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Overview(Thurs. Nov. 23rd, 2017): Please read this post for an OVERVIEW of what can NOW be seen using NIDI (non invasive diagnostic imaging)…http://grovecanada.ca/5467-2/
Update:Friday October 20, 2107: I put a bunch of files in my Dropbox folder(ANTICANCER & DIY Imaging)…You can see & download them here…https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3y4g6u32nvf6zrm/AAB-HXq8orBnIqpK16DWORQYa?dl=0 These files are anticancer files, some about the DIY Imaging, & new research notes…
New:The DIYIMAGING.com site is ALMOST ready…This will streamline the DIY imaging to make it so much easier…But for now, use the tutorials in this post to do your own imaging…Not hard…Free…Just take your time…No downloading at all…All photo editors are just web based & online & free…
Hi, I am Sari Grove, & I invented DIY IMAGING…
All files here in this post are downloadable & free…
All photo editors mentioned are free to use, & are web based, so anyone, on any type of computer, can use them…
One can also do edits on Mobile phones, though it is easier on a desktop…(Flash sites need flash browsers, so download the FREE Puffin browser, if your device won’t do a flash site…)
The 3 edits mentioned show if cancer is present, biochemistry with 5 parameters, & size changes…
These 3 edits can be done daily, weekly, monthly, or whenever you want to do a DIY check-up…
For those just starting out who are having trouble or who want me to do edits for them, join my Facebook group DIY Cancer repair Manual, friend me Sari Grove, & then message me using Facebook’s private message service…It is easier for me to keep track of people’s pictures there because Facebook stores them, so we can then compare over time…
A free Dropbox or BOX.net account is a place to store pictures too, if you prefer…I do NOT store people’s pictures, so it is up to you to save your pics for comparison later…
I do not charge for my services & my books are all free on this site…Books are on Amazon in print format, at non-profit prices…Note that information on this blog or in my books may be out of date by the time you read it…
From Sari Grove:Note:To download the instructions in the TILDEE TUTORIALS, DO NOT use the big button to the left of this post at the top…The TILDEE tutorials are EMBEDDED, so the big button will not grab every page…That big button is JUST for posts that are not embedded… INSTEAD HOVER over the Tildee tutorial with your arrow pointer & the download button, page turner button & make the font bigger button, will magically appear (at the BOTTOM of the TILDEE document)…
The downloadable TILDEE PDF files contains the 3 do it yourself diagnostic imaging tutorials(which are also available online on Tildee.com)…
You take a picture, close up, of where you want to see under the skin…
Upload it to one of the three free online photo editors, & follow the steps, one by one…
Fotoflexer shows 5 different chemistry markers of say a tumour…(Note in Fotoflexer: Blue Lead comes with Nitrogen, Yellow Calcium comes with Molybdenum, Peachy Hydrogen comes with Aurum…These are correlations I have found, even though edits don’t show the other…So for those extra things-USE Carbon, Boron, Potassium…to remove!
Lunapic shows if cancer is present & where & how much…
Pixlr helps to track size changes over time…
There is NO downloading, & any camera & computer can be used…These methods were invented by Sari Grove…(You may friend Sari Grove on Facebook, then message her directly if you have questions about how to do this or your results…)DIY Diagnostic Imaging!
Here are 3 videos showing how to do the edits…Click on the CC button at the bottom right of each video to get the TYPED CAPTIONS!
Here is a video tutorial explaining the Lunapic edit that sees the cancer marker as a purple colour…
Here is Fotoflexer, which sees 5 chemical elements, Lead, Iron, Aluminum, Hydrogen, Calcium…
Tracking size changes using PIxlr.com/editor …Red is Hydrogen, also shows inflammation areas…
http://grovecanada.ca/what-do-your-diy-diagnostic-imaging-results-mean/ Go to this link to see what your results mean…
ps.There is one more edit that is done in iPhoto’11 which was part of the iLife’11 program for Mac Snow leopard 10.6.8 …I still have this program on my iMac…I can possibly share this program with you if you also have an older iMac…
pps.A web developer named Daniel Fredriksen has been hired through Upwork to build the 3 open source edits into an easier to use web application that is more accessible…Daniel has experience building apps that see bone fractures in X rays…Works out of New York…Let’s put our hands together & give him a standing ovation for taking on this job!
READ this DOCUMENT (38 pages) for anticancer tips now!
Lists of Anticancer things to do…by Sari Grove
When yellow calcium is present assume that Molybdenum is present too(Fotoflexer)
When Blue Lead is present, assume Nitrogen is also present(Fotoflexer)
When peach Hydrogen is present, assume Aurum is also present(in Fotoflexer)…
Key lime in Lunapic indicates MERCURY…Mercury can indicate either late stage cancer or LYME disease…(actually they are often diagnosed as the other)…
SHORT ANSWER(what can I do right now if I have any kind of cancer?):
Humaworm, Bloodroot capsules Zenith Herbals, Black salve Zenith Herbals(& healing balm), Gumby Gumby capsules Zenith Herbals… Raw plant based diet Helen Hecker R.N. … Daily walking far…Outdoors rain or shine… All antiparasitics, dewormers, that you have access to-Cancer is a parasite… Spleen Qi pills “Healing the Middle way” Ageless herbs… Join DIY Cancer Repair Manual Facebook group for easier conversation & resources(files)…
Correlations:See the chart…If you know or see one element on the chart is in excess CHECK to see the correlation element…It will be in the same colour, CIRCLED…TREAT BOTH!!! (Use its opposite element, the MINUS element, to treat)…