This Elisa kit tests for human phosphomannomutase deficiency which is associated with retinitis pigmentosa, & the condition can be ameliorated by taking Oral mannose…(they used to call it D-Mannose) Successful treatment of patients with CDg (including retinitis pigmentosa) with oral mannose…
Interestingly, there is a class of disorders called CDG or Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation…
One of the possible effects of this disorder is Retinitis Pigmentosa…
It involves the lack of a substance…
This substance can be replaced orally by taking Mannose…
So one might conclude that oral Mannose might be something to take if one has retinitis pigmentosa… (a little bit about CDG conditons)…
More insight:
So, I noticed that retinitis pigmentosa
& Down’s syndrome share the same symptom of degenerated peripheral vision…
Knowing that Down’s is a Carbon excess with lack of Nitrogen in the Kidneys & Pons area of the brain, I knew that an Arginine( beet powder) supplement helps that…
So theoretically Arginine should also help with retinitis pigmentosa…
Interestingly I was right…When I Googled Arginine & retinitis pigmentosa, I found several studies referring to Arginine deletion( lack of Arginine)…
So I’d add Arginine powder( Popeyes bodybuilding supplement store carries it) to the fight to restore sight in retinitis pigmentosa…?
Things NOT tyo do if you have retinitis pigmentosa: Vitamin C is opposite to Vitamin A…Vitamin A ih high doses is great for retinitis pigmentosa, as is beta carotene & carrot juice megadosing…Vitamin C will ruin that build…Stop the Vitamin C if you have retinitis pigmentosa…