Before word:There are 2 main Editing techniques mentioned here…One is the Fotoflexer edit that looks at biochemistry…This will tell you what some of your imbalances are, & will help you to focus on what exactly to correct for health…The second is a Lunapic edit that ONLY looks for malignancy…Here is the link to the full instructions for the Lunapic edit… Note:If you are eating lots of Phosphorus foods including cottage cheese, Kefir, Yogurt, or cheeses, then you could get a false positive for malignancy in Lunapic…Cease eating all those foods for 3 days & see how your pictures look then…
An example of a Fotoflexer edit to see chemistry of a lump… *Humaworm is an antiparasitic that you take for 30 days…2 capsules morning, 2 capsules evening…If you have Cancer take it…Also give to your pets…And anyone else you have been in contact with…This is not an affiliate link at all…Sari Grove
*(please say thank you to Marnie Newton on Facebook for introducing us to Humaworm…Without her research, we would still be having to buy single supplements to make up our recipes…Not to mention, forgetting to add Marshmallow, a demulcent, a Carbon on the Grove Body Part Chart, that softens & helps excrete GMO glutens that can cause physical blockages in the Kidneys, preventing traditional antiparasitics from doing their job)…
Instructions for how to see a lump under your skin in your body:
How to do it…(Basic Instructions)
Take a picture with your camera set to Macro Flash on about 4 inches away(with iPhone camera set to HDR on, iPad cameras & even pretty crummy cameras WILL work!)…
Too close & the flash will be too strong(so get close, then back off so the Flash doesn’t ruin the picture-4-5 inches-take a few shots at different distances)…
Camera notes:if you use an iPhone or other Mobile camera, they are set to brighter because most mobile shots are in dark rooms-so your final picture will be brighter-so you don’t necessarily need Flash, & you might not need Macro setting either…(play with settings to see which pictures give best results…)
Regular Digital Cameras:Do better with Flash setting On, & if you can set the LENS to MACRO which means it can see detail close-up very well…
*You can Message Sari Grove on Facebook & upload a test picture there & discuss results there with Sari if you want help…(philosophically is a Do It Yourself site, & our books encourage Do It Yourselfing as much as possible…So please do not consider Sari or anyone else to be a replacement for your own expertise…You are the Doctor of your own body, do not give that power away!) you know your results, see this post to understand what things you can do to correct any imbalances you see or malignancies…
Upload to then in Basic choose Adjust
Move HUE all the way to left, Move Saturation all the way to right…
In EFFECTS choose Heat Map(click MORE at top to see Heat map as a choice)
After Applying Heat map, go to COLOR ROTATE, click APPLY as well, then SAVE you are DONE!
4 Easy steps:
1)Upload to…
2)In Basics adjust Hue(all the way to the left, the slider) & Saturation( move this slider all the way to the right)…
3)In Effects choose Heat Map…
4)Then choose Color Rotate…
(Second editing method)****In Best Method for checking for Malignancy! IF YOU REALLY WANT TO CHECK FOR PHOSPHORUS(malignancy) up close:
Follow these steps…
In Adjust: click adaptive equalize, apply click sharpen, slider all the way to right(100%), apply click color saturation, slider all the way to right, apply contrast-5x (click this 5 times slowly, wait in between for it to fully load), apply IN Filters: thermal effect, apply HDR lighting, apply back In Adjust: adjust light levels—contrast slider to left, highlights slider to left, shadows sliders to left (all down(to left)), apply adjust colors: click the swap red green button click swap green blue button click swap blue red button,apply Normalize, apply,
DONE! (in this edit in Lunapic you are looking for purple Phosphorus only…Any purple is Phosphorus, malignancy…(Treat with Coppers like licorice root tincture/extract)
Here is what the look for malignancy edit looks like in Lunapic, see blog post for more how to…
Ok, back to basics…(The Fotoflexer edit)
What did you see in your edited picture? Blue is lead(You will get Blue after drinking alcohol the night before or eating red meat)( Note: I have also seen Blue Lead from: Radiator fluid spill, RoundupWeed Killer exposure, Mold in house, Old house Lead Paint, Tattoo Ink- Heavy Metals Defense powder from Mike Adams the Health Ranger store chelates heavy metals)…-antagonize with Zinc family like Camu Camu powder for Vitamin C… Pink(this ring will be right around the Blue Lead) is Iron(you will see Iron after eating chicken) antagonize with a Manganese supplement…
White(it is also slightly pinkish) is Aluminum(Aluminum is cholesterol in the real world)…Antagonize with with Titanium like Boswellia capsules(Frankincense)… Peach is Hydrogen(you drank ice or water-Necrosis which is characterized by Hypoxia is also excess Hydrogen))…Antagonize with Oxygens like Apricot Kernels… Dark spots are Phosphorus(You will see Phosphorus after eating cheese, yogurt, Kefir, cottage cheese)(Phosphorus looks like tiny ants-I have also seen heavy Phosphorus exposure from living near a lake with Toxic Algae Blooms)…Antagonize with Licorice root tincture & Colloidal Copper & even transdermal Copper patches-(a Copper)… Yellow is Calcium…antagonize with Iodine like Iodoral pills 12.5 mg a day…
Green is normal tissue Yay!
