Recently, I spoke with someone, who had encountered this violent & dangerous person, when, while stopped at an intersection, someone pounded repeatedly on her rear windshield…
The victim assumed it was some sort of car jacking scenario…
No, it turned out it was “officer” Gould…He wanted to give her a $500 ticket for what he said was that her cellphone was being used while driving…
The driver explained that the cellphone was in her cupholder, & that GPS was on…GPS is an audio direction that helps guide drivers…
‘Officer’ Gould kept escalating the conversation, & was threatening & violent in demeanor…
Quietly the driver said afterwards that this interaction was going to be reported…
The driver immediately reported this as promised to the Chief of Police…
At the appeal hearing, the driver found that ‘officer’ Gould had not filed any report…
Which is interesting to me, because after I got out of the hospital after being violently assaulted by so called ‘officer’ gould, I found also that there were no charges against me either…
Which was why I did not know his name or reputation, until I had a chance encounter with this driver yesterday, & we found out that we both had met this dangerous person…
The reason I did not file police brutality charges against this officer gould, was because I thought, in January 2016, while sitting in the emergency room at St Joseph’s, with my eye like hamburger meat hanging out, that if I sued the police, that I would be subject to more violence or worse…
How does one sue the law? If the law is corrupt?
But this morning, with name in hand, I did a quick Google search & came up with these links…
Interestingly, the last link says that Gould was fired in 2016…So why in the summer of 2017, was he back on the job, harassing & terrorizing the driver I met yesterday?
*Because this violent officer told the emergency room physician that(the reason my eyeball was almost falling out of my head due to officer Gould punching me)was: “Very bizarre behaviour and erratic driving of vehicle” , the emerg. physician wrote this on a form to the Ministry of Transportation, & my driver’s license was suspended…
It says on the form, filled out by the doctor, that I was “erratic driving of vehicle”…I find that interesting that a doctor would know how I was driving…
310 the Queensway
Tor, On
tel. 416. 530.6004
January 1st, 2016…
In fact…Since Dr. Arvo Kuld, emerg physician at St Joseph’s hospital never asked me my side of the story, I will tell that here now…
I saw a dangerous person standing in the middle of the street…I reversed my vehicle in a 3 point turn, into my neighbour’s driveway…
The dangerous person pursue me approximately one chevron, in a vehicle, jumped out of the vehicle, & banged , punched his fist repeatedly on the passenger window of my vehicle…
That is when I noticed that this was apparently a very violent & dangerous police officer…
My 3 point turn was apparently the erratic driving of the vehicle…
The “very bizarre behaviour” was me trying to explain, over & over again, to this violent person, that LOCAL TRAFFIC is ALLOWED TO DRIVE ON THEIR OWN STREET, to go to work, even during traffic calming hours of 7-9 am, or 4-6 pm…
Note: I found out later that this violent officer was writing $100 tickets to neighbours on the street, because the neighbours did not realize that you are allowed to leave your home to go to work from your own street at 8:30 am in the morning, even if a traffic calming sign says you cannot between certain hours…
How else would you arrive home in a vehicle to your own house if you could not legally?
So this violent officer gould was also illegally giving out $100 tickets, & the Ministry of Transportation was collecting the money…
Due to the slander & lies said about me by this officer gould in 2016, I could not get my license back…
Because apparently the emergency room physician Dr. Arvo Gould did not take the time to report the police brutality, just assuming the the police were telling the truth…Even if the evidence showed a woman obviously victimized by a police officer…
Since there is no such thing in Ontario as a mental health diagnostic test that proves mental competence, people who have had their driver’s license suspended have no way of proving their mental fitness…
With a lying damaging report in a file written by a self-admitted mentally deranged police officer(see the last link for his confession), it is very hard for a human being to get a doctor to write an appeal form for the Transportation Ministry registrar Kyle M. Biel…
Which is why, apparently there are so many drivers now in Ontario, with suspended driver’s license, like me…
I wonder how many suspension forms this Arvo Kuld dr has filled out on behalf of his apparent friend officer gould?
When did police officers get the right to medical decisions, & when did emergency room doctors get the right to evaluate driving ability?
I guess because they are both civil servants, paid by the same wallet, the government wallet, our taxpayers’ monies, or illegal tickets given out to innocent citizens, bullied & beaten into submission…
As sorry a state our Ontario medical system is, we can see that our police are even worse…
The last time I went to a doctor to ask for the appeal form to be filled out for me to get my license back, I was told that she only wrote drug prescriptions…
She was very interested in prescribing me drugs, & that, was all she did every day…
This was the second doctor I tried…The first told me I had to visit for a year, in order for her to get to know me…
All this to try to get a form filled out…
Yes, the police officer got the doctor to do his bidding(get my driver’s license suspended immediately when he gave his fraudulent story)…
This is convenient…I guess the doctors get more patients this way, so they are happy to comply…
Once your license is suspended in this medically obscure area (they don’t have to actually say for certain what they think is wrong…apparently very bizarre behaviour could be a three point turn, trying to obey the law…In Ontario, a man who walked out of his house naked because he was seeking help because he was having an epileptic seizure, & happened to be naked when it began, was shot dead by police, also very this bizarre behaviour excuse…Rationale…
*More links about violent officers including gould: