Emergencies: call 416-924-9725 voicemail…Prior relationship necessary before calling…No solicitations or phony wrong number excuses thank you…
Personal contacts only(people we know & are friendly with already & permission has been given to use this line)…416-271-3327 text message or cellphone…
mailing address: GroveCanada, 306-15 McMurrich st., Toronto, Ontario, M5R 3M6, CANADA , no gifts please or other products or anything sent without prior permission thank you…
In person: Yes, that is possible…Prior contact electronically is preferred with introductions & appropriate etiquette…Please do not approach in person without prior introduction somehow…
Joseph & Sari Grove have provided significant information on this blog…Please attempt to read before contacting personally…
Time delays are now occurring due to increased traffic…Sorry for the delays…response time is not immediate anymore, sorry…
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This is the newer Book Cover look for Book 8 of the Grove health Science series of books which are free to read from this site(or download tiny versions free on Smashwords-see the Books page)