Warning:DARK GREEN spots or blobs is Phosphorus…Phosphorus is what makes a lump malignant…You want to clear your lump picture of all those dark green spots…COPPER cleans out Phosphorus…Use the search feature on the website to find out more about how things work, the grove body part chart, our free books, how to download them from Smashwords, & just anything else I might have written about… This complicated sounding study basically supports what I have been saying, which is that licorice root is great at getting at breast cancer(& other cancers)…I took licorice tincture first…(later, capsules, the tea, boiled the herb, then just swallowed the herb raw)…Licorice root is a COPPER…(like Ginkgo Biloba, caffeine, green tea, Matcha tea, wheatgrass)…
How the Grove Body Part Chart relates to your lump pictures:The PLUS elements start at LEAD, then IRON, then ALUMINUM, then AURUM, then Nitrogen, Sugar, Hydrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus, Mercury, Bismuth, Molybdenum…
So…When you look at your FOTOFLEXER edited lump picture, the elements will start in the MIDDLE of the LUMP, & work outwards in CONCENTRIC circles…
So Lead(blue in Fotoflexer) should be in the middle, then Pink Iron, then Whitish pink Aluminum, then….Calcium, Phosphorus…NOT all elements can be seen easily in Fotoflexer…
Aurum(B12 which attracts bugs & raises blood pressure), Nitrogen(all glutens & GMO glutens & breads & pastas will block up Kidneys causing physical blockages to getting rid of parasites-Marshmallow helps unblock those blocks since it is a Carbon), Sugar, Mercury & Molybdenum are not easily seen in Fotoflexer…
Phosphorus is also a bit hard to distinguish, which is why we came up with the LUNAPIC editing process which ONLY looks for Phosphorus which indicates malignancy(an alien life form in your body)…Phosphorus can also indicate high consumption of Phosphorus foods, so please cease eating Phosphorus foods for at least 3 days prior to checking your photographs if you don’t want to freak out too much at all the Phosphorus purple you will see…If you have been on the Budwig diet(which includes Phosphorus based cottage cheese), you will have to refrain from the cottage cheese for a longer time in order to avoid false positives…
Corrected for Sugar
(*write to me directly if you are scared or need help or want to chat or argue… Sari Grove…My husband Joseph Grove helps me in everything I do, but if you send me pictures or emails I don’t share that with him…I often lose or delete things people send me so I don’t have your personal information in my computer…so don’t rely on me to store your pictures or anything…I am just here to help…)
*Just to compare with a normal Mammogram picture, here is one from my own Mammogram CD…If you have your CD, the file is called the DICOM file there…Open it until you get to black looking slide pictures…Those are your pictures… This service Dicom Library will allow you to anonymously upload your pictures & view them immediately for free online…Anyways, here is one…
You cannot really see very much!
