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In response to a question about Esophageal Cancer:

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

In response to a question about esophageal cancer:

Here’s a blog post I wrote a while ago just with some basic ideas for any kind of cancer…(just to cover some bases)…/

I have some knowledge of tongue cancer, tonsil cancer, & a man who is friend’s with my mother has esophageal cancer right now…He is being treated with neo-adjuvant chemo & radiation to try to address it prior to any surgical decisions…

All 3 had in common the HPV virus, which responds in particular to Gallbladder cleansing type protocols including oral Epsom salts(get from the pharmacist) & other magnesium sources…

(Exercise also boosts magnesium naturally, so make that your daily job!)…Cruciferous vegetables need to become your best friend(cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, bok choy)…Typically the chemo is cisplatin & fluorouracil-which respectively, lower your blood sugar & fluorouracil is a fluorine drug that cleans out the colon…

So, to mimic those 2 holistically would be raw garlic, cayenne pepper, sriarcha sauce, lysine pills, garlic pills, MSM-which all lower blood sugar…

For Fluorine family, parsley is high in fluorine, but also, this would be a place where the anti-fluoride people need to be ignored…Fluorine is your friend here…(at one point in history it was a miracle-people have forgotten its ability to kill bacteria, & remove soot, bismuth, exhaust, charcoal from the body…)

Anyways…You want to be gargling with your friend fluorine…Functional medicine would say:”What caused this to happen?”

So go through the list: acid reflux?, tobacco? alcohol?obesity? diet? predispositions? workplace fumes? injury? HPV? Once you figure out what caused it, you obviously want to remove that cause, but also that will give you clues as to how to treat it…

Last for now, but feel free to message me further lest we hijack this post, I have some DIY editing methods that look under the skin…

if you could take a picture close up of where the problem is, we might be able to see under the skin at what is happening biochemically, which would help you to know what holistic treatments will work…p.s. I type this as I sit under a infrared bulb(150 watt with 150 watt light fixture) I got from Petsmart’s lizard reptile section…

Rubylux has 250 watt infrared bulbs that will go in any fixture…get one for while you are on the computer or wherever…

Wonderful lovely thing…The infrared will feel nice especially if you point it at your throat area…!


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