Baylisascaris Procyonis
The picture above is the picture I showed to the doctor…he told me this was not a worm…I thought he was insane…
My review of the doctor on Yelp: I had a picture from my stool showing a maybe 13 inch Raccoon Roundworm(Baylisascaris Procyonis), including a coil at the end…
Doctor Keystone told me privately that though it looked like a worm, it was not a worm…
Since it had taken 3 weeks to get the appointment, I had researched & ordered the drug I needed, Albenza, from an online pharmacy…
This saved my life, because Dr. Keystone told me that it was very difficult for him to get this drug, that it needed Health Canada paperwork & approvals etc…
So essentially I treated myself…Being told that the enormous worm in my stool picture was not actually a worm has left me puzzled…
Nobody on the planet would deny it was a worm…
I wonder how many patients have gone to Dr. Keystone & been told they did not have a worm or parasite? How many believed that? The worm I had could have been fatal…
It is a good thing that I am an independent thinker…
Today, worms as true cause of cancer is a leading theory…Antiparasitics are essential…Denial is insane…
Scary Afterthought: The reason I got in to see this doctor was because my father was a doctor, that helps to get you in to see other doctors…
(My Dad was a neuro-opthalmological surgeon who also taught doctors & wrote textbooks)… I found out my Mother had gone to see this same doctor many years ago…
After she had been in Mexico & thought she had a parasite…he told her that it was a vegetable fiber not a parasite…
After that, my mum got breast cancer…We know today that parasites cause cancer…Had my mum done antiparasitics right away, would she never have gotten cancer?
(My personal answer is that no, she would not have gotten cancer had she done antiparasitics right away)…
Update:Stool sample results from Women’s College Hospital laboratorySo, I had 7 stool samples containers, for 3 days worth of stool samples… I carefully made sure to sort through my stool with a plastic fork to specifically put worms into the bottles…I wanted to make sure the laboratory did a worm identification…Good luck with that! After over a month of waiting for a phone call, I finally got someone to tell me the results over the phone… Blood, negative, urine, negative, Stool, negative… Despite having put worms into each bottle, the laboratory said I was negative for worms , parasites, or anything else… Brilliant…Apparently the laboratory at Women’s College Hospital is just as useless as the one at Toronto General Hospital… Got a return call from a nurse…I asked if they could mention to the lab that the patient had carefully placed worms into each bottle, to ensure easy identification? That there must be some mistake? No the nurse said, there was no way to tell the laboratory that they were idiots…She got off the phone quickly too, apparently upset that I would dare to question anything… Welcome to the nightmarish world of socialized medicine, brought to you by OHIP, the Ontario health Insurance Plan… Where everybody is underpaid, consults are 5 minutes maximum, 60-100 patients are seen in one day by one doctor, & nobody cares, & everybody makes mistakes, & drugs are not available, & all lab tests are useless…
In the meantime:I am taking Albenza nightly 400 mg x 3 or 4…I am taking some penicillin that I had…I am awaiting a delivery from Amazon of Reeses Pinworm medication (Pyrantel Pamoate) because locally it is $25 a round & on Amazon it is $9…I am doing enemas if I feel any obstruction or hardness in my tummy…