Compare that to my DIY Thermogram process images…You can see both size & chemistry in COLOUR! You can take the photos yourself with no squashing or other people touching you…You can do this every day to see how certain foods or supplements affect size & chemistry…
Blue=Lead(like from alcohol or potatoes or Vitamin A things-antagonize with Vitamin D3 or Ginger root tea)
Light Pink around the Blue=Iron(like from chicken-antagonize with Manganese like Mugwort, Moxa, Moxibustion, bloodroot, or nuts or just Manganese pills)
Almost white around that pink=Aluminum(like cholesterol from eggs type of things-antagonize with Titaniums like Frankincense topically or orally)
The peachy colour around that is Hydrogen=like from water(necrosis is too much Hydrogen not enough Oxygen-hence apricot kernels because they are Oxygen rich)
Yellow is calcium=from Milk(antagonize with Iodines like Iodoral daily 12.5 mg)
Green=Normal flesh
Dark spots=can be Phosphorus(dangerous)(antagonize with a Copper like Licorice root which chases away estrogen Phosphorus fast)
edited at
Here is how my picture looks as edited in iPhoto(below)…Here the shiny reflective area is Iron…The foggy grey stuff is Hydrogen…The Blue is Aluminum(cholesterol)…The green is normal tissue…Dark Spots are Phosphorus(which is actually dangerous-antagonize with Licorice root a great Copper that is anti-estrogenic…)How to edit in iPhoto instructions are here…
NOTE:in iPhoto I can see Cholesterol(aluminum) very well-it shows up BLUE…
In iPhoto, if there is a lot of Phosphorus, it shows up as PURPLE…
These two are important to see & do not come up very well in the picture edits…(Sorry! Macintosh discontinued the iPhoto program so I cannot do this for you easily anymore…)If you want me to edit a picture for you in iPhoto(or in please send me a pic to & I will do my best to do it quickly…Plus I will probably tell you what I think is there to help…
iphoto edit
Note:You can see stuff in other parts of your body too!
When my husband & I were both sick, we wanted to see if it was maybe pneumonia…
I took a picture close-up of Joseph’s lung from the back, & I also did a selfie of my own lung taken from my back…(just hold the camera sort of where you think your lung is at your back area)…
I uploaded & edited the photos & compared them to a study that has close u pictures of mouse lungs who had pneumonia…I could see the grey foggy cloudy patches in the lungs of the mice with pneumonia…(grey foggy cloudy patches indicate Hydrogen if you edit in iPhoto…In Fotoflexer, Hydrogen comes out a peachy colour)…
When I looked at our pictures I could also see the same cloudy grey foggy patches…
We did indeed both have pneumonia!
This was important because we stepped up our home treatments…
1000 mg garlic pills(Kyolic), Cayenne pepper in everything including coffee tea & soup…
I also did a 9 minute session at an intermediate(stronger than normal) grade machine at a sun tanning salon…This was key & $25 dollars later,(I also paid for & used the lotion they sell…)my lungs were actually clear…(In winter, a suntanning bed can really boost your system out of a chronic illness, especially in Canada)…
For Joseph, turns out the cayenne pepper in everything was key to his recovery…
A letter I wrote to somebody recently:(with personal stuff removed)
Most lumps or tumours are not made up of cancer cells…
A small fraction may be cancerous, the rest is just Calcium & iron…
A benign lump is calcium Oxalate(oxalate means iron)…
a malignant lump is Calcium phosphate…
So the difference between the two is the Phosphorus…
To prevent & reverse the spread of Phosphorus you use Coppers…Anything in the Copper family will antagonize the Phosphorus & reverse…
Its called Phenotypic reversion when cancer cells return back to normal cells…
I used Licorice root for my Copper because it absorbs well…Tincture, tea, capsules, the raw herb, the herb boiled, even a strong syrup thing…
Ginkgo Biloba is another Copper…
Green tea contains alot of Copper & some people have extracted the catechins from green tea into pills…
Once you have stopped any & all Phosphorus & gotten rid of it, you basically just have a benign lump…
Getting rid of Calcium you need Iodine…Iodoral 12.5 mg daily is fine…The herb Madagascar periwinkle is great too…Poke root too…Kelp too…Vinpocetine is a pill that is also an Iodine-great…eat seaweed & sea vegetables…Fucoidan is a new Iodine…
Iodines shrink the Calcium…
Iron is what makes tumours hard…Anything Manganese softens Iron…Bloodroot is a Manganese…So are nuts…Mugwort (Artemisinin) is a manganese…Manganese pills too…
Other elements are particular to what you eat & drink usually…
If you see alot of Hydrogen then you need Oxygen things…I like apricot kernels for Oxygen because they are so strong & pretty easy to buy…Tamara st. John grinds them in a coffee grinder them eats them in the morning in unsweetened applesauce…They taste bitter so this is a great way to stick with eating alot of them…
I walk 10 km almost daily…It can take 1-1/2 hours…It used to take 3 hours I was so slow…Walking is almost a full time job…
Vitamin D3 50,000 iu a week is a great booster & helps to dissolve Lead…Lead comes from drinking alcohol usually(shows Blue in the Fotoflexer edited pictures)…(this was a new fact to me too actually-that alcohol contains Lead)…
Green is normal tissue yes…
The rest that is not green is not necessarily Cancer, it’s just not exactly what should be there… What I look for is the Phosphorus…In the iPhoto program Phosphorus shows up as tiny purple ants, or dark spots… In the Fotoflexer program Phosphorus is harder to see…
It can show up as very dark spots…
I am trying to find a program that could maybe show Phosphorus better, because that is an important one to know about…
Phosphorus is the scary one… Cholesterol(shows Blue in iPhoto edits, or shows pink in Fotoflexer-usually right after the Blue) responds well to Frankincense/Boswellia… Things that I am not seeing yet in pictures(but would love to be able to in the future if I can find better editing programs)are:
Sugar( though if I ate sugar by accident- a poppyseed salad dressing was spiked as were the dried cranberries in some innocent looking trail mix- the lump shows increased activity, like more spots on it in pictures)…
Nitrogen(like glutens)
But you can feel things get bigger from glutens…
& most people know to avoid sugars…(though fruit sugars people sneak in often)… I ordered the Ingrid Naiman book about black salve today…(in Canadian currency cause the dollar is low here, plus shipping, it cost me $75…!)Update: read it!
