Recently, another Blog chose to write about my DIY Thermogram method & what to do when you see your pictures & figure out the chemistry of whatever lump it is you are looking at…
I was thrilled & still am just thrilled!
The post explains things in a way that makes it all much simpler than how I write…
Just great!
I urge you to go over to Heal Breast Cancer Naturally, & not only read the linked post, but just enjoy the vast amount of research, knowledge & sensitivity to the subject…
I have also made a new friend! Which is just the cat’s pyjamas for me…(it is cold for 6 months of the year here in Toronto, & I get lonely for friends in the winter months)…
Here is the link again
If anyone successfully does their own DIY Thermogram please write to me about it…I am eager to hear of success stories…
UPDATE: If you don’t have a Mac computer, I figured out another way to do a DIY Thermogram Mammogram using a free online program called Fotoflexer…Here is the post with instructions for Windows people…
Plus, if you need any help interpreting the pictures, I will do my best to help…
I’m at , I’m Sari Grove…(below is my Grove Body Part Chart-which is the basis for my books…see the Free Books page to read all 8)
The Grove Body Part Chart has an extra row now…I called it Gender…In the male, it refers to the Prostate gland…In the female it refers to the female form of the Prostate gland which is called Skene’s gland…The Plus element which feeds this area is called Molybdenum on my chart…The Minus element is called Boron…
The numbers on the Chart refer to the strength of that element…The Plus elements are strongest at the top of the chart…The Minus elements are strongest at the bottom of the Chart…So Boron is the strongest detoxifying element…Lead is the strongest nutrifying element…
Elements live in pairs as opposites in each body part…Imbalance is disease…
If you want to detoxify, choose all the Minus elements…If you need to feed your body, to replenish & repair, choose all the Plus elements…
Cancer is a disease of excess, so you need Minus elements to correct this…
Question:Someone asked me a question about a breast lump that was growing fast & I have decided to post my short answer here for anyone who wants a quickie response to such a problem…
Answer:Ok, so , no I did not get my Cannabis oil from Dr Robert Lowson…
I got mine from a website called buyweedonline dot ca which is based in British Columbia Canada where they grow it very fresh there…$150 for 3 grams…Myself, I took it for 2 weeks then stopped…The side effects I was having was sleepiness during the day so I could not exercise at all, Hungryiness so I was breaking my diet, & constipation which can be dangerous…Plus it was too expensive for me to do the high dosages you require for the full treatment…I was also having memory loss…
I switched to Boswellia Serrata capsules(Frankincense) which have a similar effect to cannabis oil, but is legal & easier to get in many different formats…
For addressing a scary lump I recommend some ideas in my Book 6 & my Book 8, which are both free on my site grovecanada dot ca (look for the Free Books page)…
But off the top of my head here are the big ones: To stop all spread which is the dangerous thing, take Licorice root in any form you prefer & keep taking it for a very long time(me a year)-Licorice root reverses Phosphorus which is what makes lumps malignant-it doesn’t shrink them but makes them benign…Tincture, capsules, tea, or raw herb straight into mouth & swallow a pinch-I took all…Licorice is a Copper which cleans the Spleen…
Next is Iodine herb which is Madagascar Periwinkle herb-this does cause shrinkage by attacking Calcium…You can boil the herb or just swallow it raw straight which is cheaper & stronger…Apricot Kernels do shrinkage too by dehydrating the lump…They are made of Oxygen…Chew quickly then swallow some juice because they taste so bitter…
The two other things that significantly helped me with shrinkage are: raw plant based diet(Google helen hecker nurse for her book about eating raw for cancer)…
Second thing is I walked like 10 km 3 times per week…It is far so go slow…
In the mornings a shot of flaxseed oil with some apple cider vinegar provides Manganese & Carbon…
50,000 iu of Vitamin D3 once a week is important to lower Lead levels…Ok, those are the big things…
The cannabis oil seemed to act very much on my brain-if I had a brain tumour I am sure it would be perfect…I may go back to it in the future, but since I had my lump under control I wasn’t panicky enough to go whole hog on it…
But my source, buyweedonline dot ca was wonderful-he calls himself Ronald mcChronald…But I think you have to be in Canada to buy from his site…
Please feel free to email me at with questions or whatever about what I am mentioning…
There is more on my blog & site…
The DIY Thermogram thing is really neat & has just been written about on Healing Breast cancer Naturally blog…
*while I am mentioning things-also add a parasite cleanse to your routine…Get one that has black walnut hull, wormwood & clove oil…Those 3 things are what you need…It seems everyone has parasites & doesn’t know…Better safe than sorry…Sari
Also check out the DIY deodorant lymph node detoxification salve ideas…(you take corn starch, baking soda, vegetable glycerin-then mix in clove oil, or frankincense oil, or grapefruit oil, some 50,000 iu vitamin d3 caspule powder & you have a lymph detox deodorant-put essential oils in that you like!
Hi(if you don’t have a iPhoto editing program)…Take a picture about 4 inches away, lens set to Macro, flash on…Send it to me( & I will edit it on my Mac iPhoto program & send it back…If you want, crop out the nipple before sending for modesty…
The licorice root, whatever form you can get, stops all spread & reverses the cancer…It changes the chemistry to benign…
Take 50 mg pill of Iodoral daily…
50,000 iu vitamin d3 a week(get on amazon)…
Apricot kernels are amazing for shrinkage-stick them in juice if they taste too bitter…(grind them first)…
Frankincense(Boswellia) works just like the cannabis oil but is legal-start some now while you are waiting to source the CBD oil…Get the strongest & take way more than recommended dosage…
Just started something called Wobenzym N(it is made of pancreatic enzymes)…Will post when I know more…
Book 8 is how to get rid of a breast cancer lump…
Love & hugs, Sari Grove
p.s.take Amazing Grass Greens wheatgrass powder(or another Greens powder you can find) 3x a day (it has alot of plant caffeine)-the Copper is medicinal & it will make you feel great!
Get a Green wheatgrass powder(copper) which has plenty of plant based caffeine…You & Mum drink this 3x day-it’s medicinal but also makes you feel like a million bucks!
Myrrh oil (Opoponax version is strong) lowers blood sugar…Take that orally…
You can chew Frankincense Tears(the resin)…Spit it out when it loses flavour…