Her2 positive is an overexpression of Chromosome 17…On the Grove Body Part Chart, Her2 positive would be an excess of HYDROGEN, in the Liver…
This post has links to several studies confirming that chromosome 17 is indeed involved with Liver(Hepato)function…(Cerebellum in the brain)
People who have cancers that have tested positive for Her2/chromsome17, need to take care of their Liver…
Treatments are in the Oxygen category:B17 pills, apricot kernels, modified citrus pectin, milk thistle, dandelion root & greens, burdock root, fresh air, ozone therapy, oxygen water, oxygen, berries, sundried tomatoes, raw saffron, seeds & peel of citrus fruits, apple seeds, proanthocyanidins…
Did you know the BRCA1 gene is on chromosome 17 too? (BRCA2 is on chromosome 13, which means low Copper, high Phosphorus/estrogen levels)…
Liver cancer susceptibility at chromosome 17… https://www.researchgate.net/publication/24171443_Predominant_modifier_of_extreme_liver_cancer_susceptibility_in_C57BRcdJ_female_mice_localized_to_6_Mb_on_chromosome_17
Liver metastasis & chromosome 17…https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309213550_Impact_of_chromosome_17q_deletion_in_the_primary_lesion_of_colorectal_cancer_on_liver_metastasis
Hepatitis B & chromosome 17…http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hep.1840150419/full
hepatocellular carcinomas & chromosome 17…https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5390382_Numerical_Aberrations_of_Chromosome_17_and_the_p53_Locus_in_Small_Hepatocellular_Carcinomas