About the DIY Diagnostic Imaging:
You can do all the imaging yourself if you want…Instructions are all over my site & in my free books…But yes…If you send me a picture of where the problem is or was, I upload the picture to either Fotoflexer.com or Lunapic.com or to Pixlr.com/editor…There are 4 steps in Fotoflexer…15 steps in Lunapic…& about 5 steps in Pixlr(Pixlr there are a few different ways to do it if you cannot see anything the first time)…Fotoflexer is able to see 5 different chemical elements including Her2 & Pr+…Lunapic just looks for Cancer (Er+ Phosphorus)…Pixlr can see the edges if it is a really good picture so it can help to track size changes…Even with a decent picture it can see areas of congestion & inflammation…None of these methods use an infrared camera or any specialized machine…Which is why they can be done yourself, for free, with a camera, & an internet connection…
What kind of pictures?
If there is a lump, people send me a close up of where the lump is…if it has been removed, people send me a close up of that area, because they want to make sure there is nothing new happening at the site, or that the site is indeed clear…Sometimes people send me pictures of where their Liver is, or their Lungs, to see what is happening-ie: fluid in the lungs(what it is made of), or is their Liver involvement…I have edited a Thyroid picture…Melanoma on someone’s back…various Lymph nodes for Hodgkin’s disease tracking…Brain scans can be edited to see chemistry better(ie: a lady was doing cannabis for 3 months & her tumour had shrunk in her brain MRI but there was still Cancer present that the MRI didn’t show)…
Here are before & after edits of someone with a Pituitary brain tumour, after 3 months of cannabis oil use…The MRI showed tumour shrinkage…But the Lunapic edit shows cancer is still present(in purple)…Fotoflexer shows what elements the cannabis oil was able to dissolve…& what it did not reach…Pixlr shows the inflammation is definitely down…What this means is that people with brain tumours can indeed achieve great results in getting rid of tumours with cannabis oil-however, the cancer itself may still be present, so other modalities should also be included, to kill the parasite itself…That tumour shrinkage & killing cancer are two separate goals…
https://shebelievedbangle.com/(link to ‘she believed she could so she did’ bangle for yourself or a friend)…
Explanation: NIDi (non invasive diagnostic imaging) is not a machine…It is just a way of editing a picture to see under the skin…What each colour means was laboriously compiled by me, by taking one supplement or food at a time, taking pictures, editing them, noting how the colours changed, then registering a certain colour as being responsible for a certain element…For example, Aluminum in the real world is cholesterol…if your picture shows more of a whitish colour when you eat a bunch of eggs, you know that that colour is a cholesterol marker…Chicken shows up as Iron, a pink colour…Lead is in red meat but also in other things too & shows up as more Blue…Calcium shows up as yellow if you drink milk or any other dairy…I figured this all out for myself…I could not do any imaging…My biopsy pierced my chest wall & left a hole there…The mammogram tore tissue & caused nodes in the perfectly fine breast that they insisted on doing…The ultrasound showed the trails that the biopsy had caused but the radiologist thought they were new growths…Ridiculous…I had no options…So I invented the solution…This is all hand done by me…Documented in my books & blog in various places as I developed it…It has been 2 & a half years…Long time & lots of time to check with real people against real diagnoses…Anyways…It’s very cool…When you digest this, send me something & I will show you…Many people are doing their own editing now…
What can you see with NIDI? (non invasive diagnostic imaging):”If you sent me a picture, we both could see…The edges of the tumour in red usually in PIxlr.com/editor …5 different biochemistry elements in the tumour & surrounding areas in Fotoflexer.com (so Lead in Blue, Iron in Pink, Whitish Aluminum cholesterol, Peach Hydrogen, Yellow calcium)…That gives clues to how to get rid of it…In Lunapic it shows just where the cancer is & how much-in purple…If there is mauve it is usually a pre-cancer stage like DCIS(though many call that cancer…Dr Laura Esserman does not-so I go with pre)…Estrogen is PHosphorus on the Periodic table by the way…Calcium is progesterone…People usually send a new picture once in a while, which is very useful to track progress…Yes, you can still see stuff while on chemo…Yes you can monitor after bilateral mastectomy…I am free, & so is everything on my blog…”
I usually recommend Licorice root for Cancer:(Comment…taste, side effects, effects…) You will like Licorice a lot better when you see what it does to cancer! Yes…Licorice root can raise systolic blood pressure like coffee does…It is a bit of a stimulant, gives energy…Also you will feel it burning away at any cancer areas…Don’t freak out…It is a good thing…