“A heads up for those who are wondering why an anticancer group is talking about parasites…Cancer is just a catchall name for parasites…Cancer is a parasite…
Lyme disease for example is often undiagnosed & later gets called cancer…
Lung tumours can be worms living there…When you do Humaworm parasite cleanse or Blessed Herbs parasite cleanse (the colon cleanse apparently is the one that really does the job & is cheaper if you are short on funds), or if you are getting drugs from you don’t need a prescription online pharmacies(takes 3 weeks to get them), then you will be getting worms in your poop…
You WON’T see them unless:Take a plastic fork or chopstick or whatever(disposable)-beach poop on inner edge of toilet where it is dry-sort thru with fork & that is how you find worms or eggs or mucoid plaque-TAKE a PICTURE…Use Google reverse image search to find similar pictures & that’s how you DIY identify…
Stool samples at a laboratory will say you are negative for parasites 9 times out of 10…
So don’t believe that…
If you have cancer you have parasites…
One doctor tested all cancer patients & they 100% all had parasites…
(I should cite a link for that(will come back later with something sorry))…Anyways…”