Ok…Forget about the numbers for the moment…
There are 12 main body parts…
Left column…
Each body part has a MINUS element (middle column), & a PLUS element(right column)…
Minus & Plus are opposites that must live in balance for health…
The Minus elements detox or clean that body part…
The Plus elements feed & repair that body part…
Cancer for example is a disease of excess, too many Pluses(you ate in excess for example, too much Sugar, too much alcohol Hydrogen, too many glutens Nitrogens…
Too many PLUSES…)
Ok, so for cancer, you need the MINUSES…
Now each element represents a whole family of things in the real world that act the same…
Magnesium could mean epsom salts for example…Copper could mean coffee or green tea…
Potassium could be stevia, or graviola, or hawthorne berries…
Ok, grasp that…If you get that you are good…If you want to go further ok…
The Numbers tell how strong something is…Vitamin C is a Zinc family thing at Minus one -1…
Very weak detox, which is why you have to megadose it…
Boron is -12, a very strong detox-bleach is a Boron, use teeny amounts…
Lead is +12, the strongest Plus element-found in red meat…
When you eat meat, you feed all the body parts below it too…
Highest nutrient content…
beans are Molybdenum+1, just a small amount of nutrition…
For fun, for the wiz kids here, I added some notes about gene mutations…
Those with the gene mutations noted on the chart in the picture will have an excess of that PLUS element, so they would need to focus more on the corresponding MINUS element to methylate or detox…
P53, high Lead(hashimoto’s too)…MTHFR high Aurum(Aurum is high blood pressure, higher B12)-they need potassiums…
BRCA1 is high Hydrogen they need Oxygens like B17, milk thistle, dandelion…
Brca2 is high Phosphorus(estrogen), they need Coppers like coffee enemas, licorice root, mimosa pudica, green tea…
Note: do not confuse copper with ceruloplasmin-those anticopper studies are referring to ceruloplasmin not copper-it is a BAD mistake…
Ceruloplasmin is a Phosphorus or estrogen…
ps. Melatonin is a Bismuth like soot or ash or barbecued foods or burnt things or charcoal-it is a PLUS element not a detox element-just a heads up…Ok, class dismissed…