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Writer's pictureSari Grove

Found a person, Delroy Apple, in distress today,on the way home from my nature/exercise/zen walk&#82

As I turned the corner the man was shouting at people & seemed to be in distress…These are some of the things I learned about him this evening as I tried to assist…

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD=Schizophrenia typology=Titanium excess=Thiamine excess=Aluminum deficiency=Low Cholesterol=not eating enough, starving, homeless…Could use a Carnitine supplement

Crystal Meth High=Excess Copper=Low Phosphorus=Anxiety=Panic=Not enough cheese, yogurt, probiotics, could use a GABA supplement(gamma aminobutyric acid)…

Displaying masturbation tendencies in public=Inappropriate behaviours=Oxygen Excess=Hydrogen deficiency=Give the person a bottle of water to drink immediately-Note:Deficiency of water(hydrogen family) can cause overtly sexual behaviours…Simply providing adequate amounts of good fresh or bottled water will remedy some of this behaviour…(These behaviours can also indicate an underlying deficit issue like a Bismuth deficit/Fluorine excess, which can be triggered by fluoridated water(People from Guyana may or may not be used to artificial water fluoridation/not sure…)

Seroquel has been given to this person which addresses Bipolar disorder specifically manic phases…Bipolar is Lead deficiency(Bone deficiency) but also Zinc excess(too much cigarettes or sunshine or heat or radiation)…Seroquel acts by building Bone-Thyroid gland & Frontal Lobe…Left side of frontal lobe responds to bone builders like seroquel/quetiapine)…

Person also said he has ADD attention deficit disorder which indicates high Mercury(on our chart this is not a heavy metal but indicates exposure to sewage treatment plant air quality or possibly dirty water due to water filtration plant or marina boats dumping toilet poop into Lake Ontario… low Magnesium…Can be treated with exercise, epsom salt baths, lavender essential oil, Magnesium supplement pills…

Knees with large wounds, left arm, forearm also wounded-wounds seem clean & scabbing over…Hydrogen Peroxide poured on from Rexall to clean wounds again just to be sure…(antibiotic bandages purchased but person refused bandages)…

Person had been in emergency briefly at Joseph Brandt hospital(the day before, so Sunday August 30th,2015-this was confirmed by a phone call to the hospital-Debbie an ER clerk also confirmed what the switchboard said from records) in Burlington, Ontario, one hour away from Toronto…

Person had been there several times before in emergency…

Person’s name is Delroy Apple, came to Toronto in 2003 from Guyana, was beaten up by 3 men recently, reasons unknown…

Highly intelligent, believes in God, was carrying some sort of prayer guide book

Had a black knapsack, seemed healthy & in relatively good physical shape, independent spirit, Gemini astrological sign(he told me this voluntarily, I did not ask), was talking to several women at Bloor & Sherbourne street, was a customer of the TD bank & had a debit card though apparently not many funds in the account…

Departed on the Yonge Bloor TTC subway…I did not pursue…Delroy did not want to go to CAMH Centre for Addiction & Mental health, though I did speak to them & they had recommended I call 911 to get an ambulance to take him in...I did not choose to call an ambulance because this person did not seem a harm to himself nor to others…

It is possible the Crystal meth use(a Copper that acts on the Spleen) was a self-medicating response to the Seroquel?

It is possible the initial Seroquel was given as a response to marijuana use...

It is possible the marijuana use was a result of self-medicating for the mercury excess caused by being homeless & living in dirty sewage air or near to marinas with dirty water or living in substandard housing or situations…This person, Delroy Apple, sat on a garbage pail as a chair…(I made him get off)…

If the Seroquel was too strong, the escalation to Crystal meth would have been a way to cut through the dopiness & hypnotic effect of longer term use of the seroquel…

Conclusion:Time of writing this 8:55 pm on a Monday night August 31st, 2015…by Sari Grove ( I did not know this person before this evening)…

I wrote a report on what information I could get from Delroy Apple, who was discharged from Joseph brant hospital yesterday after a visit to emergency…

Please feel free to use the information so we can prevent future visits to emergency…

This person needs social services, welfare, family, attention, & possibly some Naturopathic/Homeopathic or other Alternative type care as it seems the psychiatric medications he has are not helping him with his street addiction problems nor peer pressure issues, or money troubles…

Feel free to use the resources on my website or contact me directly if you need some new ideas… I do have a friend who is a social worker-it might be useful for Delroy to have a home…As he is homeless it looks like the only place he goes to with any certainty is Joseph Brant emerg….

Perhaps someone could be on the lookout for him if he wanders in again???

Something more needs to be done to help this person…

He has been in Canada since 2003…(from Guyana)

Or possibly he belongs back in Guyana where there could be family & friends to take care of him better?

Don’t know, just speculating here…

Thanks for helping Debbie…

Feel free to email…(my cell is 416-271-3327 but I do prefer email…)

Delroy Apple pdf file…

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