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Fruit Spin…

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove Foppapedretti available NOW on Createspace in paperback format!!! by Grove Canada…(mistakes, there may be a few…Please proof for me, & tell me what its missing or needs to be added by January 5th, 2017 please!)

So, someone on youtube said that fruit molecules spin to the left…

Whereas refined white sugar molecules spin to the right…

I was thinking about the why in the middle of the night…

Since fruit tends to be a Zinc dominant, Sugar secondary, molecule…

Zinc is a Minus element or female or Yin element that detoxes the Thyroid & left frontal lobe…

Female elements tend to control the left side of the body, so they might spin to the left as a molecule as well…(assuming lefties also prefer to spin left)…

White refined Sugar is a Plus element dominant thing…Spin to the right…Like men, who tend to be right hand dominant right spinners…

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