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Writer's pictureSari Grove

Excerpt of 3 letters about breast implants & nutriceuticals… An article about breast implants by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers…

I had written to ask for help…

I explained a story…Told some details…

Got a response with a linked article slamming antioxidants…

Started to answer in my usual fury…

Here is an excerpt of what I wrote…

We were talking about breast implants & how they cause women to get sick, even if they don’t rupture…

The subject of antioxidants was peripheral to me, but seemingly a reason to attack…


“What I am concerned with is not that the implants have ruptured but that the implants themselves are a foreign body that her body has reacted to…

Also that the implants have blocked the natural flow & detoxification of her system…

In a healthy person, maybe…

But she had worked for 20 years in acrylic nails…

By getting the implants, she created a new foreign body that her already taxed system had to deal with…

The additional load impeded normal detoxification from the chemicals that were most probably already there…

By blocking things, she was unable to cleanse from prior chemical exposure & got sick…

The implants pulled the trigger, but the gun was already loaded by someone else…

In terms of the studies, I find the term antioxidant to be rather generalistic…

If you know any of those studies or the chemistry of things they speak of, it is Vitamin A also very similar to beta carotene which is the recurrent factor…

That is a known, a given…The Vitamin A Beta carotene family is known not to excrete well & has been flagged for a century already by any physician worth their salt…

It is not new information…Most anticancer protocols don’t endorse either…(There are the carrot juice people, but those are mostly people who had surgery & are recovering …)

N acetyl Cysteine is more for bodybuilders, like Carnitine, or Choline…Also not a commonly used anticancer element…

Vitamin C does increase laxation which would cause allopathic meds to be pooped out undigested…Diarrhea would cause that…But this is also a known…

The doctors didn’t offer her surgery on her lung tumours…

They already cut her up for the colon surgery & maimed her enough…

She lost her husband while in hospital for a year & a half…Sepsis isn’t sexy…

So they offered her chemo…

But that is such a targeted longshot with severe side effects that would probably lead to her death or further personal ruin-she could not bear it…

There are many forums with women with perfectly unruptured breast implants who are very sick…Who got better when they were removed…

70% of the women in one study had all their symptoms disappear after explantation(removal of breast implants)…

The study with the Vitamin E & the beta Carotene together is flawed…They blame the Vitamin E after the Beta Carotene was discontinued, but Beta Carotene doesn’t excrete…

They have cherry picked these studies for blame…

Vitamin E has far more supportive studies than blame studies…

The conclusion is rather telling…

Looks like it was written by a pharmaceutical company…

That prescription medicines & over the counter medicines are better because…

They don’t mention that Iatrogenic effect from prescription & over the counter meds is the current plague today,

nor that most cancers might have been prevented by simply avoiding prescription birth control drugs…

Which is a known…

The thing about nutriceuticals is they don’t harm…

First do no harm…

The thing that is violated every day with over diagnosis, excessive surgery, chemo worship, &

my God, breast implants???

God only knows(sorry to invoke God twice but…)why people would ever recommend breast implants…

It has got to be the most disgusting sign of our times…

Beautiful young women having balloons inserted into their bodies…

Such a travesty…

I digress…

My feeling is the implants are what has made her sick…

Without rupture…

She has no other option but to fight with the fire of Mother Nature & God…(I guess 3 times is ok)…

I am a huge fan of natural foods, exercise, sunshine, love, prayer, & very specific supplements that are known to kill cancer cells…

We are not beginners here…

My father was a neuro-opthalmological surgeon who…”

& then I realized that the person I was writing to, was working for a big

profitable cancer moneymaking machine…

& that my words or my credentials or my father’s credentials or my

mother’s credentials or my husband’s or my brother’s or whatever

else I could say…

Was not important really…

The article slamming antioxidants which had been linked to me in the

response I was responding to…Was so written by Big Pharma…

Why waste my breath with the arguing?

let me just carry on…

Surgery causes new activity in the scar area

Surgery causes new activity in the scar area & that activity can travel beyond to other organs…


You work in a nail salon…

BPA is Phosphorus…


From acrylic nails…

Your Spleen is all filled up with Phosphorus…

So much your hair goes kinky(Kinky hair syndrome/Menkes syndrome, induced by exposure to acrylic nails, glues etc in nail salon , from nail polish)…

20 years later you get silicone breast implants…

To look prettier because you don’t look so healthy after all those years in artificial nails…

The silicone in your body, gunks up your Gallbladder, as silicone will do…

Now your Gallbladder is blocked up too…

You move to a cheaper country, because nail work doesn’t pay so well…

Only richer women get their nails done but you cannot afford to live where they live really…

Now that you aren’t working anymore really…

But the water in the poorer country has Giardia in it…

A parasite that decides it likes living in your Colon…

After all, it is being fed a steady diet of Phosphorus & Silicone, not to mention all the other regular food that sits there due to the blocks…

You get colon cancer & have surgery & they cut out parts of your colon…

But you are sick inside, so you get sepsis in the hospital, maybe from all that GMO bread you have been eating or the GMO pasta that is so cheap…

The stitches burst one day…From the sepsis…

A mess…

You stay in the hospital for a year & a half…

Your fiancee leaves you for another woman…

You emerge…

A little while later they discover you now have tumours in your lungs…

After the surgery & the sepsis & the stitches bursting, the Giardia has crawled around now up to your lungs & settled in maybe…

You refuse further surgery or chemo…

You go home & start fighting back…

You maybe take every alternative medicine known to womankind…

You hire a naturopath who once cured someone of pancreatic cancer…

A naturopath who was once a regular doctor, who decided naturopathy was a better way…A better way…

Who cured one person of pancreatic cancer when nobody else had…

You have your breast implants removed…

You live…

You live to tell the story…

You thrive…

You win…

Another email I started to write:

“Beta Carotene & Vitamin A are not usually on any anticancer protocol that is sound…

Any physician worth their salt knew 50 years ago that they don’t excrete…

Vitamin E on the other hand gets a bad rap from that flawed study where they gave Beta carotene & Vitamin E…

Since the Beta carotene doesn’t excrete, those patients would still have that in their system, even as they discontinued it & continued with the Vitamin E…

The 2012 review was just reviewing the same flawed studies…You get one flawed study & everybody just repeats, copy & paste…

It becomes a little meaningless…

N Acetyl cysteine is for bodybuilders, like Carnitine & Choline…

It is another thing not common to a sound anticancer protocol…

The catchphrase antioxidants is a little meaningless when it supposedly encompasses so many items…

Vitamin C of course causes diarrhea in high doses which would would cause any allopathic medicine to excrete unabsorbed…

But people doing anticancer protocols know these things…

The conclusion that prescription medications & over the counter medications are safer, is naive in ignoring the massive harm of Iatrogenic effect…

Without birth control drugs, millions of women might still be alive today…

Without aspirin being deregulated, millions of men might not have Alzheimer’s disease…

Chemo & its cachexia kill cancer patients faster than cancer can…

70% of people with cancer actually just die of chemo cachexia…

Not to mention the cure rate for chemo is a little sparse…

Her chances are good considering her Naturopath was a physician who left, to embrace Naturopathy & who once cured someone of pancreatic cancer…

This is where he learned of these injections I mentioned…

My question was about explantation specifically…

That she got colon cancer & now lung tumours from the breast implants is a strong possibility…

Though the chain of events is more complex than an email can honour…

I was wondering if she can survive if the implants stay in…

Or will removing them kill her faster…”

But I didn’t send this one either…My tone was too hostile…

This is the email I actually sent…(number 3 try)

“Will she die if she does not remove the implants or will she die if she does remove the implants?

That is my question…


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