GroveBrainBodyRepair Chart with 24 chromosomes…
The artery that leads AWAY from the Heart (artery away, vein towards),
leads TO the KIDNEYS…
If you eat GMO glutens that artery can become blocked…
A shot of Olive oil with some Apple Cider Vinegar in the morning is a great way to unclog clogs…
Clots, unlike clogs, arise from excess Iron in the Thymus gland which leads to excess Iron in the Bloodstream…
If you eat chicken for example that could raise your iron levels…Or if you visit Ironland Ireland where the ground is geologically rich in Iron as are the people & the water & the air…
To unclot a clot you need something in the Manganese family like nuts…Almonds are a wonderful nut to eat & a handful of those will help to unclot clots in the blood…
Scar tissue is a different animal unto itself…High Aurum levels in the Heart can lead to high blood pressure…Like gold the Aurum can form new seals & valves…To stop the formation of new seals & valves in the Heart that you don’t need, you can add a Potassium source to your diet…Many people don’t know that Stevia contains Potassium…Hawthorn the spice as well…Bananas & coconut water too…Potassium lowers blood pressure…
Iodoral is a tablet made by Optimox Corporation in California where seaweed can be easily harvested & extracted…You can buy 180 Iodoral tablets at 12.5 mg each per day for 6 months(cost me about $70.00 Canadian currency) to help you if you are female to lose weight…If you are male & want to gain weight this will help you…Excess calcium from birth control drugs make women gain weight & men lose weight…This is a function of the fact that Calcium in excess can awaken the NON-Dominant side of your gender…When a woman awakens her male side she gains weight…When a man awakens his female side he loses weight…