But I guess if I am going to black salve I’ve gotta read the black salve Bible on it…”( turns out the Facebook group Black Salve discussion is pretty darn good for learning)…
Resource: Kelley Metabolic Centre will mail you tubes for blood & urine samples…You get the samples, mail them back(priority shipping less than 7 days!), & they send you back a full profile that includes Cancer spectrum profiling…It costs less than $500, but if you want to know how you are doing, this might be the way to go…I have not done the cancer profile yet…But I am thinking about it…( update: didn’t go for it…Instead spent that money on a topical patch system called Lifewave…)( I’d rather spend on medicines than diagnostics)…
Question I see often: What could I do if I have cancer & want to detox & rebalance my biochemistry?
Answer: (from Sari Grove) Here’s a recent list I wrote as a comment somewhere else… If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask… “After a year of raw vegetable diet,
10 kilometre walking,
licorice root,
madagascar periwinkle,
vitamin d3 50,000 iu,
lots of oil, apple cider vinegar
, potassium,
green tea
, hemp oil,
CBD oil,
hulled hemp seeds,
sesame seeds,
green apples,
wheatgrass juice,
baking soda,
garlic pills & raw garlic,
apricot kernels,
goji berries,
organic food,
iodoral tablets,
poke root,
blue flag iris,
matcha tea,
cold brewed coffee,
gingko biloba,
Unda 17(for parasites),
Miror EPF(also for parasites),
black walnut hull,
(those 3 also for parasites),
Frankincense resin chewed,
Frankincense water,
Boswellia capsules,
Frankincense topically,
Lymph Detox deodorant,
Ginger root boiled,
Epsom Salt baths,
Myrrh oil drops(Opoponax was the species of Myrrh)
magnesium,” (I also took Dr. Reckeweg R38, & R39, which gets rid of Ovarian Cysts)…(I also used the Get-ITGirl(get-it smoothie powder & Matcha tea powder at the very beginning)(VegaOne Sugar Free Energizer with ginger & turmeric helped at the beginning too!) (Cayenne pepper in everything & ginger root boiled to make tea)…(You can chew Frankincense resin, then spit out the gum later-good medicine!)…I cheated on the raw vegetable diet with fish if I needed proteins…
What about Cancers or Polyps in other parts of the body?
My feeling is that generally speaking with these type of things, the list of things I did would be helpful…It’s a systemic thing…Topical salves get rid of lumps & bumps but you really have to detox & rebalance the whole system so nothing comes back & everything is reversed back to normal…The most important ones if you think it’s Cancer are:Licorice Root(for the Copper-alternatively you can get Copper from Ginkgo Biloba & Green Tea), Iodoral or another Iodine but strong & daily…Manganese acts like Bloodroot-you can get Manganese from the herb Mugwort…Boron is very useful in the lower body regions like the Bladder…
Things I am planning on doing soon…
Bloodroot capsules internally from ZENITH HERBALS…( update: got them & started taking them!)
