My mother in law has syringomyelia which seems to be related to a polio outbreak where she grew up in Winnipeg…My study of what could help ended up with Melatonin…Nightly…Not just to mask symptoms but to replace a key missing element…
Chiari & Syringomyelia are related to ALS…
There are several studies showing high dose melatonin to be beneficial to ALS longevity(& so by proxy, Chiari & Syringomyelia)…
Here is one
On the Grove brain Body Part Chart, syringomyelia is in the Colon & is an excess of Fluorine…Its PLUS element then is BISMUTH…Melatonin is just a much stronger version of Bismuth, similar family but stronger…Which is why I feel melatonin can be so useful to syringomyelia, Ciari, ALS, & other Polio-like problems, as well as epilepsy & seizure disorders, which are also in the same category…
For Crohn’s disease:
Start taking activated charcoal right away…Capsules or powder in water, get that into your system…Crohn’s is a fluorine excess…Bismuth(charcoal) is its opposite…It doesn’t just stop the constant poohing, it replaces a nutrient that you need…It is a cheap & easy thing to do that can be powerful if you do it every day…On a stronger level, Melatonin is also in the Bismuth family on the periodic table of elements…It is the same principle as Bismuth, just much stronger…It not only helps your symptoms, but it rebuilds your pineal gland which is missing nutrients…Melatonin works very well & will also give you the restful deep sleep you are not getting…Those two things alone could bring you a lifetime of relief if taken faithfully…You will need more than the recommended dosage of each when you are loading them at the beginning…Last, & this is for later-Indium is quite strong & is also in that same family…Harder to source…Indium drops…Or Indium supplements…That is something you can look into…I saw some Indium supplements on Amazon…Also you need to avoid all fluorine…In toothpaste, water anything that might have fluorine in it avoid…Fluorine is your problem…Tetanus shots have fluorine…Large bodies of water have natural fluorine…Fluorine makes you pooh, makes you an insomniac, can lead to seizures…Ok…That is the most specific for Crohns…There are other things you can do, but those are the targeted things…