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Writer's pictureSari Grove

GroveBrainPartChart:Book 9!



Treble Clef Female Bass Clef Male


Skene’s Gland & Prostate Gland=

Corpus Calossum female Minus Treble clef & Cerebral Aqueduct male Plus element Bass Clef=

Boron Bo -12 & Mb Molybdenum +1

Start small with Zinc, then loop to the right with Lead, then squeeze in tiny to Manganese, follow with a LARGE loop to Iron, & so on to form your Fibonacci Spiral…Like a snail only bigger, like a 3dimensional object…

The Code:

12 Body Parts

12 Brain Parts

12 Minus Elements

12 Plus Elements

Each Body Part contains 2 elements a Minus Element & a Plus element

Elements are from the Periodic Table of elements

Right side of the Body is Male Plus element dominant

Left side of the body is Female Minus element dominant

The Treble Clef in Music is for women

The Bass clef in Music is for Men

The Brain Parts Criss Cross to the Body Parts…

That means that for strength the ropes are crossed…

So the Left side of the Brain tends to be male & Plus dominant in a Man

The right side of the brain tends to be female & Minus dominant in a Woman

The front of the brain tends to be female dominant in brain parts that are front to back.

The back of the brain tends to be male Plus element dominant in brain parts that are front to back.

If a brain part is side to side like horizontal the right left rule applies.

Right side of the brain part controls the LEFT side of the body.

Left side of the brain part controls the RIGHT side of the body.

Front end of a brain part controls the BACK of the body.

Back end of a brain part controls the FRONT of a body part.

The stomach for example sits both to the front of the body & the back of the body.

The front of the stomach is a male dominant part & the back of the stomach is a female dominant part.

The strongest Plus element is Plus Twelve +12 & that is Lead Plom Pb.

The strongest Minus element is Boron Minus Twelve -12 & that is at the bottom of the chart.

The weakest Plus element is called Molybdenum & its sign is Mb.

You can find Molybdenum in Navy Beans…

If an element is in the same FAMILY but is stronger you could make it like this:

Pb Lead +12 Plumbum then you see Li Lithium is in the same family but just stronger so you could call Lithium +12.1 (see I called it +12 but since it is stronger than Lead Pb but similar I made it +12.1)

Lead in Latin is Plumbum hence the abrreviation Pb for Lead…

All the original elements come from Latin(actually the word ALL is a little strong)…

Aurum is Au but that means Gold like it has an aura…


Titration means dosing or measure or measurement…

If you have 2 of something you might write or type 2 x

x stands for times…

So like if I took 5 Manganese pills 2 times a day I might write that like this;

5 Mn 2 x/day

or if I wanted to be more specific I might say;

5 Manganese pills which are -2 Minus 2 on the GroveBrainPartChart & theGroveBodyPartChart two times per day & a day means maybe 24 hours not just 12 hrs like you would think…

GroveBody Part Chart

The Minus elements tend to be Acidic.

The Plus elements tend to be Alkaline.

The human body needs all 24 chromosomes in order to be healthy.

Those 24 chromosomes need to be in Balance as well to be well. is the url address of one of our mobile applications with much great help from the team at Infinite Monkeys & the Monkey Market which does not involve the sale of monkeys at all…

The order of the chromosomes is Zinc Lead  Manganese Iron Titanium Aluminum Potassium Gold Carbon Nitrogen Selenium Sulphur Oxygen Hydrogen Iodine Calcium Copper Phosphorus Magnesium Mercury Boron Molybdenum…

It should spiral outward…

That means that you start from the center & spiral outward…

Then you make a planet or a person or a dog!

The Trinity is the Head the Body & the Limbs.

or the Brain Parts then the Body Parts then the Limbs.

The Limbs include the arms & the legs.

The arms & the legs include the hands & the feet.

The arms & the legs also include the elbows & the Knees…

See Book 5 The Brain for some background on the Code… Book V:The Brain by Joseph & Sari Grove edited by the GroveCanada Team…which includes Austin the Portuguese Water Dog

THE CODE: In the Brain Part Chart you may see two words or more to describe brain parts…

The first word is the MINUS element.

The second word is the PLUS element.


for example in the Cerebral Cortex there exists the Corpus Calossum & the Cerebral Aqueduct.

