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Writer's pictureSari Grove

Front Loader washing machines (LG in this case)…


1)Look closely at the HANDLES of your water pressure on/off switches (ours are like handles)…Or take a picture & make it bigger on your computer…Or use your iPhone flashlight to see better…Or get a young person with big eyes to look & see which was on & off is…In the case in the picture, ON was to the LEFT at 9:00 pm…OFF was UP at Midnight…

2)Why? Because our handles (there are two), were both set to Full water pressure ON…9:00 pm on a clock…The water pressure in our building is so good that the water flowed very hard & fast & broke the Solenoid inside the plastic intake valve on the Cold water inflow…The Solenoid is a little door that keeps water from running into the machine when it doesn’t want water…If the little door breaks you get leakage INSIDE the washing machine…(Front Loader Lg in this case)…

3)So…In Conclusion…The LG repairman (C. from Nova Scotia), set our (both) on off water handles to 5 minutes to midnight, where On is 9 pm & off is midnight…This means less noise & less likelihood of the Solenoid doorway inside the intake valve on the cold water intake place, less likelihood of it breaking & you get interior washing machine leakage…

4)What happens if your Solenoid is broken inside that plastic intake valve on the cold water intake(the one closest to the middle of the back of the washing machine on the LG model we have…) They have to unstack the dryer off the washer…Two people(preferably three)…They have to remove the top lid of the washing machine…Unplug some wires…Remove the broken intake valve & replace it with a new one…Put everything back together & restack the dryer onto the washer…(note:Unstacking & stacking is dangerous with one person because once a dryer fell on the one technician while attempting a solo lift)…(The whole job would have been far easier with 3 people who are technicians, or a homeowner with some savvy-that was me in this case…)

5)When the Installers install the washing machine, if they set the water pressure(using the on off handles) to 5 minutes to midnight they could avoid a broken solenoid doorway component inside the intake valve assembly(plastic)…

6)The installers (sent from Tasco where we buy our appliances mostly, & the Hudson’s Bay company too, but not this time…), the installers upgraded the LG rubber hoses for cold & hot water going in to the washing machine to metal hoses…The problem with that is the heavier hoses, when the washing machine moves, UNSCREW themselves & cause an external leak onto your floor…In our case the kitchen…(Condo)…

7)Not intuitive or is it? So the 2 technicians(also I. from Fresno, California), removed the upgraded metal hoses by the retailer & put in new rubber LG from the manufacturer rubber hoses…The rubber hoses marry better to the plastic male valve that inserts itself in a threaded way into the female hoses who have just a thin metal head & the rest is light rubber…We were told to replace them every three years…

8) it was mandated in 2011 that all buildings in Ontario have to have a ONE WAY VALVE to prevent water from coming in to our building from other buildings…When people in our building leave to go to warmer climate, or to their cottage, the very high water pressure demand of daily jobs becomes a very very low water pressure demand…The change in gravity causes a suck, it sucks the water outtake from other buildings(in our case from 890 Yonge street where the dental clinic is)…So we get fluoride in our tap water, our drinking water, FROM the outspew of Fluoride that the dental clinic dumps down their sinks…This happens every holiday, & includes Sundays, when people in our building rest & don’t wash as much for work(or cook & clean)…This is why the teeth of people in our building look thinner, why people have insomnia & or Crohn’s disease & their breath smells inordinately minty fresh during what was supposed to be a holiday when you can let your breath go…

9)On the upside…Fluorine is an antidote to excess Bismuth caused by too smokey air caused by too much woodburning fires caused by excessive coldness in winter caused by living in Toronto or any other cold climate…(Our ceiling has a thin layer of soot on it from the fumes of our neighbour’s fireplaces rising upwards)…

10)On a similar topic, of loving thy neighbour by not having washing machine leaks by lowering your water pressure handles on your cold & hot water on off switch handles…Please consider also loving thy neighbour by not making noise above 45 decibels during 9 am & 5 pm hours…Those who go above that decibel limit are breaking the law & can be prosecuted…

In this picture, the handles have the on off directions printed right on the handle in white writing on the red background…If you click on the picture you will be able to see the directions better…Notice that the on off directions on the cold & hot are different…So in this case, 5 minutes to midnight is in different directions…So THINK & LOOK BEFORE you touch…We use Park Lane Plumbing in Toronto who also does the plumbing work for George Brown College in Toronto, Ontario, Canada(& they also have a fashion design division & an ESL English as a Second Language division)…So, remember the ANGLE of 5 minutes to midnight & apply it to whatever direction you need to turn the handles…For example, mostly OFF except for a slice or wedge of cheese appropriate for one person…This reduces your water pressure so you don’t bust your solenoid door & need an expensive or difficult repair…!

11)Task: Design a doorknob for a front loader washing machine that if the doorknob breaks off in your hand all you have to do is screw in a new doorknob or click in a new doorkob without having to replace the whole glass door & metal stainless steel silver colour frame! (We know this because when the plastic door handle of our front loading LG washer machine broke off in Joseph’s hand, they could not repair the handle itself, they had to give us a whole new door, free labour, & free delivery, which cost LG about $300 Canadian currency or more, plus they had to outsource the job to Tras appliance technicians, an authorized LG repairer but not the LG repairpeople, because the Lg people were so darn busy over this Christmas season…Way overbooked with these kind of repairs…Plus the poor call centre in Panama(for us that is where they were) had to use 3 different people to handle our call plus the manager had to get in on things, I mean the Supervisor…(to Comp the job)…(Tras had offered to comp us 15% on the door part, then 15% on the visit plus the labour, but that only took care of HST 13% plus 2% off the job, which is why we had to call back & say the design flaw of replacing a whole door when just a doorknob(so to speak) was broken) was not so good…

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