This is Sari Grove admin for DIY Cancer Repair Manual…I have added Joseph Grove as a moderator, to help with male issues…Pau D’arco from the Tabebuia Impetiginosa tree, is actually a Bo Boron too…(I had it listed as an Iodine on the blog, sorry)…It is a male Boron, which means it has affinity for the male gender or the Prostate gland…Similar to the Weeping Willow Tree, which is a Boron with female affinity…The powder or capsules contains this male Boron as well…When I say male or female affinity, I mean that a tree or plant or person has either male dominance or female dominance on the Grove Body Part Chart(or brain part chart)…Plus is male dominance, Minus(no ethical rationale here just using hardware store terms/visuals), is female dominance…A woman would be female or Minus dominant, with a lesser emphasis on the Plus column…A man would be Plus dominant with a lesser emphasis on the Minus column…Same with trees…If Tabebuia tree is male dominant, & weeping Willow is female dominant…Then perhaps the Tabebuia tree would be more effective towards Prostate cancer/parasite/worm, than the Weeping Willow tree…
Dioxin(Vietnam war exposure) is Boron on our chart…Exposure would cause an excess of Boron Bo, & a lack of Molybdenum Mb, in the Gender section of the chart, which is Prostate for the man & Skene’s gland for the woman…In the brain Corpus Callossum for the woman, & Cerebral Aqueduct for the man…Hence on return to the States? , the body would have grabbed at any Molybdnum it would/could find…In fertilizer or even a worm…That would be how someone would get a threadworm in the States(especially if a female, say nurse, Viet vet had brought in silkworms with them through fashion trade, or excreta)…Moth larvae are silkworm family…The heavy metals defense powder or capsules kills them…Healthy natural molybdenum is in beans & all pulse family like hummus & chickpeas(not mushed)…Kidney beans too! But if one has threadworms or silkworms or inchworms, then one has to be careful with Molybdenum…First kill the worm with Boron like Tabebuia tree (pau d’arco) or other male dominant Boron tree species…Borax…Bleach…Crunchy things like celery…radish…watermelon radish…Then once inchworm is killed, replace hole with beans… Chat conversation end
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