Go to The FSCO Financial Services Commission of Ontario site first …They have a complaint form online that one can fill out for this type of thing…
Now try to find a similar Commission for Newfoundland online…Look for their official form online, like the FSCO form…
Take this email, & paste it into the official online complaint form for the Newfoundland Financial Services Commission-I do not know the name of it, you will have to find it…
Fill out the complaint form as best you can…Explain everything even more…Details, how much you spent, when it was taken, which credit card, details…
Make sure this is an official form, do not just send an email…
Ok…Keep a copy of what you sent…
It can take a year for a commission to investigate a complaint…They have a big pile…
One day they will call you…
In the meantime, ask each bank or credit card nicely for your money back…They may say no, but some may say yes…It does not hurt to ask…
Because the situations are closed, they will probably say no…But you can still ask…Give them a chance to answer to you…Be polite…
Your optional step if you want to is to hire a lawyer to take this to court…
Unless you can get a lawyer to represent you on contingency , they will ask for a fee…
If they win, they will ask for their fee back & damages from the banks…If they lose, you lose that money too…
Most importantly, you need to find out from each situation, how much money they took exactly …
This helps to put this into perspective…
Also how much money you currently have…
And, how, getting the money back would change your life…
Is it worth it to get this money back?
Or will it waste your time?
Depends on how much was lost?
I was self-employed…Their scam insurance did not even cover self-employed people…So I paid for garbage…
Do you have a similar case? Mine was clear cut…
Make the case in writing for yourself…
Why was this insurance garbage to you?
Include that in your complaint letter…
Once you have all the details,feelfree to email copy to the CBC Marketplace …They might do a story on you if you want to…
Make sure to get your teeth cleaned before you meet with the press & have a haircut-they like photogenic people…
If you look good enough, they will put you on tv, & interview you…They love this kind of story…
Pressure from the press helps…
Friends & family who are tougher than you can get involved too…If you want to muscle in…
Thats when you get tough, when you have support …
Hope this helps,
Sari Grove