Black Salve topically on lump to remove it from Zenith herbals…(maybe)( update: still a maybe Nov. 2015)…
Please join the Black Salve Discussion Group on Facebook if you are considering Black Salve or the Bloodroot capsules…You will need them…
24 chromsomes(one extra for the Baker)
“Each body part has two elements that live together as opposites in balance…Disease is an imbalance of these two elements…Find out which body part or corresponding brain part your disease is affecting…Find out if you have an excess or a lack…Lower the correct element if there is excess…Raise the correct element if there is lack…Since they are opposites, by raising one element, you will naturally also lower the other element…It is like a scale or a see-saw…Minus elements detoxify, Plus elements feed…The strongest Minus element is Boron…The strongest Plus element is lead…The numbers indicate how strong an element is…Boron is -12 very strong detoxifier…Lead is +12 very strong feeder…”
Sari Grove
you can do fotoflexer or iphoto edits with ultrasound pictures too
At the end of writing my 3rd book, I discover that Coppers are able to prevent & reverse spread…They don’t remove a lump, but can make it revert back to benign…It is called Phenotypic reversion when cancer cells revert back to benign…With my brother’s help, I landed on Licorice root as the Copper I would predominantly use…I tracked its effect with my DIY thermogram photo editing-almost daily…Started with St. Francis Licorice root tincture…Once I saw that it was working, my fear about the whole spread thing went away…You can live with a benign lump indefinitely…People forget that…As long as you neuter it, you don’t necessarily have to shrink it or take it out-which can be difficult because a benign lump is usually Calcium Oxalate(oxalate means iron) which is almost as hard as a tooth…
Why I had to invent my own imaging program…
…My first & only mammogram tore tissue at the top of both breasts & under the lump…3 months later at my first & only oncologist appt. she said she felt nodes in my non- lump breast…I said yes I know, that was from the mammogram…As a small breasted woman, I have always feared getting up on that table- now I know my fears were warranted…I also had the joy of my pleura being pierced during the core needle biopsy…That means for 2 months when I drank water it went into my lungs…Turns put once again, small breasts plus lump near chest wall can result in accidental piercing called a pneumothorax…This year I tried ultrasound alone( if you try hard enough they let you do this)…So this time they say there are 2 new trails…I say, yes, because you are seeing the trails from the core needle biopsy- they leave 2 straw like trails…So long story short-I was motivated to do my own diagnostic imaging…
papillomavirus-notice it is dark green(phosphorus signature), whereas the rest of the skin is light green(yellow is calcium)
Alcohol:When I take my pictures & edit them, alcohol comes up as Lead, just like red meat does…It was surprising to me so I researched & found indeed alcohol does have a high Lead content…You can offset that with things like Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Ginger root tea, Sunshine…The other thing that comes up from alcohol is Hydrogen…You can offset that with Oxygens like Apricot kernels, Goji berries, Milk thistle…Some people burn those things off quickly though, so they can drink…Depends on the person & how active they are…Insomniacs tend to burn off alcohol fast, athletes too…The sugar is another issue…Offset with Lysine, garlic, selenium, pancreatic enzymes…
Note:if you already have Thermogram images, just upload them to Fotoflexer & choose Color Rotate in Effects…(In regular thermograms the red is Lead(blue) on our chart, & the yellow is Iron(light pink)…
If you already have ultrasound images, mammogram images, brain scan images, CT scans, just edit them the same way you would a normal picture, using our steps…)
If you edit a regular Thermogram picture in Lunapic for malignancy, just SKIP the THERMAL effect step-that has already been done…Also SKIP the ADJUST light levels… Here are the full check for malignancy only instructions…
Do you know where exactly in your lungs those nodules were? If you have a digital camera, you could try taking a picture exactly where you think they are…Set to Macro, flash on, about 4-5 inches away…Maybe we could see them? Just a thought…
There is a camera app in the iTunes Store called Camera+ …It turns the iPhone camera into a camera that can be set to Macro, Flash on, & Stabilizer…To take better pictures…Just an idea if you only have an iPhone… If you are starting an Alternative anticancer program & need some guidance, or are already doing one & feel confused, check out my blog post about all that…
(from Sari Grove-& Joseph Grove too)*****I put together a short Kindle book on Amazon, for those who want a copy of these free instructions on Kindle…It is $2.99 American currency)…The book is called DIY Diagnostic Imaging, & contains the short pdf file with just 4 pictures of what to do in Fotoflexer, the written notes on how to just look for malignancy in, & the so you want to start an alternative anticancer protocol but don’t know where to start, blogpost…here is the link
This post is ONLY the UP CLOSE instructions to check for Phosphorus malignancy…That is ALL it sees, nothing else…
(here’s a free PDF file of the instructions in step by step pictures you can download now…how to see a lump yourself…)PDF file 899 kb(small file)
*If you are stuck with these instructions, message me on Facebook (Sari Grove), with your picture & I will edit it for you & walk you through how to again…Or write at if you don’t have Facebook…
* asterisk marked comments are all optional, so skim through them…
** is a Free Mobile App that has all these instructions, the video, the short pdf, conveniently in a place you can bookmark on your Mobile Phone & or share with a friend…
***Note: If you are on a laptop, go to the iTunes store & download a Flash browser like Puffin…The free photo editor works on Flash, so you need a Flash browser app to edit your photos there from an iPad…
****Also: The Camera+ App for iPhone has Macro, automatic flash, & Stabilizer- to take better pictures with your iPhone…I usually use my Sony Dsc-T100 point & shoot digital camera set to Macro, Flash on, close up but not so close the flash ruins the picture 3 inches away about…But I have successfully taken photos with an iPad & an iPhone- take your time, good light, close up don’t try to get the whole body part, just the place where there is trouble…If there is no lump, you can still see what is happening systemically- very useful for Cancer prevention…You can also take pictures inside your mouth- teeth have problems years before tumours appear- check your mouth now!
