The Learn Nidi course is free again at https://grove.official.academybecause I have to edit a few things & update a few other things…
This blog is down mostly, because there is just way too much information here, & I have to sort of see what is still relevant, or maybe just scratch it all and start fresh!
The DIY Cancer Repair Manual Facebook group is still around, though we have slowed down in the past 3 years because the internet noise was crowded with pandemic information- we are slowly gearing up again, very slowly though…
The Nidi NIDI book (book 12 of Grove Health Science) needs a big update too, so I ended up unpublishing all 12 books while I sorted through the Amazon presence-you can find free copies of raw manuscripts by searching for sari grove on or Smashwords, & a few other places…
One of our fabulous health experts has returned to The Nidi Academy, now that the pandemic is mostly over-ish, & we also have a new person who has come in to help with the Feng Shui of teaching(the flow so to speak)-more about that later, as roles develop, and people are moved in solidly!
On a personal note, I am back to my 10 kilometre walks (weirdly I seem to get better benefit from walking it than running it???), & have been returning as well to more of that raw plant based diet thing that makes me glow with energy!
This is my gym! (Moore Park Ravine in Toronto)