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Writer's pictureSari Grove

Food choices…The order of things…How to eat…


Ok, so…You are SUPPOSED to be eating only MINUS elements…While detoxing from cancer…

But that can be hard to achieve…

So…How can you cheat eat more safely?

If you eat say chicken, which is Iron on the Chart (a Plus element), then anything else you eat might get stuck…

Now if you start your meal with say black bean salad, then beans are a Molybdenum +1 Plus element…Those slide all the way down your body & fill up your Prostate gland if you are a man, or Skene’s gland (the female prostate gland) if you are a woman…

Then you could eat a mushroom salad, which is in the Nitrogen+8 family…Fill up your Kidneys, Pons in the brain, build stamina & neurons…

Work your way up to a piece of charred Rainbow trout, which is in the Aurum+9 family…build up your B12 levels, & boost your heart rate…

Later you could have a giant glass of Carrot juice which is in the Lead+12 family which builds bones, Frontal lobe, & helps you use tools…

Whatever food groups you are cheating with, start at the BOTTOM of the Plus elements…Then they digest better…

Eat the heaviest food LAST…

If you eat your heaviest food first, then everything else just sits on top of it…The heavy food takes a long time to digest, so the bean & mushroom salad will end up stuck on top of a giant piece of meat…

If you have eaten something that feels stuck, drink some Triple Leaf Slimming tea right away…The SENNA makes it a total laxative…Senna is a Carbon-5 Minus element(detox)…

Do an enema…Hint: if you wait 2 hours for the senna in the tea to work, then do the enema, both ends loosen the block, & you will be able to pass the blocked food easier…

Rice & other glutens are often GMO so they block fast, regardless of their valence(relative position on the chart)…

Generally speaking the Raw Plant based diet is how to eat to fight cancer…But you are going to need to cheat a bit…Especially if you are getting too skinny…

If you are too skinny to begin with, you will have to consult a nutritionist for how to eat safely while dealing with a parasite…

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