*****If you only have an iPhone…Download the Puffin App from the iTunes store…Or any other Flash Browser app you like there…Then when you go to it will work…When you have to move the Hue & Saturation sliders, switch to Fullscreen so the page doesn’t move…It is doable…Then exit fullscreen to get the Heat Map & Color Rotate functions…You have to click the More button at the top far right to see them…If your iPhone camera picture is mediocre, download the Camera+ App too…Take your picture with Macro, Stabilizer, ( not necessarily flash on because it may be too close & ruin the colours)…You can enhance that picture in the Edit mode if you want it even better before you upload to Fotoflexer…(( clarity, sharpen, saturation etc)…
How to do it…(Basic Instructions, again!!!)
Take a picture with your camera set to Macro Flash on about 4 inches away(with iPhone camera set to HDR on, iPad cameras & even pretty crummy cameras WILL work!)…
Too close & the flash will be too strong(so get close, then back off so the Flash doesn’t ruin the picture-4-5 inches-take a few shots at different distances)…
Upload to…
In Basics adjust Hue(all the way to the left, the slider) & Saturation( move this slider all the way to the right)…
In Effects choose Heat Map…Then choose Color Rotate…
*(after editing in Fotoflexer)Bonus: If you really want to see if there is Phosphorus (malignancy) present, here is an extra step you can take to make sure…Not hard to do…Go to the free photo editor called BeFunky at…Upload the ALREADY edited picture you edited already in Fotoflexer…The third icon at the far left of the page once you upload is the EDIT button…When you CLICK that button, a bunch of choices come up…The first one to choose is COLOR…When you select that you will see Hue slider, Saturation slider & Temperature slider…MOVE the SATURATION slider all the way to the RIGHT…Click on the checkmark to save that choice…Last step-Choose SHARPEN…Move that SLIDER all the way to the right too! Click the checkmark to save…At the top of the page you can SAVE your picture…The Dark Green spots of Phosphorus will be much more apparent now…
Other editing ideas(non-essential to know/optional):If you want to see just the Phosphorus parts up close( Phosphorus indicates malignancy so it is an important marker, if not the most important) I have a way to see it better…AFTER doing the regular Fotoflexer edit, that that finished edited picture, & save it to your iPhone( sorry this is the way I have done it so far- will try to figure out the online way soon…) ok…Import the photo into the Camera+ app for iPhone…Choose Edit…In the LAB pro functions…Choose Clarity pro & slide both sliders all the way to the right…Sharpen all the way…Saturation all the way…In Brightness & Contrast- Only slide the Contrast slider all the way to the right…Ok, Done & Save your picture…The dark green spots of Phosphorus will be much easier to see & track…( will add when I find another way to do this)…
Apologies:My brother is at times a bit dyslexic, & when I am around him, sometimes it rubs off…I have reversed Sulphur & Sugar on my Grove Body Part Chart previously, & more recently, discovered a reversal of Aluminum & Iron in my images here…I am so sorry…I do correct mistakes as I find them, but am aware that I may have screwed up your protocols a bit…Please inform me when things are reversed-I am re-editing all 9 manuscripts on Amazon this Christmas season, so this is the time to write to me to tell me new things I may have missed… or find me on Facebook! Sari Grove p.s. Seasons greetings by the way…If you need help with anything, write…(For those who have been treating themselves for high Iron instead of high Aluminum, rest assured you have not screwed yourself up…Manganese is just a little lighter than Titanium as a medicine, so you just may have under-dosed a bit…Not a fatal mistake, promise!)
