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Do It Yourself Mammogram/Thermogram/MRI/Core Biopsy…

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

So I found an online free photo edit program where anybody can do their own

Do It Yourself Mammogram/Thermogram/MRI/Core Biopsy…

It’s called Fotoflexer & it’s here at

Step 1)Take a picture of where your lump is, about 3-4 inches away, camera set to MACRO, FLASH ON…(I use a sony dsc-t100 8 megapixel point & shoot little camera-they are selling now for something ridiculous like $50 on Amazon-I paid about $300 a decade ago)…I take my picture by the kitchen stove where the light is good…

Step 2)Upload to & close the ad boxes that pop up)

Step 3)In BASIC, choose ADJUST, SLIDE the HUE slider all the way to the LEFT, slide the SATURATION slider all the way to the RIGHT (click apply or done)

Step 4)In EFFECTS, choose HEAT MAP (click MORE at the far right top to see the full list of effects)then click Apply or Done

Step 5)still in EFFECTS choose COLOR ROTATE (then click Apply or Done)

Step 6)SAVE to your computer

This Do It Yourself Mammogram/Thermogram/MRI/Core Biopsy, picture shows size & chemistry of your lump…

After a while you will get to know what colours mean what elements are present in your lump…This tells you what it is made of, & then you will know how to get rid of it, by systematically attacking each element that is present…

I am still adjusting to this new program(Fotoflexer) as it has different colours than my iPhoto program where I developed this idea…

So far, I have some ballpark ideas of which colour means which element(On my Grove Body Part Chart)…

Yellow- Calcium (milk)

Darker Pink -Hydrogen (you drank alcohol or water)

Lighter Pink-Iron (you ate meat like chicken)

Blue- Lead(Lead like you ate potatoes)

so if you take a look at the Chart above, you will see that those 4 elements are all PLUS elements on the chart…

look for their opposite MINUS elements to detoxify…

so, to detoxify yellow, calcium, you need Iodine

to detoxify darker pink hydrogen, you need Oxygen

to detoxify lighter pink Iron you need Manganese

to detoxify Blue Lead you need Zinc…

If you read our books, you can figure out where to find Elements from our Chart in real world things…

Our books are FREE to read online & you can also download(in many different formats including Kindle for iPhone) less than 10 mb versions from our publisher Smashwords…

You can buy paperback versions & full size Kindle versions on Amazon…

Note:When editing the photo in Fotoflexer, if you just stop after HEAT MAP, you get the picture below(I grabbed it from the movie)…The colours will be different, than if you go forward & continue your editing by doing the COLOR ROTATE function…

However, the colours in just the heat Map might be these elements-

The lighter red-Lead (antidote with Zinc family, like Vitamin D3 50,000 iu per week)

darker red-Hydrogen(antidote with Oxygen like Apricot Kernels 30 per day)

the yellow-Calcium(antidote with Iodines like Iodoral tablets 12.5 mg per day, vinpocetine 10 mg per day, Kelp tincture giant swig per day)

UPDATE: Good News!

I took a picture of my left breast lump using my mother’s new iPHONE 6…The digital camera is 8 megapixel…I set it to FLASH ON…& also set it to HDR AUTO…Took the picture…uploaded it to …Followed the steps to edit…Worked just FINE…YAY!

More good news: Someone just sent me pictures using the iPhone 5S, edited in Fotoflexer, & it also TOTALLY works…

Here are some of my edited comments about what colours people find in their edited DIY Mammogram/Thermogram/Biopsy/MRIpictures:

“1)DARK SPOTS are Phosphorus(they are going to look like ants, maybe black or dark green or even dark purple-look for spots or specks), attack that with Copper family-start with Licorice tea to get used to it, then diversify with Licorice root tincture, capsules, the herb boiled as tea, or even eat it raw-it’s a great absorbable Copper…Boron is a much stronger way to get Copper-you can get a plain Boron supplement, not expensive…Cold brewed coffee contains lots of Copper…Ginkgo Biloba too is excellent…Copper stops spread & reverses malignancy back to benign-take it for a long time(me over a year)-stop if you feel panic or anxiety-you are done…(please Note that when you edit in iPhoto on a Mac, Phosphorus comes up more obviously as dark purple ants or specks-in Fotoflexer these specks are NOT as obvious-be very very careful about this-PHOSPHORUS is what makes a lump or tumour malignant-so even if you don’t see dark specks in your Fotoflexer picture, you may want to be extra careful & take a licorice root tincture anyway-it stops & reverses spread & turns malignant to benign-I cannot stress this enough(or licorice root tea, or boil the herb, or eat the herb raw, or take licorice root capsules)…

2)Light pink is Iron-take Manganese pills to lower iron, or the herb Mugwort lowers iron, nuts lower iron eat alot…

3)Darker pink is Hydrogen-use Oxygens to clean that out-like Goji beries, apricot kernels, dandelion greens, milk thistle, arsenicum album 200c homeopathic pills-anything that cleans Liver is usually Oxygen family…

p.s.-BLUE is LEAD…(not the same as purple, so be careful…)Antagonize Blue Lead with the Zinc family-examples of Zinc family things are VitaminD3 50,000 iu per week, Lymph Detox deodorant contains tons of Zinc family essential oils(you can make it yourself or buy it from Anarres health .ca (they are on Bloor st west, just a bit north on Dovercourt on the east side-$10) or Crawford Street Lemon Creme deodorant at Whole Foods Hazelton lanes-$14.99)…Sunshine…Pink Grapefruits…

