Click on the link to freely watch( watch for free!) short excellent videos by the brilliant holistic psychiatrist Dr. Kelly Brogan on how to improve your mind & mood…
( Note: this series is for those who tend towards panic & anxiety…For my readers with cancer/ parasite issues, this series will generally contradict your protocols…This series is not really for you!!!)
My question( to Dr.Kelly Brogan):Hi…& thank you for these excellent videos…My husband tends to be the naturally anxious one…I am his exact biochemical opposite it seems…However, there seems to be gender issues when it comes to self help…Or perhaps in medicating in a general way…I have noticed that when I am ill, I research, seek help, & treat the problem…My husband tends to ignore problems until they go away on their own…Are women overtreated & men undertreated generally, & is this due to gender based behaviours or the fact that male dominant medical history is adverse to Iatrogenic effect possibilities for its own gender, but not as adverse to overtreating the opposite sex? ( these are possibly rhetorical questions)…I was wondering what Dr. Kelly Brogan thinks about Dr. Daniel Amen’s( the psychiatrist), use of SPECT scans to help identify biological triggers to mood disorders? Dr.Amen is using SPECT to help “diagnose” psychiatric problems…ps. Am going to Whole Foods soon to collect materials to make my husband the daily smoothie…( Wondering what my own smoothie ingredients should look like since I tend to be his opposite…A placid mellow yellow thick skinned easy going throwback artist who needs possibly enforced stress to get her moving faster rather than slower)…( Next video series maybe?)