Here is an example of a man who went to a strip club to see what it was like…These are two edits of the same photograph…The first is in Fotoflexer, which looks for size & chemistry changes…The second is in LunaPic which looks for (purple) malignancy(foreign creatures)…
This is the same photo, taken of the man, close up of his face…The green area central in the Fotoflexer picture is what the man thought was a “pimple”, which had not healed…The photo shows that much more than a pimple occurred after being exposed to the filthy air in the strip club atmosphere, where lap dances are common…The first photo should be all light green if the man had not gone into the strip club at all…This is an example of the type of chemistry your facial skin is exposed to in these adult entertainment clubs…
The Lunapic photo looks for malignancy, or foreign bodies or creatures…They show up as purple…One can see just the beginnings of purple at the bottom edge where the pink ends…So there has been exposure to dangerous foreign parasites…However, for the time being, one would say that the man is relatively cancer free…For now…Let’s hope these pictures serve as a warning…Brothels, strip clubs, lap dance parlours, adult entertainment clubs, are rife with disgusting people, odours, drugs, & sexually transmitted diseases…For the amount of money people spend in these places, one should be able to sue for health violations…
Video shows how to do DIY Diagnostic Imaging in Lunapic to check for malignancy…photo in video taken with iphone 5s camera…
The purple Phosphorus indicates malignancy
After you try the How to see a lump or anything else, like what is going on under your skin systematically, instructions…You may want to take a closer look to see if there is any Phosphorus present…
Phosphorus indicates malignancy…(Use Coppers like licorice root extract, Spirulina, green tea, Cilantro, Yerba Mate, Copper, Plant caffeines, coffee, tea, chromium, St. John’s wort, wheatgrass, barley grass, to clear that up…
So…if you want to do the intense checking yourself…Here is how to do ONLY that…
picture shows breast cancer metastasis to brain, edited from CT scan, purple areas indicate malignancy (Phosphorus)…
This is just to see Phosphorus only…nothing else…
Using LunaPic
These are the new instructions for that…(for people who don’t have the iPhoto program…but also, it seems to see it better than iPhoto a bit actually)…
Go to & Browse for your picture
In ADJUST, Adaptive equalize, then Sharpen(all the way to right), then Color Saturation(slider all the way to 100), then Contrast(5 times /click + sign 5 times)…don’t forget to hit Apply on each one! (Note:You have to do step 5 & 6, before you can do steps 7 & 8)…
In FILTERS choose Thermal Effect, then HDR Lighting(steps 5 & 6)
In Adjust, Adjust light levels, slide all 3 sliders to the LEFT then Apply! (Step 7)
SWAP all 3 colour choices in Adjust Colors(In ADJUST)…then APPLY (Step 8)
Last step! In ADJUST choose NORMALIZE…Purple indicates presence of Phosphorus Malignancy…
Ok, here goes…It is not hard, just step by step slow…(wait till each page loads before going to next step…) ****In
Follow these steps…
Browse, Upload
Browse(for picture), Upload…
In Adjust: click adaptive equalize, apply
Adaptive Equalize, Apply(in ADJUST)
click sharpen, slider all the way to right(100%), apply click color saturation, slider all the way to right, apply contrast-5x (click this 5 times slowly, wait in between for it to fully load), apply IN Filters: thermal effect, apply HDR lighting, apply back In Adjust: adjust light levels—contrast slider to left,
highlights slider to left, shadows sliders to left
(all down(to left)), apply adjust colors: click the swap red green button click swap green blue button click swap blue red button,apply Normalize, apply,
this lump is pretty much all clear of purple
DONE! (in this edit in Lunapic you are looking for purple Phosphorus only…Any purple is Phosphorus, malignancy…(Treat with Coppers like licorice root tincture/extract)
Video notes for video below:This person has been eating alot of yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, products & that is showing up temporarily as purple Phosphorus…True malignancy purple has an organic irregular cell shaped creature ant look to it…(Salmonella Typhi bacteria are what we are looking for when we say malignancy…They have a Phosphorus visual signature because that is their favorite food…)
Also note:Before your period your natural body Phosphorus levels rise-don’t freak out…Try to take your pictures after your period when things look better so you don’t scare yourself!
