Dr. Junzo Kokubo…
Medical Doctor of Oriental Medicine…
Also Paramedic certified through SunLife Financial…
Listening & Ideas with Problem solving, Diagnosis through Palpation, Japanese Acupuncture(shorter needles, hollow tubes to insert with mallet), Moxibustion(Mugwort into cone then burned & removed before it touches skin), Shiatsu(removal of stress blockages through manipulation)…
Focus:Mugwort is similar to Nutmeg in that it is a Manganese element that lowers iron…Iron makes lumps hard…Manganese makes lumps soft…
Hardness in Lumps is NOT desirable…
Great success after one hour appointment June 1st, 2015…
Thank God!
Origato (Thank you in Japanese phonetic)
Note: Iron lives in the Thymus gland that produces blood…Iron makes red blood cells…In the brain, we are talking about the Motor Cortex…
Iron would prefer the right side of the body…
Hence Iron would prefer the left side of the brain…
Iron would prefer the front of the body…
Hence Iron would prefer the back of the Motor Cortex…
Iron is Yang or male…Plus element on our charts…
Manganese is Yin or female…Minus element on our charts…
#PhilosophyofMedicine #Books #humanmachineworks #DrKokubo #AnintroductiontohowthehumanmachineworksampashorttalkaboutgettingridofabreastcancerlumpGroveHealthScienceSeriesBook8 #braintheories #Uncategorized #origato #chromosomes #iron #Acupropress #ampRollingwiththeTides #coolideas #GroveBrainPartChart #anticancerTherapiestoconsider #manganese