This is an interesting article about giving Vitamin D to cats in order to successfully treat Feline Distemper…
One might theorize that if Vitamin D is successful intreating feline distemper that it could also be useful in canine distemper…
Raccoons in Toronto have been experiencing Canine distemper…
We could theoretically put out high dose Vitamin D chews for them to eat liberally to help them fight off this disease that resembles measles…
Paget’s disease of the bone is similar to measles & canine distemper virus…On our Grove Body Part Chart, Vitamin D falls into the Zinc family, Lead excess would be the disease, the body part affected is the Thyroid which makes Bone, & the brain part is the Frontal lobe…
Feline Distemper
canine distemper
Measles is associated with Canine Distemper…As is Paget’s disease of the Bone…
So Vitamin D in high doses should work for either…Or all…
*vitamin d also treats staphylococcus aureus, which is also a Lead excess on our chart...
Note:Feline Greenies Pill Pockets are available at many pet food stores in Toronto...If you find a raccoon who is walking too slowly, is too docile, doesn't hide when you approach, you could get some Feline Greenies pill pockets & insert a high dose Vitamin D 3 capsule inside to help medicate the raccoon...Canine distemper in a raccoon is not contagious to humans, but it is to dogs...Keep pets away...