From Sari Grove:I comment in Facebook groups, sometimes my own (DIY Cancer repair Manual) & sometimes in other people’s groups…often the ideas are good enough to turn into a blog post…If I do this, I try to remove any personal references to other people…If you see initials, that is somebody’s name I have abbreviated…That is how clinical trials do that, & other medical literature…But if you don’t like it, please tell me & I will remove those too!
Sorry I have been slack…
N. D. mentioned something important about taking Iodine & instead of supplying the correct information, I whined about kelp & seaweed & madagascar periwinkle & vinpocetine not being on the official lists…(see I am still whining)!
This blog I linked to mentions the cofactors that others have decided are necessary to take while taking Iodines…
Truth is that on the Grove Body Part Chart, I recommend each Minus element anyways, so you are covered if you were just doing that already…For those who have ignored my chart(awful bad people!), make sure to take cofactors mentioned in the blog link…(or go back to my chart & fill in the blanks of what you are missing!)…
The VERY IMPORTANT thing I want everybody to take with Iodine is actually BORON…
a Boron supplement isn’t usually expensive…
Take too much of that…(Too much means more than they say, but less than what makes you feel weird or sick or some other symptom-your body will mention if you take too much)…
Why? because many many many tumours have been caused by contraceptive drugs, even in men! Contraceptive drugs are mainly calcium (progesterone), which Iodine removes…
However there is an extra ligand to make the drug bind…It is a Molybdenum family ligand…
You remove Molybdenum with Boron…
If you are taking Iodine, that means you have excess Calcium…Which means that most likely you have the extra Molybdenum ligand too…Take the Boron…It can mean the difference between shrinking that tumour or not…The Molybdenum acts like a shell, so the Iodine won’t penetrate without it…
Thanks M.M.J. for cheerleading…I come back to things when I get a hurrah! Thanks Nicole for dealing with my grouchy answer…
I am usually too nice but once in a while I get gruff…promise this will get better as I finally clear up all the monster I discovered to my surprise last fall…(I will post about my theory soon!)
Note: The (recommended) Companion Nutrients are(not by me by someone else):
“Selenium (see note below) – 200 – 400 mcg per day Magnesium – 400 – 1200 mg per day Vitamin C – 3,000 – 10,000 mg per day Vitamins B2/B3 (ATP CoFactors) – 100 mg riboflavin and 500 mg no flush niacin, inositol hexanicotinate form, 1-2x per day Unrefined Salt (Celtic) – 1/2 tsp. or more per day” (from the stop the thyroid madness blog…linked at top of this post)…
Comment: I have circled on the chart, which family those companion nutrients to iodine are… Salt is in the Mercury family which feeds the Gallbladder(builds cartilage/joints)… Vitamin C, Niacin B3, are Zinc family which cleans the Thyroid… Riboflavin is a Plus element in the Aluminum (cholesterol) family…B2
By the way: Though the Companion Nutrients idea (created by Lynne Farrow) is recommended, personally I would be very careful about B2 riboflavin & the sea salt…
Both of those are Plus elements on the Grove Body Part Chart, I feel should only be used if you are overdoing the Iodine & need to backtrack a bit…
Ideally, I feel Only Minus elements should be used to DETOX…So if you are using any Plus elements, know why…