Sat. May 23, 2015: What I’ve noticed between editing in iPhoto & editing in Fotoflexer…

in iPhoto:dark spots come up a bit better-those are spots of Phosphorus, very important to see & note & get rid of…

in Fotoflexer:Phosphorus does come up as dark spots, more like dark green or very dark green, but can get buried in the green miasma of Calcium green so be careful to look for dark spots…Phosphorus shapewise is usally specks or spots or dark ants-you will learn to see that by shape too…

in iPhoto:Light Blue is Aluminum(Aluminum refers to cholesterol-like the skin on Popeye’s chicken, the herb Sage, Aloe juice, Zeolite rocks, Bentonite clay, Alum powder, Marigold, Cinnamon, Chai)

in Fotoflexer:I am not seeing Aluminum…

in iPhoto: Hydrogen (water or ice for example)comes up as a grey milky area-foggy cloudy shape, slightly transparent hazy(not so easy to see)

in Fotoflexer:Hydrogen comes up as pink-pretty easy to see…a slightly peachy pink…Quite clear to recognize…(after having an ice filled smoothie the day before, I see alot of Hydrogen pink in my picture…Antidote Hydrogen with Oxygen by the way…(see our Grove Body & Brain Part Charts to know which elements antidote-hint, their opposite or Minus element)…

in iPhoto:Lead doesn’t come up as a colour

in Fotoflexer:Lead comes up as Blue, dark blue…Easy to see…I have noticed that after drinking alcohol, Blue/Lead comes up…This has been confirmed by someone else, whose pictures came after several drinks the night before…

Conclusion:Each program has its pros & cons…If you are using one & not the other, be aware what you are not seeing…The elements I mentioned:Phosphorus, Aluminum, Hydrogen, & Lead are quite common aspects to a Cancer lump…So even if you are not seeing them in your DIY pictures, you still want to treat them…Treat them, in the same order, with, Copper, Titanium, Oxygen, & Zinc…(these are families from the Periodic Table-not to be taken literally-I put together a “course” with all our books in order if you want to brush up & become a DIY Medicine pro-it costs $20 which goes to our kind hosts GinkgoTree directly for allowing me (& you) to use their service…)

New: Fotoflexer with iPHONE 4S HDR On Flash On 2 inches away…

So I have an older iPhone, but was able to take a picture & get results with Fotoflexer…Interestingly enough, I am seeing better subtlety of colour now…I am seeing ALUMINUM now in the picture! As a PINK tone(that rim around the blue)…But a different pink than the slightly lighter pink of Iron…The Hydrogen I am now seeing is more of a PEACH tone…Lead is still blue…Calcium is still yellow…Green is normal skin flesh…(The darker blue in the middle is probably because the colours are layered over each other-ie the Lead is sitting on top of the Iron maybe)…

Note:Aluminum shows up if you eat cholesterol food-in my case, I ate greasy fried chicken on purpose because I had a cut in my mouth that was killing me, & it wasn’t healing because my cholesterol levels were so low from taking Boswellia(Frankincense)…

Lead shows up after you drink alcohol…

Iron after you eat protein like tuna fish…

Calcium from milk…

Hydrogen from ice or water…

Phosphorus shows up if you eat frozen yogurt, cheese, kefir or any probiotic, or even Nexium…


Look Inside Your MOUTH:Using the same DIY Thermogram technique( I have been using both iPhoto & Fotoflexer, just to compare), I took a picture of the inside of the bottom of my mouth…

To take a picture of the bottom of your mouth, open your mouth in front of your bathroom mirror…(set to Macro, Flash On, for digital cameras, or if using an iPhone set to HDR auto, flash on)…Point the camera inside your mouth, & in the reflection in the mirror you can see if you are in focus or are in the right place…Pull your tongue back a bit so you can see your whole lower palate, behind the teeth…


DIY Thermogram inside the mouth!

Omigosh! Look! At the right side of my lower palate, there is a “hotspot”…What is it made up of? Well, I see Blue-Lead(alcohol usually), Very light pink-Iron(meat), Slightly darker pink-Aluminum(cholesterol), Peachy-Hydrogen(excess water or ice in Liver-a smoothie I had probably, lack of Oxygen), Yellow-Calcium(antagonize with Iodines)…

Now what I am not seeing is the colour for Sulphur(Sugar in normal words), but I do have some pain & inflammation, which indicates infection…So I am taking Kyolic Garlic pills 1,000 mg each(I took 4), which are a powerful antibiotic…

Background:A “side effect” of taking Boswellia(Frankincense) is sometimes you lower your cholesterol(Aluminum on the Grove Body Part Chart), so much that it makes you more vulnerable to cuts…I went to get a hygienist teeth cleaning, while still taking Boswellia, & a few days later, cut my mouth chewing a harder Goji berry…

The problem apparently with teeth cleanings is that not only does it make your gums more sensitive for a few weeks after, it also opens your body up to infection…I guess some of the Sulphur sugar plaque gunk goes either down your throat or into the tiny cuts in your gums or wherever that happen when the hygienist cleans & flosses…

Maybe people should start taking Garlic Before going in for teeth cleanings, to prevent later infection?

At any rate, a friend mentioned that his father, after a tooth cleaning, got a cut in his mouth, that got infected, & led to a heart infection! (Which is why I then RAN to get garlic pills)…

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