We have two intact female bengal cats…
For over 10 years they have been getting balance from Phytopet in their wet food…http://www.swallowhealthydiet.com/balance.html
15 drops…
I buy it yearly…
(12 big bottles)…It keeps them out of heat…
It works for dogs & other animals…
It is a way of keeping a pet without spay or neuter…
ps.If for some reason, you forget to give balance to your cats or dogs or horses or bird or whatever(husband-if he insist on going out EVERY night to the bars or something!Hide it in his morning tea!), & they go into heat…Step 2 will help you sleep…Get a thick thermometer from a drugstore…Put cat on counter in Lordosis position…(they present their butt in the air)…Very very gently insert thermometer into personal part…(vagina)…Hold there, about half an inch in…Twirl it slightly once you are in…The cat will roar, roar, roar, & then done…Remove thermometer quickly as she will roll…This pulls them out of heat fast…Now you can go back to sleep…(There are youtube videos explaining this-search how to pull a cat out of heat thermometer technique!!!)…