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Enema, Scans, Lyme…Anticancer ideas…

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

Enemas… has Citric Acid (one little bottle), which you mix with Sodium Chlorite(another little bottle)…Then you dilute that…Add to your enema, with coffee, & some white/clear Iodine…MMS is a BORON family element on the chart…Coffee is a Copper family element…Iodine is Iodine…Phew!


Ct scan contrast dye has Iodine & Histamines(Aluminum on the chart)… MRI contrast dye has Gadolinium(Molybdenum on the chart)… Bone scan uses oral contrast Barium(Hydrogen on the chart)… PET scan uses Sugar…(sugar on the chart too)… Check the OPPOSING element on the chart to remove contrast dyes after being given them…(if you didn’t refuse them!) SCANS CAN & WILL make you worse if you do not REMOVE Contrast dyes after…thoroughly…

Diagnostic words…

The “species” of cancer, is a definition attempt to say what this type of cancer likes to feed on, what body part it likes to live in… The “stage” of cancer is an attempt to say how big or how old or how far this parasite has progressed… So…On the chart, say you have a roundworm…(Cancer is just a catch all term for a parasite or a worm…Parasite is another word for worms)… Ok…Roundworm really enjoys feeding on Phosphorus…(estrogen is a Phosphorus)…Now…You get diagnosed as having invasive ductal carcinoma, when they biopsy a breast lump that has roundworm feeding off of it… Now if you do not treat that roundworm properly right away, with Coppers, like licorice root, Mimosa Pudica, Coffee enemas, Cilantro, Coriander, St John’s wort, Chromium, Fennel, Anise, then what happens? The roundworm starts to feed off of things BELOW Phosphorus on the chart…

So…When a cancer/parasite is later stage, that means it is eating things, & progressing, & growing, & the more it eats, the STRONGER the MINUS element has to be-see the chart… The NUMBERS on the chart mean how strong a MINUS element or PLUS element is…

BORON at MINUS TWELVE -12 is the STRONGEST Minus element…If you had Gadolinium contrast dye for example, that is a Molybdenum on the chart, & you need a BORON to remove that…Sodium chlorite mixed with Citric acid make Boron, which is also called BLEACH… Why? Sodium Chlorite is a F or Fluorine on the chart, at Minus eleven -11… Citric acid is a ZINC at MINUS ONE -1… When you combine the two, -1 + -11 = -12 You get MINUS 12 or -12 Boron… Two MINUSES added together make a stronger MINUS…

Minus things are DETOX…

Plus things are REPAIR…

Triple Negative cancers mean that the worm is starting its life BELOW traditional markers…

So instead of marking up Hydrogen Her2(hydrogen on chart), Estrogen ER(phosphorus on chart), progesterone PR(calcium on chart), the worm is further below on the chart…

A Lyme disease worm will trigger MERCURY markers, that is how you would see it…

Many people with Lyme disease get diagnosed as having cancer & vice versa…These are just words…These are worms…

So a Mercury feeding Lyme worm will not light up any regular markers, er, pr, her2, so they say it is triple negative…

If you have a worm that starts it life down in the Gallbladder, feeding off of Mercury, then you need to treat it with Magnesiums( exercising boosts magnesium, & lowers mercury), in very high megadoses to kill it…

If you do not kill it right away, it could progress to eating Bismuth family things…Which includes your skin…At this point you may have something that comes out of the skin…

Moringa Oleifera is a Fluorine which comes in a powder…Chlorine is Fluorine family too…Sodium Chlorite…The stuff in Listerine mouthwash with fluoride…The stuff in toothpaste & water, which everyone rails against these days-that is FLUORINE…Fluorine does kill things, & that is why it is useful… (too much of it & it kills you too…)Note: anaesthetics are usually Fluorine, fluorouracil chemo is Fluorine…Propofyl what Michael Jackson used is a Fluorine…The Pufferfish has natural fluorine, as do natural sites like Winnipeg natural lakes have high fluorine…Fluorine causes paralysis in high doses…

If the Lyme worm eats all the Bismuth, (Bismuth is found in melatonin, soot, ash, pollution, car exhaust, when you burn wood or coal…Smoke…Things with Bismuth help you to sleep & dream…)then it may progress to eating Molybdenum in the body…

At that point, you may have seriously ulcerating tumour…You need Boron…Bleach…2 Mule team is a Boron too by the way…Hakala labs has 30 mg Boron pills…MMS is a BORON…This is the strongest remedy you can take…Heroin is a Boron, as is Fentanyl, ecstasy pills, MDMA, all those rave type street drugs are Borons…

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