Green tea: Excellent source of Copper…Antagonizes Phosphorus…Lump chemistry changes from ‘with dark spots’ to ‘almost totally clear’ after several cups of good (loose leafs in the teapot)green tea…Conclusion: Green tea contains caffeine & since it works so well to clean up excess Phosphorus, I will say that caffeine in a good thing when it comes to fighting Cancers, especially the ‘spread factor’ that excess Phosphorus causes…(The green tea was drunk at Dim Sum King on Dundas street just west of the Art Gallery of Ontario, a couple of blocks & UPSTAIRS like 3 flights)… Pet Valu(the one at Yonge & St. Clair west side north side) Pet supplies today, the cashier(who also works at a Starbucks) mentioned that Green Coffee beans extract(comes in pills) is another way to get your Copper(Coppers whatever you choose are most important to take to prevent & reverse Cancer spreading)…Gingko Biloba is another Copper…
before & after applying Frankincense salve
Frankincense Essential Oil:I put at least 15 good sized drops of Aromaforce(bought from the Health Shoppe at Yonge & St. Clair-east side, south side, down two blocks,) Frankincense oil into a homemade salve & spread that over my breast & nipple areas, to wear under my tops all day long as a medicinal detox salve(Make the basic salve with 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon organic corn starch, & 1 -2 teaspoons organic vegetable glycerin)…I have had excellent shrinkage results from taking Frankincense internally(I chew the resin nuggets, they are called ‘Frankincense Tears’, then spit out the gum when the flavour goes)…But applying your medicine topically to a lump means your whole system is not necessarily affected, just the lump itself…
Vitamin D3 capsules(50,000 Iu-find on Amazon): Split open these capsules, drop into your homemade salve((Make the basic salve with 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon organic corn starch, & 1 -2 teaspoons organic vegetable glycerin) & put that under your armpits & on your breasts…I also added some Clove Essential Oil to the salve because it is an anti-parasitic…Results:Just from applying this Vitamin D3/Clove oil salve to my armpits & breasts one day, the next day, my ‘lump’ was significantly deteriorated looking, shrunken, to know this was powerful! (seems maybe even a better way to take the Vitamin D3 than orally!)
“3 new things I have been doing myself: 1)Frankincense essential oil 2)Green tea 3)Vitamin D3 50,000 iu …But here’s the new part- I make a salve/deodorant paste base by mixing 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. organic corn starch 1-2 tsps. vegetable glycerin…that makes a basic paste/deodorant base…Then you can make different batches…One batch I mixed in 3 good pours of Frankincense essential oil…One batch I emptied the 50,000 iu capsules(3) of Vitamin D3 into it(I added some Clove essential oil too cause it’s an anti-parasitic)…Anyways…You put that under your armpits instead of your regular deodorant & it cleans out your lymph nodes…You can also apply the salve anywhere on your body where your “lumps” are, or in a targeted place…It turns out that topical really does get under your skin well…I have had tremendous ‘shrinkage’ (DCIS left breast lump) using both the Frankincense batch, & the Vitamin D3 Clove oil batch…It really cleans out Lymph nodes there too! (Also, you can put anything into the salve you want-it is a fun way to take medicine instead of always in your mouth)…(Plus you smell great)…”
Chewing Frankincense tears:I got the nuggets by going to Google Maps, typing in my home address, then using the “search nearby” feature, & typing in Frankincense tears(that’s what they call them)…A bunch of listings came up of health food stores, then I went to their websites & checked if it was incense grade or better…
Usually the incense grade has dark bits in it & the chunks are bigger…The food grade Frankincense tears is yellow, smaller pieces, & when you chew it, it tastes sort of minty-that’s the medicine…
It should chew into a gum texture-if its crumbly it’s old or stale & not so good…But I see many providers on Amazon & there seem to be several websites offering different grades that look great…I switched to Frankincense essential oil orally for a while ’cause I thought it would be easier(the source where I got the tears from didn’t have much)…Then I switched to Boswellia capsules which worked pretty good too…
But the chewing was very effective actually…I just got tired of ordering things online at that point…Frankincense like CBD oil is really good at lowering cholesterol levels, which aggressive cancers like to feed on…
It is also useful as part of an antiparasitic protocol…But if you don’t have high cholesterol, both the Frank & the CBD as well as simple things like eating Mint leafs, will not do much…Also be aware that overly lowering cholesterol can impede healing from things like biopsies, surgeries, or overly violent mammograms…Some people ingest it, rub it on lumps & bumps, & rub on soles of the feet at night…In Oman everyone chews it…You can also drop the tears in a pitcher of water & the next morning you have Frankincense water all day long-it is nice-you can sweeten with a little stevia, add lemon juice, whatever…But be aware the resin part is not what you want-it is the essence-hence why you spit it out after chewing it…The chewy part does the opposite of the medicine part…I think this is why people report growth instead of shrinkage with CBD oil-I bet the batch they got was higher in resin than the medicine part…
Iodine for weight loss in an Herbal Format & reducing Calcium lumps & bumps & detox from birth control drugs:The Madagascar Periwinkle I get as a raw herb from Herbies Herbs online-they are also a real store here, but deliver great fresh herbs for cheap…A half pound bag is like $25 & lasts forever-really like a year…It is a lovely way to get Iodine-Vinca drugs are also a chemo therapy-vincamine/vinpocetine-they are based on this herb…
I used the herb as part of a DIY chemo protocol for myself last year…Very effective until winter came(6 mos of the year here) & I had trouble sticking to my raw plant based diet…