Budwig diet did not have Cancer herself…
That is a pretty big statement unto itself…
So I take the recommendation to eat Flaxseed oil with cottage cheese lightly…
I know cottage cheese is a Phosphorus like kefir & that Phosphorus & estrogens are in the same family…
I think it is a dangerous thing to use Trojan horse cures…
Does the Budwig diet work against Cancer or not? Who know? I know many people doing it & I still have not seen any hard statistics…The people doing Budwig are doing so many other Integrative or Alternative or Conventional treatments, it has been impossible for me to evaluate the Budwig diet…
All I know is that when I had plain cottage cheese without the flaxseed oil, the lump in my breast grew almost right away-it’s like the cottage cheese just applied itself to the outside…Significantly enough that I am now terrified of cottage cheese…
I gather that if I mix the Flaxseed oil with the cottage cheese, that potion turns into a Detox potion…To be honest, chemically it sort of makes sense…Theoretically…
But after my experience with bachelorette cottage cheese, as a single item, I cannot try Budwig myself…It seems too dangerous…
I will update here if I can find any clinical trials involving the Budwig diet…
I did find this commentary on the Budwig diet by Dr. Weil who I respect… http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/QAA400906/Budwig-Cure-for-Cancer.html (he prefers ground flaxseeds to the oil, but doesn’t like the cottage cheese either)…