update friday dec. 29, 2017…
Thiamine is Titanium, Riboflavin is Aluminum, N acetyl cysteine is an aluminum, alpha lipoic acid is Oxygen, Molybdenum we know is molybdenum, Methionine is a potassium, b12 is an Aurum family element…So it is a mixed bag remedy …3 Minus or detox elements, 3 Plus or repair feed elements…This type of balanced supplement is like Whole Foods supplements-they have BOTH…This category of supplementing is for AFTER you are clear of cancer, & want to rebuild your body…
Grove Brain Part Chart
Grove Body Part Chart
Ok, so I took a look at the ingredients & can give a quick rundown of what they are in simpler terms if that is helpful…(I use my chart to sort complex things into “families” of elements that all do similar things)…I will start at the first ingredient on their list & work down…1)Alpha Lipoic Acid-this is an Oxygen family that cleans out the Liver, lowers Hydrogen type necrosis excellent…like apricot kernels in nature 2)Palladium-this is actually similar to the Selenium family-like garlic or pancreatic enzymes but stronger-lowers Sulphur sugar levels in the Pancreas-excellent… 3)N-Acetyl Cysteine-I’d put this in the Zinc family like high dose Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Ginger root, Ginseng…excellent-lowers Lead levels in the bone, Thyroid… 4)Formyl methionine-that’s a magnesium that lowers mercury levels in the gallbladder…excellent… 5)Rhodium-is Selenium family too…good 6)Ruthenium, like Silver is another Selenium, good… 7)water, fine 8)sodium chloride-salt negligible amount 9)B1-that’s a Titanium that lowers cholesterol, good… 10)Hydrochloride-it’s a Fluorine that lowers Bismuth-excellent… 11)B12-Aurum family cobalt, good cause so many are B12 deficient while doing vegan diets, helpful 12)B2-a little bit helps patch up wounds, cuts, biopsy damage, useful 13)Molybdenum-it’s like what you get from navy beans, the pulse family, a little bit of nutrition, good for Skene’s gland(the female prostate)…So that’s a quick look at Poly MVA…It looks pretty good…There are things it does not contain, so be sure not to put all your eggs in one basket…But it certainly is a very good start…Obviously diet & exercise can make or break any supplement cocktail…Ok, I hope this helps…