Malignant Purple looks like creatures
In the Video, go to Settings(its a little circle in the bottom right hand corner of the video frame, & TURN ON ANNOTATIONS…I have written some messages on the video that are important…)
(If you edit a regular Thermogram picture that you already have, in Lunapic for malignancy, just SKIP the THERMAL effect step-that has already been done…Also SKIP the ADJUST light levels…)
Reminder:Salmonella typhi bacteria show up as Phosphorus purple but they also like to eat Phosphorus purple…In your check for malignancy picture, the salmonella typhi bacteria will look odd shaped, organic, alive, like ants-they will be irregular…Phosphorus that you have just eaten will show up as flat purple, regular, abstract, not alive looking, no cells, in a constrained area…Lowering your overall Phosphorus levels gets rid of salmonella typhi bacteria, malignancy, but don’t freak out if you eat cottage cheese one day or yogurt & your Phosphorus levels show as being really alot…This is probably only temporary…Wait a day, two days, three days, & take another picture…try not to scare yourself…
Differentiating Malignancy from Cottage cheese, yoghurt, kefir, or natural body Phosphorus visual signatures…
Inflammatory Breast Cancer-Purple at far left(arrow) is irregular, notice”wormy” texture on chest, some purple tones there too…
Lunapic edit (still from first video of this post)this person has been drinking soy milk, cow milk, eating cheese, & taking Chaste tree, wild yams, & soy isoflavones
same picture in fotoflexer edit
Question: How much licorice root did you take?
I didn’t have a system…
For how much I would take…
I just took pictures every day, to see if the Phosphorus was gone…
I dosed according to how I felt, how it made me feel, how much money I wanted to spend that week, how afraid I was…
If you can keep track of it once in a while in pictures, it will help you to know how you are doing…
What I did find was that when you order a mega-bottle of extract, you get way too much alcohol & not a whole lot of extract…
My husband says that is normal-they get sloppy & sell you dilute stuff…
So I went back to the small bottles…
Also layered in tea, capsules, the herb simmered on stove then drink liquid, also just swallowed herb raw…
I was trying to make it all cheaper…
Possibly I should not have done that…
The cheaper you spend maybe the less strong it is…
The extract really made me feel the burn…
I did get that feeling from the other stuff but not as much…
There are other things in the same category (Copper) that give you a buzz too…
Gingko biloba, copper supplements, spirulina, chlorella, coffee, tea, matcha, chromium, boron, yerba mate, plant caffeines, really anything caffeinated(energy drinks), st. john’s wort…cocaine(no I did not do this, but it is a copper, as is crack cocaine), gotu kola, kola nut, um…I am probably repeating myself, I forget sometimes how many times I have said the same thing…
I stuck what we did into a short Kindle book for the time being…It probably needs to be edited, but I put it up fast(literally stuck it together on my iphone from blog posts)…Just in case people need this now…
With the Saint Francis Licorice root extract I took 4 dropperfuls a day to start…
I basically gulped the whole bottle in 3 days…
Hence me trying to find a cheaper way…
I think ideally, people might just stick with that if they can…
I like your 3 times a day idea…
That would be faster…
I took some sort of licorice root for a year…(9 capsules of licorice root daily)
After a year, I started to overdose…
You get a panicky emotion if you overdose…
That is when you know you are overdosing…
If it gets really bad you have to actually ADD back a Phosphorus, like Kefir(liquid yogurt)…It is dangerous to do that, but the panic emotion is tough…It is fun to drink Kefir though after a year of no dairy allowed!
see the purple in the top right hand corner?
same subject but this edited in fotoflexer the green spots at top right
Note:Malignancy, Phosphorus, Salmonella Typhi bacterium, & Yogurt or other Phosphorus foods, will all show up as purple(In the Lunapic edit)…It is definitely a sign that your Phosophorus levels are too high, but don’t freak out-it may just be excessive yogurt eating…Until we make this process even more specific, please be aware that it is not perfect…Sorry…This takes time to figure out & we need the right people & the right picture to be able to discern things…
How to differentiate between an active malignancy or just temporary presence of Phosphorus due to eating cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, Kefir, milk, soy, tofu or other Phosphorus items…
First of all- if you have not eaten any Phosphorus containing foods or supplements(probiotics, 5HTP tryptophan, valerian root, GABA, Kav Kava, may all show up as Phosphorus), & your picture shows purple, then your purple is probably indicating malignancy…
If you have been eating any Phosphorus foods or supplements, then the purple in your picture may be temporary food Phosphorus…Stop eating those foods or supplements for 3 days then take another picture…If the purple clears up, it was nothing to worry about…
photo in video taken with camera+ app from itunes store with lens reversed, macro, stabilizer, flash on…