The Corpus Calossum makes the Minus element Boron & the Cerebral Aqueduct makes the Plus element Molybdenum.

On the Grove Body Part Chart that area is called Gendern & refers to the Skene’s Gland & to the Prostate Gland…

Skene’s gland also makes Boron…The Prostate Gland also makes Molybdenum…

In the Limbs Boron & Molybdenum can be seen as a thin sheen coating on top of your skin…

Like the thin shiny coating on Soya Beans…Shiny translucent skin you also see on or inside eggs like the Amniotic sac that holds a horse baby called a foal or filly together inside the mommy horses stomach called the Mare…

A colt is usually a boy horse…

Hydrogen peroxide is an Oxygen that cleans out Water scabs…Then you can sometimes pull off a scab because you have dehydrated it…

Baking soda is a Carbon that lowers the bulk of Nitrogen glutens…

Apple Cider Vinegar is a Zinc family that removes Lead like what you find commonly in all alcohols because dirt often contains Lead & when you stew water in dirt long enough the Lead dissolves into the water & you drink Lead Pb Plumbum…Plomb!

When you mix apple cider vinegar (Zinc) with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)Carbon…

Zinc plus Carbon=?

When you mix Hydrogen PerOxide with Baking Soda you get Bleach otherwise known as BORON…

If Zinc is -1 and Carbon is -5(please note on the grove brain part chart carbon should be minus 5 not plus 5 that’s a typo mistake)!

Then Zn-1 and C-5 = a total of -6 (so -6 theoretically refers to Selenium which lowers Sulphur levels which usually refer to Sugar levels in this day & age)!

So Zinc + Carbon= Selenium

Oxygen added to Zinc and Carbon would be;

O-7    Zn-1  C -5 = Minus Seven Minus One Minus 5 Equals Minus 13 …

Minus 13 refers to? well Boron is Minus 12 so Minus 13 would be a very strong Boron…

You could call Minus 13 Minus 12.1 if you want to stick with the Chart…

*a lady cured penile squamous cell carcinoma using Oxygen Zinc & Carbon…That means that she basically cured Prostate cancer in a horse…The lady also gave the horse to drink a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar & a quarter cup baking soda well in its mash which means food…She also lowered intake of sweet grass which comes up in the early spring & the late fall…The hydrogen peroxide was applied to visible areas & then the scabs were picked off…Cotton balls were used to hold the HO2…By hand…The ACV mixed with the Sodium Bicarb was applied after, topically…This took daily work & 6 months of total time…I asked if the water was made hot? Hot & dry…Cold & wet…These are also opposites…The Cerebral Aqueduct rules the Prostate in a horse… (Tamara St. John convinced me to try apricot kernels, the lady who cured the horse Paches is “Renee Richetto Grul – the creative cancer killer”…I am grateful to both…From Sari: “Horses have been there for me, when nobody else was talking, & now that I am old, horses are there for me again, when nobody is listening…”)

CODE: The Top of a Brain part that is VERTICAL in orientation controls the bottom of a LIMB…

For example the top of a brain part controls the bottom of the feet, the sole…

The bottom of a brain part that is vertical controls say the top of the feet…

This is the third dimension which includes the LIMBS…

So you have 3 directions:

or 3 choices…

when deciding…

Front or Back

Top or Bottom

Left side or Right side…

If you have brain parts that are left & right you know the left one is controlling the right side of the body & the right one is controlling the left side of the body…

If you have brain parts which are to the Front or to the Back of the brain LIKE THEY ARE PAIRED one is in front & one is in back then you know the one that is more to the FRONT in a pair controls the BACK of the body & the one that is more to the Back of the brain controls the Front of the body…

If you have brain parts that are vertical in orientation one is to the top of the pair & one is to the bottom of the pair then you know that the one that is on top of the pair controls the bottom of the body like the sole of the foot…

The one that is on the bottom of the paired brain part controls the top of the foot…

Like the Medulla Oblongata which controls the Heart Body Part is a Vertical Brain Part…

So the top of the medulla oblongata controls the bottom of the heart & the bottom of the medulla oblongata controls the top of the heart…

The heart makes seals & valves…LIke on a clarinet…Seals & Valves…

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